Achaemenid Empire Essay

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The Achaemenid Empire extended all the way from Egypt to western Asia and from the Northern India to Central Asia. The empires formation began around 550 B.C. and that dominated most of eastern Anatolia and Iran, it was overthrown by a southern ruler, Cyrus II the king of Persia. This began an upset to a balance to the power in the Near East. In western Anatolia there were people called the Lydians that were under the reign of King Croesus used the advantage that the downfall of Media gave them in order to push east who then clashed with Persian forces. A lot of our understanding of Persian history is completely dependent on the fact that contemporary Greek and classical writers, their main point is the relations between the Greek states and, …show more content…
The Achaemenids developed a new policy that regarded the Greek powers that involved dividing them up and after that they were able to strengthen their grip on Asia Minor, and once again the Greek towns were subdued. There was a revolution in the economy that placed everything on a silver and gold economy. They relied on trade that was highly extensive, and the Achaemenids made sure that there was an infrastructure that could facilitate an exchange of the commodities that has vast reaches across the empire. The direct result that the activity of trade brought are, there are persian words for items of trade that became known through the Middle East and that entered the English language eventually some of these examples are shawl, bazaar, asparagus, and many others. “One of the main sources of the empire's revenue was trade, along with agriculture and tribute.”(Achaemenid Empire). The architecture that Persepolis reflected was Darius's own perception as the leader that masses of people whom he given a new identity. “Achaemenid architecture and art that was found consists of one distinctive and eclectic.”(Achaemenian Dynasty.) The Achaemenids art form and cultural traditions combined in a single form that would later influence other civilizations. “This was the Achaemenid artistic style that is evident in the icons of

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