Gene is like Todd in that they were both shy in the beginning, but by the end, they break out of their shell. They both come out of their shell because of the people they hang around. Finny broke Gene out of his shell by making Gene do all kinds of adventurous things. In Dead Poet’s Society Neal broke Todd out of his shell by including him in the things the boys were doing. Mr. Keating also helps Todd by making him speak in front of the class. When both Neal and Finny died, Todd and Gene rose to the plate and lived life more.
Next are the differences in A Separate Peace and Dead Poets Society. The first difference is there are fewer adult figures in A Separate Peace than the Dead Poet’s Society. In the movie, the adults were a major part of the story. Mr. Keating was a very important adult in the movie. He inspired all the boys and gave them advice to their life problems. However, in the book the story was mostly based on students. It was all about Gene and Finny's relationship. In the book, the students were trying to solve their own problems and look up to each