When she claimed, she was angry with her mother and even at the people treating her mother poorly due to her strong accent which made it hard for them to understand her. At first she was ashamed of the English her mother spoke. I kind of agree with it but I kind of don't agree with it also. The reason I agree with it is that sometimes it can be embarrassing for a child do have to deal with that all the time. I also disagree with it because her mother can't help how she speaks because her accent is so strong and English is a hard language to learn if it is not your first language.
Due to her mother’s deep accent she had to pretend to be her mother over the phone several times with many different people. …show more content…
On a daily basis, I deal with the language barriers at work and I sometimes have to ask for help. At work, I have issues sometimes with the heavy accents and I sometimes have to ask for help or for them to repeat themselves. With each key point I chose you can find numerous ways to relate to them. With the first one everyone at some point in their life has had a language difficulty with someone and needed help or for them to repeat themselves. With the second, it can be so overwhelming answering the phone and pretending to try and be someone else depending on what age you are in life. Lastly with the third in the end of everything you learn to be grateful for everything in life and try harder next time to try and not ask for help and see if you can figure it out on your