She spoke excellent English, but her mother did not. When her mother would speak in the English language, Tan would be ashamed of her mother’s strong accent. She was ashamed of her mother’s tongue because her English language was broken as Tan described it, bringing attention to herself. She did not like speaking to customer service to interpret for her mother all the time. Tan wanted her own independence from her family, and having to speak for her mother made her feel like her mother was weighing her down. When her mother had a CAT scan done to see if she had a brain tumor Tan felt ashamed with herself for being ashamed of her mother’s tongue. When her mother went to the hospital to get the results of the CAT scan the doctors would not give her the results and said they could not find them. After hearing this Tan called the hospital and in her perfect English asked for the results, the differences in how she was treated versus her mother experience was shocking. The doctors found the results quickly, then gave them to her mother. After this event in Tan’s life, she was no longer ashamed of her mother’s tongue. She loved her mother and wanted nothing more than for her to be proud of her and their
She spoke excellent English, but her mother did not. When her mother would speak in the English language, Tan would be ashamed of her mother’s strong accent. She was ashamed of her mother’s tongue because her English language was broken as Tan described it, bringing attention to herself. She did not like speaking to customer service to interpret for her mother all the time. Tan wanted her own independence from her family, and having to speak for her mother made her feel like her mother was weighing her down. When her mother had a CAT scan done to see if she had a brain tumor Tan felt ashamed with herself for being ashamed of her mother’s tongue. When her mother went to the hospital to get the results of the CAT scan the doctors would not give her the results and said they could not find them. After hearing this Tan called the hospital and in her perfect English asked for the results, the differences in how she was treated versus her mother experience was shocking. The doctors found the results quickly, then gave them to her mother. After this event in Tan’s life, she was no longer ashamed of her mother’s tongue. She loved her mother and wanted nothing more than for her to be proud of her and their