We often avoid taking risks in life because it is easier and more comfortable to play it safe. Always taking the proven route will mean there is less chance of failure or embarrassment, but it also often means missing out on opportunities. However, being a risk taker doesn’t mean you have to constantly put everything on the line or put your life in danger. In most cases risk only means uncertainty and not danger. It also involves taking the option that doesn’t guarantee success, but offer greater rewards.
Often when we think back about the best experiences we had in life there were also an element of risk involved. Living on your own for the first time, buying your first car, or even falling in …show more content…
Taking risks often also involves learning new skills, which is something you might not have been compelled to do without the drive to succeed.
3. It Is Helpful For Overcoming A Fear of Failure
Fear of failure is one of the things that holds people back the most from taking risks. This also often means losing out on the subsequent rewards. Taking more risks could potentially lead to experiencing more failures, but it will also teach you that it is not necessarily the opposite of success. Discovering that failure can lead you to success and not away from it you will soon be able to overcome this fear and focus on what you gain from the experience.
4. It Often Means You’ll Have Fewer Regrets
With every risk you take there is obviously a chance for failure, but not even trying can sometimes be even worse. Anyone who has ever passed up a big opportunity because it seemed too risky will know the lingering feeling of regret experienced afterwards. One of the most common regrets that people have at the end of their lives is not stepping out of their comfort zones, taking a few risks and experiencing everything life has to offer. Not all risks have favorable outcomes, but not taking them means you will never know what could have been. Sometimes not even trying has the same outcome as failing, so why not take the …show more content…
There is a difference between being a risk taker and simply being reckless or careless. It is still important to compare the pros and cons of whatever risk you are facing and then decide if it is worth it. If you are risk-averse there is no reasons to jump in and immediately take life changing risks either. Instead, start small and work yourself up to the bigger stuff.
Also bear in mind that sometimes not taking a risk can be just as risky. If you are feeling uncertain, make a list of all the best possible outcomes of taking a risk as well as what the worst case scenarios are and then compare the two. This will allow you to gain a better perspective of things as fear can often distort our thinking. Instead of fearing risks, let them motivate you. There will always be excused for not doing something, so don’t use these as a justification for not trying. Look at the opportunities and experience that they offer instead of only focusing on the chance of