In 1787, the Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia. The task? Create a new form of government with both strong state and federal systems. The document created, The U.S. Constitution, would become the benchmark for democracy and freedom.
Articles of Confederation
The Articles of Confederation were used from 1781-1787 as the first real form of government for the United States. During the post-American Revolution era, the U.S. needed a set of rules to accompany the birth of the new nation. Unfortunately, as time would show, the Articles would prove to be a weak form of governing.
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The New Jersey Plan
The smaller states were concerned that the larger, more populated, states would have dominion …show more content…
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The Virginia Plan
The larger states also came up with a plan of their own. Under the Virginia Plan, a bicameral (two house) Congress would form based on the population of each state. The larger the state, the more votes that state would receive in government.
The executive (president) would be elected by Congress - and be only one person. The judicial (courts) branch would serve a life tenure.
Under the Virginia Plan the legislative (Congress) branch would have the power to override the state governments if the decision was in the best interests of the nation as a whole.
Ratification of the Constitution would be done by the vote of the people of the nation - not the states.
The Great Compromise
The actual United States Constitution finally came about due to the Great Compromise.
Under the compromise, both large and small states would have a voice. Congress would consist of two houses (bicameral). The House of Representatives would be chosen based on the total population of each state (serving larger states) whereas the Senate would consist of two equal votes for each state (serving the smaller