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119 Cards in this Set

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What is the dark triad made of




All normal personality attributes

Can include all 3, 1 or 2 of these

The dark triad is defined as a set of traits that include

The tendency to seek admiration and special treatment (narcissism)

To be callous and insensitive to others (psychopathy)

To manipulate others (machiavelliansism)

-goal directed

How does Jonasan and Webster define the dark triad

As a short term, agentic, exploitative social strategy

-short term gains, instrumental, exploitative

Means that people who show these qualities act against others in order to achieve their own ends

Each of the qualities alone can make life difficult for those who know, interact or work with such people

Pattern of behavior (undesirable actions) that people who score high on each of the measures of the dark triad show

Seek out multiple causal sex partners

When someone gets in their way they act aggressively to take what they want

Show an unstable self concept (self esteem is neither higher or lower than others)

Males score higher than females particularly on Psychopathy and Machiavelliansim scales

Jonason and Websters dirty dozen scale

Quick measure of the dark triad

Average score is about 36 with a range of 33-39

Max is 84

Scores higher than 45 would be considered high score on one or all three traits

Rothmann and Kolar study with non-university sample

(What does it mean to have the dark triad?)

Adults felt that machiavellians and psychopaths harm other people where narcissists only harm themselves

-Can actually both harm others and self harm for all 3

High scores on narcissism

Are charming, physically attractive, and achievement oriented

Over time their self centered and ego centric behavior leads people to like them less and less and externally avoid contact

Machiavellianism stemmed form what

Christie and Geis who created the personality dimension based on Neco Machivelli's 17th century work called The Prince (1600s)

Written for the 16th- early 17th rules of Venice Italy (meditchie family)

Created statements that included these sentiments into a measure of normal personality

Demonstrated that high Machs differed reliably and consistently from low Machs on the Machiavelliansim scale

What does the Price state

The attributes of a successful leader

What should a good leader do to not fall from power

-manipulation of anyone or anything by any means that would directly or indirectly lead to the attainment of the leaders goals or objectives is good

Hard headed

Extremely focused

Do whatever it takes

Hi Machs would endorse items such as

They best way to handle people is to tell them what they want to hear

Anyone who completely trusts anyone else is asking for trouble

It is wise to flatter important people

High machs in laboratory studies

Often behaved in a cold and manipulative fashion often besting low Machs in games of chance, bidding games or studies requireing negotiation

(Low Machs are snowflakes and high Machs stomp on them)

Where did Narcissism stem from

From Raskin and Halls

-the construct of subclinical or "normal" narcissism

They attempted to delineate a subclinical version of narcissism defined by the DSM IV

The migration from clinical to subclinical construct is well supported by a strong research literature

What are the facets of clinical syndrome narcissism retained by Raskin and Hall

Feelings of grandiosity

-I'm the best

Feelings of entitlement

-what I should get I will

Perceptions of dominance and superiority

The emergence of psychopathy

Narcissism and Machiavelliansim initially comprised the devilish duo, the addition of psychopathy was relatively recent

-because we didn't have a good measure of psychopathy, could use Eysenck

Lilienfield and Andrew's view and creation of PPI

Argued that there are elements of psycjopathy that fall within the normal or subclinical rage

-same idea raised by Eysenck in his psychopathy (P) scale

Developed the Psychopathic Personality Inventory (PPI) to asses psychopathy in non clinical populations


Consists of factor analytic derived subscales

-set of homogeneous scales that measure the various components of psychapthy

Men scoring higher on all subscales than females

High scorers on the PPI scored higher on psychopathy as measured by self report, observer ratings and family history data

-good convergent validity

-long scale

Central characteristics of normal psychopathy

High levels of impulsiviety

Thrill seeking

(Also characteristics of high sensation seekers)

Low levels if empathy

Low levels of anxiety

-Is a correlation between psychopathy and sensation seeking

-These people arnt stupid they are empty with no empathy

Little to no anxiety when somthing will go wrong or happen to them

-the more it pushes the moral bounds the more exciting, fun is in the stealing not getting the object

Self report psychopathy scale

Consists of 26 items each scored in a 5 point agree disagree dimension

Good reliability and validity

Items are pure psychopathy

Short Dark Triad scale (SD3)

Jones and Paulhus

A brief measure of dark personality traits

15 items

Only 2 reverse scored items so wonder if people are agreeing with wording or content

Sub scale correlations for SD3

Machiavelliansim and Narissism (.23)

Machiavelliansim and Psychopathy (.37)

Narcissism and Psychopathy (.20)

Relatively low (3 independent concepts), others measures show high correlations suggesting there may be 1 correlation than 3.

In normal populations there is now good evidence for the empirical overlap of all 3 constructs (in clinical links have been noted for some time through Hart and Hare study)

Dark Triad share a number of features

-is it 3 independent components or one component (Toxic personality) and 3 subfacets

All 3 imply a socially malevolent character structure (toxic personality) with behavior tendencies towards

-shameless self promotion

-emotional coldness

-duplicity (deception, double dealing)

-interpersonaly aggressive (verbally)

Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI)

-40 paired statements of negative and positive aspects

-impsative scoring (A or B)

-forced choice

Shouldn't use

Why are psychopaths impulsive, thrill seeking and don't feel guilt

Low levels of epinephrine

-when injected with Epinephrine or edrenaine they respond normally

-do thrill seeking acitvites to rise Epinephrine levels and then falls again after

Paulhus and Williams study

Asked participants to complete measured assessing the Triad, Big 5 and cogntvite abilitiy

Wanted to examine the equivalency of the dark triad constructs and their relationship to the big 5 and measures of cogntive ability

The 3 measures of the dark triad were significantly interrelated

-given the size of the correlations the constructs cannot be considered equivalent

Correlations between the big 5 and the terrible 3

Extraversion is related to Narcissism and Psychopathy

Agreeablness is negatively correlated to all 3 (they are not aggreable at all)

Conscientious is negatively related Machiavelliansim and Psychopathy

-lazy and want others to do things for them

Neuroticism is negatively correlated to Psychopathy (cool, calm, collective)

Openness is related to narcissism and Psychopathy

What is unmitigated agency

The correlation between narcissism and Psychopathy with exterversion and openness

People who score high on neuroticism and Psychopathy show unrealistically postive self perceptions on traits such as dominance, fearlessness, emotional stability, intellect, and creativity

Correlations between dark triad and measures of cogntive ability

No significant correlations

But narcissists are more likely than psychopaths and machiavellians to overestimate their level of intelligence

Paulhus and Williams study conclusions

The dark triad constructs are relatively distant

The only variable that joins them together is low levels of agreeablness

High scores on the dark triad traits are not nice people

Conclusions of non clinical samples

Amoung non clinical samples members of the dark triad share a common core of disagreeableness

-the root of their social destructiveness is disturbingly normal

Amoung psychopaths, low level of anxiety, and low agreeablness makes them the most treacherous of the 3 even within the normal range of personality

What is narcissism

The tendency to harbor grandiose and inflated self views while devaluing others

Narcissists tend to show

Extreme vanity

Attention and admiration seeking

Feelings of superiority and authority

Sense of entitlement


Bragging and manipulation

More likely to get job promotion because they project a sence of power when interacting with supervisors

What is Machiavelliansim

Tendency to be




- pragmatic

-hold immoral beliefs

-detached affect


-pursuit of self beneficial and agentic goals

-manipulation tactics

What is psychopathy

The tendency to engage in impulsive thrill seeking behaviors, cold and uncaring emotional reactions, manipulation, and anti social behaviors

What are the 2 components of psychapthy

A primary emotional component

-affective shallowness, lack of empathy, superficial charm and manipulation)

A secondary behavioral component

-social deviance, poor socialization, impulsiviety, irresponsibility, aggression, sensation seeking and delinquency

Lee and Ashton study of dark triad

Replicated Paulus and Williams study bust used HEXACO model rather than Big five

Replicated earlier findings

Also reported negative correlations between honesty-humility dimension and each component

-negative correlations were found for all 4 facets of honesty- humility scale

Correlations between honesty-humility and dark triad

Psychopathy -0.72

Machiavelliansim -0.57

Narcissism -0.53

Schreiber and Marcus did a meta analysis on the relationship between the big 5, dark triad, and the HEXACO model

What where there conclusions

No common general factors underlines the FFM, DT and HEXACO model

There are common elements among DT traits that constitute a high order factor D

There are negative weighted cross loadings from D onto agreeablness and conscientiousness

The low pole of HEXACO honesty- humility becomes an integral part of high order D

Low A, Low C and Low H/H

What did Vize, Collison and Lynam investigate

Possible core elements underlying measures of dark triad

Possibilities that were explored

-antagonism (vs agreeablness)

-honeslty- humility

-callousness and interpersonal manipulation

What did Vize, Collison and Lynam conclude

That agressablness, honestly-humility and self report psychopathy scale subscales of callous affect and interpersonal manipulation account for nearly all of the shared variance amoung the dark triad measures

Concluded that high scores on dark triad measures fall under the umbrella of antagonistic and disagreeable people

Vernon study of dark triad and genetics

Examined the genetic basis of the dark triad by administering to 75 pairs of MZ and 64 pairs of DZ twins the

-Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI)

-Mach-IV scale

-self report psychopathy scale


Investigated yhe differences in correlations between MZ and DZ twins

Also estimated the heritability and environmental coefficients for the dark triad variables

Conclusions of Vernon study

Correlations for MZ twins are larger than DZ twins (more genetic)

Genetic and NSE effects account fot most of the variance (except Machiavelliansim)

Shared environment for Machiavelliansim was significant at .39 and heritability of .31

Most variance of big 5 is due to genetic and non shared environmental influence

Correlations between big 5 and dark triad were in the low to moderate range suggesting moderate levels of overlap between the two trait clusters


When meeting people we often form quick impressions of what they are like

Our first impression accuracy on any if the big 5 personality variables is relatively poor

There is a subset of observes who are relatively skilled or believe they are skilled at making accurate personality judgments of others

Dark Triad high scores and first impressions abilities

High dark triad scores are believed to be able to target their victims based on their enhanced ability to quickly evaluate personality and emotional triats of vulnerable others and then manipulate and exploit those who are less able to defend themselves

What are the exploitive strategies that are used by high triad scorers

Predator model

-easily spot the weak and vulnerable

Slick operator model

-be so charismatic and manipulative thar others are drawn to them

Shark feeding frenzy model

-simply exploit as many people as possible so that one or more victims will give them what they want

Research on these strategies are mixed

(Don't actually read people)

Some studies suggest that high scorers use social influence techniques (flattery) to exploit others or use their own abilities to manipulate others

-somewhat independently of the features of popential victims

-two variants of slick operator model

Other studies suggest that high scores play hardball to get what their way (feeding frenzy model)

They don't read others but structure the situation and present themselves to gain compliance

Research on these strategies are mixed

(Do read people)

Other studies suggest that high triad scorers do read potential victims and may use nonverbal cues to do so

Some studies suggest that high scores participatly psychopaths distinguish between dominant and submissive women using women's non verbal behavior or the way she walks (predator model)

Black, Woodworth and Porter study of evaluating people

Had participants complete meausres of the dark triad and either read about, listen to or watch and listen to a series of 5-6 vignettes in which a traget described themselves in several personality triats

Asked to rate the targets

-personality and emotional traits

-vulnerability to be exploited

-degree of vulnerability

-questions about cues participants used to determine the targets personality and emtional traits

Black, Woodworth and Porter study of evaluating people conclusions

Dark Triad scores were negatively correlated with the total number of cues used (-.20)

When inferring the targets personality and potential vulnerability high scorers used verbal cues and their own intuition (predator and slick operator)

Dark Triad and evaluating people overall conclusions

There was no relationship between triad scores and accuracy of perceptions of the targets personality or emotional state

Where significant relationships were found they were negative in direction

Indicate that although they explot others, dark personalities are not skilled at identifying the emotionally vulnerable nor are they accurate in reading others people's personalities

How do high dark triad scores then exploit people

They perceive everyone as being weak, emotionally and potentially vulnerable to be manipulated in some way

(High level of cynicism)

Shark feeding frenzy model

Dark personalities hold a negative halo about others or a negative other bias

Because high scores see others as weak and insecure they...

Feel superior to others

Expect that they can exploit them when necessary

Worry little about the consequences for those they so easily characterize and dismiss

How does the dark triad lead to exploitation

High scorers use activite manipulative strategies to exploit as many people as they can with the anticipation that some (but not all) can be exploited

-slick operator

At work they use both soft and hard threats to get promotions often forcing co workers to do their work or to cover for them

Psychosocial correlations of dark triad

Prevailing view that the Triad represents the malevolent side of human nature and is inherently maladaptive

Small effect sizes associated with narcissism, Machiavelliansim and negative life outcomes

Medium effect size associated with psychopathy and negative life outcomes

All three have significant associations better those triats and a diverse range of aggressive-delinquent behaviors

When shared variance amoung the three are removed psychopathy still associated with negative psychosocial outcomes, other two marginally accounted if at all

These aggressive-delinquent behaviors include

Erratic behavior

Sex related behaviors

Poor well being

Moral issues

Antisocial tactics

Sevi study of tinder use and high scores

High triad scorers showed greater motivation to use tinder for short term mating

-no significant relation with tinder use and motivation for long term mating

These associations are stronger for psychopathy

Psychopathy as the most dominate malevolent trait

Accounts for most of the variance in negative psychosocial outcomes

Narcissism and Machiavelliansim rarely make an independent contribution once the effects of psychopathy are controlled

Little evidence that the Triad traits are linked to postive or better psychosocial outcomes

What is the light triad

An emerging model of personality derived from psotive psychology that stresses a loving and beneficent orientation towards others

Measured by the 12 items light triad scale

The light triad scale includes


-branch of philosophy that follows the works of Immanuel Kant who Believed that rational beings have dignity and should be respected


-valuing the dignity and worth of each individual

Faith in humanity

-believing in the fundamental goodness of humans

What did Kaufman find about Light triad

Light triad scale predicted life satisfaction and a wide range of growth-oriented and self trandcendent outcomes above and beyond excisting measures of personality

Dark Triad was negatively associated with life satisfaction and growth oriented outcomes and showed stronger linkages to selfish, exploitative, aggressive and socially aversive outcomes

Light and dark triad correlations

Light triad scale and dark triad are negatively correlated (-0.48)

There are issues as to whether the LT us distinct from the big 5

Light triad and Big 5

LTS scores correlated with agreeablness (.79) and all its facets

Honestly-humility (0.48) and all its facets

Light triad and needs

Light triad scores predicted relatedness, competence, autonomy, intimacy needs

The correlation between need satisfaction and Light triad remained even after partialling out all the facets of agreeablness and honesty- humility

Light triad and love styles

Light triad scores are postivily correlated with different love styles

-romantic love

-friendship love

-agape (love for all)

Negatively related to game playing love (ludus)

Dark Triad is postivily related to ludus

What are the 3 psychological qualities that are essential features of people according to the social cogntvie theory

People reason and think in symbols

-use language to reason and think about their world

People can reason and think symbolically about the present, past and hypothetical future

-can think along a time dimension

This reasoning commonly involves self reflections on the present, past and future

What are the 4 structural concepts in the social cogntvie theory of personality

Goal expectations

-your personal goals

Self efficacy expectations

-competencies and skills

Outcome expectations

-expectations and beliefs

Self selected criteria

-behavioral standards

What are goals

Mental representations of the purpose for an action or a course of actions (why am I doing this)

Where do goals originate from

People's abilitity to envision a future and in so doing set specific courses of action into play motivating and guiding behavior toward the desired goal

(Component of desired self)

Desired end states of goals

Contribute to out capacity for self control

-goals help us go beyond momentary influences and organize our behavior over extended periods of time

Helps establish priorities

Subjective meaning

-Goals will different in their subjective meaning within and between people

Conscientiousness and goal pursuit and attainment

Conscientiousness is associated with a number of postive health outcomes

However it is a broad trait and broad traits are of limited value in identifying specific psychological processes underlying outcomes

-band width fidelity trade off

Facets of consciousntiousness and goal directed behavior

Facets of Conscientiousness has been shown to predict goal directed behaviora

Responsibility and orderliness predict preventative health behavior

Orderliness, industriousness and responsibility are associated with behaviors promoting long term physical health

Ludwig study of conscientiousness facets

Planfulness should also predict on going behaviora such as staying on a regular exercise program, a behavior that requires self control, future orientation and strategy setting

Found that students who wanted to improve their level of physical health and who scored high on Planfulness scale were more likely to regularly visit the gym, maintain workout schedual compared to low scorers

Competencies and skills

Difference between people reflect variations in the perceived and actual level of skills needed to execute a desired action

Competencies involve ways of how to think about life's problems and behavioral skills needed to meet those challenges

Self efficacy theory

Focuses on the issue of task competencies and the development of efficacy expectations

What type of expectations do people have

The nature of the perceived universe (what the world is like)

What can I expect in the future

What Is the likelihood of attaining my goals

2 types of expectations

Efficacy expectations

Outcome expectations


Individual difference in expectations, self efficacy and outcome expectations leads to individual differences in personality and behavior

Our expectations about the future are a primary determinat of our actions and emotions

People have expectations about a number of things like

How people are likely to behave now and in the future

Rewards or punishments that follow a behavior

Task specific efficacies and people's abilities to handle stresses and challenges in a variety of situations

People are not isolated actors, elements of self determination theory are also important such as autonomy and relatedness needs

Social cogntvie investigators

Study situationally specific expectations

Recognize that psychological health and well being is indicated by capacity to vary expectations and behavior from one situation to another

-another self competency and skill

Schematic representations

People create schematic representations that contain person specific ways of perceiving the world and reacting to others

Means that when forming expectancies people group situations in person specific and often idiosyncratic ways

Essence of personality lies in the different ways people

Percive situations

Develop expectations about future circumstances

Display distinct behavior patterns as a result of these deferring perceptions and expectations

Behavior is explained in terms of peoples expectations about possible outcomes in the environment

Evaluative standards

Personal standards are evaluative critiera about the outcomes of one's behavior, thoughts, feelings or emotions

Standards are important for motivation and performance because people often evaluate ongoing behavior in accordance with internalized personal standards

Outcome attributes are critical here

Evaluative standards often trigger emtional reactions, self evaluative reactions

2 ways people think about the world

Field dependent

-see the big picture rather than details

-dependent on visual cues and context

-learn best by immerse in everyday situations

Field independent

-rely on own physical sensations ans have selective attention to objects

- learn best in traditional classrooms

What is locus of control

Julian rotter

Peoples beliefs about the control of reinforcements and outcomes in their lives

Internal locus of control

Belive they have some control over what happens to them

-process information that may be useful to them later and retain more information than externals (knowing more is important step towards changing situation)

Postive outcomes in achievement, work, health and relationships

External locus of control

Believe that they have little control over what happens to them and believe that reinforcements or outcomes are due to chance, luck, unpredictable

Negative Gossiping is related to external (low self esteem)

It is not correct to say internal locus of control is better and external is a bad way of thinking

How do people develop internal and external locus of control expectations

Through their experiences in the world

-if people have been rewarded for their own actions they will come to believe that they can control what happens to them

-if their actions have not been rewarded they will think that they lack control and that events happen due to ectural causes

Locus of control affects performance and performance affects future locus of control beliefs

Measures of locus control

Internal external locus control scale

-29 pairs of statements in a forced choice format (one statement internal other is external)

-scores range 0 to 23

-high scores indicate a greater external locus of control and lower scores are more internal locus of control

Locus of control and achievement

Internals take more action including political action and achieving academic success by studying more, performing better in tests and better grades than externals

Internal are better at planning, working at long term goals, and establishing realistic goals

Internals Finished their university degree, delay gratification

Internals have higher income and more highly educated

Internals assume more responsibility for themselves and others

Locus control and work behavior

Internal workers

-greater satisfaction with pay, job commitment, intrinsic motivation, productivity, career success, worked more hours

-better career decision making skills

External workers

-greater job overload, work problems, stress, burnout, absenteeism, conflict between family and work

Locus control and physical/ psychological health

Belief that they can control what happens to them combined with a greater willingness to take action contributes to the overall better physical and mental health of people with internal locus of control

Internals tend to be more happy


-more vulnerable to anxiety, depression and are less able to cope with stressful life experiences

-greater risk of suicide

-those with chronic illnesses believe good health is in the hands of their doctors

Locus of control and handling stressful situations


-use more problem focused coping

-looking for possible solutions and taking concrete steps to make things better


-use more emtion focused coping

-relieving their feelings of anger, anxiety or sadness by talking with other for example

Locus of control and social behavior


-more likely to show independence and resistance to social influence

-take part in more acitvies and leadership roles

-more sensitivite to tge task demands of a situation


-more vulnerable to persuasion, social influence and conformity

-more sensitivite to the social demands of a situation

-talk more and look strangers more

Cultural differences in locus of control

Basic difference hold across cultures

Differences exist in the amount of control people belive they have

Individualistic cultures

-have more internal locus of control

Collectivist cultures

-more external locus of control

-believe that supernatural forces, fate and destiny determine outcomes

Illusion of control

People believe they have control even in situations where they do not

Individualistic cultures are very vulnerable

John Weisz two ways of taking control

Primary control

-attempt to make themselves feel better or less distressed by changing circumstances

-one must have an internal locus of control

Secondary control

-attempt to fit into, accommodate or accept a situation in ways that make themselves feel better or less distressed

-requires internal locus of control

(As we move from young adulthood into middle age we use primary control then show secondary control as we move into old age)

Learned helplessness

Is the opposite of having internal locus if control

Feelings of hepless in the present and hopless about the future

When we find ourselves in situations where they are exposed to aversive stimuli that thet cannot reduce or control we experience learned helplessness and come to believe that actions will be useless in future situations

What does helplessness lead to

Loss of motivation

Problem in thinking and learning (cogntvie)

Negative emotions such as sadness, depression and anger

Helplessness first causes anxiety then after continued exposure causes depression

Avoiding helplessness

Key to avoiding helplessness is not learning that a particular response is effective but learning that some response if effective

Flip side of helplessness is personal control

Internals are faster than externals to react

3 elements that mark learned helplessness

1) must be a noncontingency or disconnect between people's actions and outcomes

2)people must come to expect that their actions will also be ineffective in the future

3) people give up and act passively when they recognize that their actions are fruitless

Learned helplessness and brain structure

Associated with individual differences of cortical thickness in the supplementary motor area of the brain

Hopelessness model of depression

The belief that one lacks control combines with the belief that the helplessness will continue in the future

Causes person to lose hope, stop trying and feel sadness

People can feel helpless without feeling hopeless if they anticipate thar circumstances might be different in future

Explanatory style

People develop habitual ways of explaining both the bad and good things that happen to them in life

2 kinds of explanatory styles


-view negative events as their own fault (internal), likely to happen again (stable) and undeining other aspects of life (global)

-more likely to develop depression

-good events are external, won't happen again and specific to one aspect


-negative events as not their own fault (external) unlikely to happen again (unstable) and limited to one specific aspect of their lives (specific)

-bounce back fast and less likely to have depression

-good events internal, will happen again, makes everything better in life

Explanatory styles differ in 3 ways

Internal vs external (locus of control)

Stable vs unstable

Global vs specific (generality)

What is optimistic explanatory style associated with

Increased motivation


Physical health

Lower depression

Overall well being

Political victory

Military assertiveness

Quality if life while living in politically free country

Pessimistic explanatory style associated with

Negative affect

Depression symptoms

Lower academic achievement

Poorer health

Poorer athletic performance

Lower marital satisfaction

Political losses

Attributional style questionnaire

12 hypothetical goof and bad situations

Write down what thry think would be one major case of situation

Rate each case on 1 to 7 on internal vs external, stable vs unstable, global vs specific

High numbers indicate pessimistic low murders indicate optimistic

CAVE technique (content analysis)

Find direct quote of a person explaining a bad or good event

Rate it on the 3 dimensions using 1 to 7

High scores indicate pessimistic low scores indicate optimistic

Explanatory style and achievement

Across many different contexts optimistic people outperform expectations and often their pessimistic peers in school and playing field

Optimistic people show greater motivation and persist longer in face of adversity, strategies related to higher achievement

There are times where a more pessimistic style may work to improve achievement such as with highly demanding academic programs like law and marketing (focusing on failure)

Explanatory styles and work behavior


-more motivated, persist longer, perform better, and experrjcne less burnout or turnover

Optimistic style really pays off in sales

Explanatory styles and health

Optimistic is linked to better immune functioning

-have greater social support and more quality relationships both which bolster immune functioning

Optimistic people take better care of themselves, seek and follow medical advice, engage in behaviors that prevent illness

Pessimistic have higher risk factor of depression

-feel sadder longer and more deeply

Pessimistic us better for mental health in older people

-optimistic may be a risk factor of depression for older adults

Explanatory style and social behavior

Optimistic people feel better about their marriages

-by blaming negative events on external, unstable and specific causes

-benefit of the doubt

Cultural diffrrence in explanatory style

Chinese people tend to have more pessimistic and less optimistic style than Americans

European Americans

-show self serving bias, attributing goof events to themselves and negative events to external factors

Dispassionate optimism

The general expectation that good things will happen in the future

-confident and persistent

-dont need to be incontrol to feel confident

-cope better in both short and long term

People low in dispassionate optimism hold negative expectations and believe that things will not work out and bad things will happen ans contuine to happen

-doubtful and hesitant

When you encounter an obstacle to big

People are forced to abandon their efforts and many feel helplessness and distress

Can choice an alternative path and avoid feelings of helplessness

Optimistic looks for alternatives

Life orientation test

10 times, 3 of optimistic, 3 for pessimism and 4 filler

5 point sale

Optimistic beliefs and expectations

Otimitists beliefs and expectations help them cope where pessimists hurt them

Optimism and coping

Problem focused coping

-when people work to solve their problems or do somthing to change the source of stress

-used when situation is seen as controlable

-used to manage a threat

-Use postive reframing, learning from bad situations when it is uncontrollable

Emotion focused coping

-attempt to reduce or manage the negative emotions and distress


-used to manage distress by a threat

-used first to then carry out problem coping

Pessimistic may also use avoidant coping

-giving up on goals, denying, don't take steps to fix situation

Optimism and judging controllability

Optimists are better than pessimists at judging when situations are controllable and uncontrollable so they can choose appropriate strategies