Additionally, Draco demonstrates his cognitive skills, social skills, motor skills, and speaking skills when he played the fishing game with his friend. Playing the fishing game, it requires the cognitive skills which the child need to understand the concept of the game and the social skills which the child needs to take turns. Importantly, the game requires the cognitive skills because “To understand the meaning of each number word, the child must form a mental image of it” (Beaty, 2014, p. 179). Draco demonstrates the cognitive skills by identifies the picture on the card and says the name, “Hot dog” and yells the color of the fish and how many he got the fishes, “I got green fish” and “I got two fishes” because he understands the concept…
wearing warrior saved Hyrule in its darkest hour and was just starting a new adventure once again. Link is one of the most widely recognized characters in the video game industry and it is hard to put into words just how much of an impact Link has had on people. The Legend of Zelda series is the work of mythological inspiration that follows through a similar pattern to Joseph Campbell or Vladimir Propp. However, the Legend of Zelda is heavily influenced by Structuralism. Structuralism explains…
3.0 Results and Discussion Figure 1 shows the infrared spectrum for both crosslinked and non-crosslinked films. Both carrageenan and vanillin contain similar functional groups such as CH4, C=O, C-O-C, C-OH. There is no significant difference in the spectrum that can be detected for crosslinked and non-crosslinked film samples. The spectrum can be divided into upper and lower spectrum. In the upper spectrum for the region of 2000 – 3600 cm-1, O-H stretching (3100 – 3600 cm-1) and C-H stretching…
In the article Superman to the Rescue: Simulating Physical Invulnerability Attenuates Exclusion-Related Interpersonal Biases (Ackerman, Bargh, & Huan, 2013) Julie Huan, Joshua Ackerman, and John Bargh set up a number of studies including a pre-test, study one, study two, and study three to demonstrate the relation between physical invulnerability simulation and positive or negative reactions to being excluded in social situations. They also consider how the reactions of exclusion can change when…
Tarlock 2007). For nearly a century, clashes between fishers, tribes, environmentalists, and farmers have peaked and ebbed during water shortages and fortuitous wet years. The Euro-American colonial legacy and the settlement and occupation of native territories has resulted in the dispossession of indigenous lands and waters, as well as the strict regulation of indigenous access to waters formerly under their jurisdiction by American government forces (Most 2006). . The Klamath Hydroelectric…
different elements that are affecting the overall performance and commitment of the Varsity team. The Varsity crew has a large pressure to be the best in the program, because that is what they have been selected for; on the other hand, the Junior Varsity crew has “nothing to lose”. This affects both teams’ motivation, because the J.V team is intrinsically motivated through enjoyment of the sport. However, the Varsity team is extrinsically motivated, because it craves the praise associated with…
d = a + b - c Receiver (BS) Thermal noise density in dBm/Hz -174 Base station receive noise figure F in dB 3 Receiver noise power in dBm -105.15 e Interference margin in dB 4.5 f Total effective noise and interference in dBm ? g = e + f Processing gain in dB 25.8 h Target Eb/No in dB 8 i Receiver sensitivity in dBm ? j = i - h + g Base station antenna gain in dBi 12 k Base station losses in dB 2 l Shadowing margin in dB 8 m Fast fading margin in dB 2 n Soft/softer handover gain in dB 4 o Total…
Thank you for choosing our school to select three artifacts for a time capsule that will be taken to Mars on the next space mission. Each student has selected their three items, and we are ecstatic! We have each chosen two things that mean a lot to us, and one thing that we think would benefit and/or inform further generations. I can't wait to explain the artifacts I chose and why I'm wanting to put them into the time capsule! One of the first items I would like to put into the time…
compete for jobs because those coming back from the military might have more experience in a specific field of work. As well for those with degrees in a specific area of expertise. This competition could help create intelligent and hard working people. It would help with employees so they could do their best to be able to keep and get a job. This competition could help motivate the U.S citizens do better in school or to go back to school to get a degree in a better field of work. People would…
The Klamath River Basin has been fraught environmental resource management issues that have been both highly politicized and publicized in the American West. The problems of water allocation in this region have been the result of conflicting interests between fishermen, tribes, wildlife, and farmers, which rely on scarce water resources for their livelihoods. Doremus and Tarlock(2008) refer to the Klamath Basin as a “problemshed” because its social and ecological problems pervade all of its…