his nose as well as having it exude off his skin, which provides a sturdy defense against any attackers. Further evidence comes from the first line of the stanza, which describes Surtr as travelling with “the enemy of twigs” which is a kenning for fire, drawing another parallel between the fiery giant Surtr and the Colossal Titan. As the seeress described, Ragnarok also includes “men who forswore oaths and murders.” The character of Bertholdt, revealed later to be the Colossal Titan, betrayed his own race and caused thousands of human deaths with his actions, namely attacking the wall that kept humankind safe for centuries. Any duty or oaths he held to humanity are broken, and he appears to have set himself along a self-sacrificial path with his actions. The approach of Surtr from the south as described in Völuspá also seems to have had some influence in Shingeki no Kyojin, as Bertholt chooses to attack the wall from the south as well. However, Isayama does diverge from Völuspá in a few ways. In the myth, there is no definitive “beginning” of Ragnarok; instead, there are a series of signs that trigger events leading up to a final battle that leads to the end of the world. In Shingeki no Kyojin, it is the appearance and subsequent attack of the Colossal Titan that starts the “Ragnarok” of that world. Surtr from mythology also had no influence in the beginning of Ragnarok, and also has a definitive enemy in mythology, Freyr. The Colossal Titan does not appear to have a set…
and he swallowed it thinking it was his son, Zeus. Once Zeus got older he was instructed how to trick his father to let go of his siblings. Once this was completed they fought a war between the younger generation and the father, the younger generation won. Zeus became their leader from there. (Greek Creation Mythology) As the Nordes had a different belief on how the world was created. They believe the world first started from a place called Niflheim. Niflheim is a cold, dark place, that only…
It is a novel with a story that draws much inspiration from Norse mythos and the elements that feature heavily within their unique stories. The author uses Ragnarok, the end of the world, for inspiration by using Surtr to make the Colossal Titan and how the monster’s actions signify the beginning of the end. Isayama takes the strength, madness, and immunity to pain from the berserkers as described in the Ynglinga Saga and applies them to the titans he created. The character of Ymir is taken from…