the late 1890’s. Both of the newspapers had coverage of the Pullman Strike available to their readers. The Pullman Strike is an event in Illinois history where workers chose to walk out of their occupations due to the environment. The depression made the worker’s wages get cut by twenty-five percent. This cut was the cause of workers to have an enormous amount of stress, eventually leading to a strike against the corporation. As the public would expect, there was bias present in each of the newspapers. Quite often, newspapers modify their stories, taking one side of an event and wording the story in their favor. Altering stories also changes the reader’s outlook on the…
Pullman Strike Due to the decline in the economy in 1893 many manufacturers began to stifle the already low wages of its workers, the Pullman Palace Car Company was no different. However, the result of lowering wages did not waver the cost of rent in the Pullman company town resulting in in inraged, overworked workers. With lower income, high rent, long work days, and poor work environment the workers began to express their resentment towards the company's president, George Pullman. Though…
In this report, the write talked about the Pullman strike. It occurred in 1894 when the Pullman palace car company cut twenty percent of the workers’ wage without a decrease in their rent. The Pullman Company built a town for their workers, and they should pay rent. Therefore, the workers made a strike in order to increase the wage or decrease the rent. The workers were working for Pullman Company and for American Railroad Union at the same time. There were several things happened in the strike…
the Chicago Turbine were two leading newspapers in the late 1890’s. Both of the newspapers had coverage of the Pullman Strike available to their readers. The Pullman Strike is an event in Illinois history where workers chose to walk out of their occupations due to the environment. The depression made the worker’s wages get cut by twenty-five percent. This cut was the cause of workers to have an enormous amount of stress, eventually leading to a strike against the corporation. As the public would…
The Pullman Palace Car Company was a company that manufactured railroad cars, founded by George Pullman. George Pullman required all of his workers to live in Pullman City, a three thousand acre plot. In addition, he also expected his workers to accept pay cuts at any time and not to criticize the workloads. It 1893, the depression resulted in Pullman cutting wages by about twenty-five percent. However, the costs of living in Pullman City did not change. The decrease in pay combined with the…
1930s, it was not unusual for Chicago factory or other manual workers to put in 10 hours or more a day, 6 days a week, with 12-hour days common in many industries, including steel.” (Work in Chicago) In addition to long working hours most factory or manual workers were forces to receive declining wages. One of the most famous and far-reaching labor conflict was the Pullman Strike. In which, Pullman Palace Car Company factory worker’s walkout following failed negotiations for declining wages.…
Pullman Railroad Strike Why did the Pullman Railroad Strike happen? Pullman strike happened because George Mortimer Pullman, the founder and president of Pullman Palace Car Company. George treated his workers poorly after he knew he could make more money from them. Pullman Palace Car Company was contracted by the railroads to manufacture sleeping cars to be used for people going on long trips across the county. George Pullman was a good boss before he figured out he could make more…
For example, in 1877 a strike wave hit the railroads and the mines—reaching insurrectionary levels in some places—after the bosses cut wages by 25 percent. Eugene Debs grew up in Terre Haute, Indiana, a town that served the corn-growing and hog-raising farmers and was tied by railroads to the Midwest industrial centers. Here he got his first job for the railroad painting signs, which put him in touch with an industry and way of life that soon captivated him. Shortly before Christmas in 1871,…
other great amenities. This picture perfect advertisement of Pullman Town was far from the truth, and was actually the definition of an un-American lifestyle. Pullman Town, was created by George Pullman and was a “gift” to his workers to give them a better lifestyle than what they could have provided for themselves. However what is unknown is that Pullman benefited the most from this town, generating a 6% yearly profit on the rents he charged his residents. Not only that, but he also forced and…
The town of Pullman was created to house the workers for Pullman’s factory. It seemed to be a utopia. Every family was equal and almost everything was provided for them by Pullman. The only problem was that the citizens of Pullman had no choice to do as they pleased. Their whole life was controlled by Pullman. They could not do anything to avoid being manipulated. They were defenseless to any pay cut by the factory. They had no control over themselves because they had no superior representative…