The story of The Three Stooges began in 1922 with Ted Healy, Moe Howard and Samuel “Shemp” Howard. From a young age, Moe Howard desired to go about the career of acting. He started in smaller positions, taking most anything, such as performing in Shakespearean plays. However, nothing for Moe stuck or became massively successful. That was until he re-encountered a long-time friend, and now Vaudeville entertainer, Ted Healy, at the Brooklyn Prospect Theatre. Healy needed a replacement act, and Moe and his older brother Samuel Howard were in the crowd (“Bios Archives.”). Together Ted Healy, Moe Howard and Samuel “Shemp” Howard formed a comedy group known as “Ted Healy and His Stooges” (Santoso). The act’s focus was Healey with Moe and Shemp playing the butt of his…