remarkable displays shook the world, and the cause of his success. The use of his advertising was vital to his many triumphs, including Tom Thumb, Jenny Lind, and Joice Heth. Barnum noted the influence of advertising and said that “some say, ‘they cannot afford to advertise;’ they mistake they cannot afford to not advertise,” a true testament to his capabilities (396). Starting in the year 1836, Barnum stumbled upon one of his first attractions. Joice Heth claimed her age was 161 and the nurse for the war hero and first president of the U.S., George Washington. Although Heth was blind and almost paralyzed, Barnum saw opportunity knock. With no medical technology to prove that Heth was lying about her age and past employers, Barnum decided to purchase Heth and show her around the continent as a historical wonder to curious citizens. He knew people would question the over one and a half century old woman, and embraced that fact. He advertised the act by hanging posters. That coupled with friends in the media, he deceivingly sent anonymous letters to newspapers claiming that Heth was a fraud or a “humbug.” He wrote that she was “a curiously constructed automan, made up of whalebone, India-rubber, and numberless springs ingeniously put together,” (157). This caused an increase in ticket sales, “hundreds who had not visited Joice Heth were now anxious to see the curious automan; while many who had seen her were equally desirous of a second look,” (157). Barnum took advantage of…
“I am a showman by profession...and all the gilding shall make nothing else of me." Phineas Taylor Barnum is arguably one of the most ingenious businessman of American history. P.T. Barnum is best known for his creation with James Bailey of the Greatest Show on Earth, a traveling circus featuring elephants, acrobats, and people with birth defects (whom he called “freaks”). Barnum was a firm believer in the concept of any kind of publicity is good publicity. In fact, if rumors were spread about…
thinking of themselves. Barnum's cunning abilities and publicity tactics allowed him to mislead the general public which demonstrated how the rise of popular culture created an increase in curious followers who prioritized entertainment over thinking rationally. Barnum was one individual who sought to create elaborate displays and advertisements at the expense of the general public's inherent curiosity despite the lack of truth in many of his displays. For instance, Barnum…
being portrayed. One difference is the actions that he made that had people view him in a certain way. In the movie, PT Barnum was viewed as a good man who was able to bring different people together and respected people of different races. However, in real life, P.T Barnum was not a very kind man. According to the article “P.T. Barnum Isn’t the Hero the “Greatest Showman” Wants You to Think”, “ he purchased the right to “rent” an aged black woman by the name of Joice Heth, whom an acquaintance…
Phineas Taylor Barnum was Born on July 5, 1810, in Bethel, Connecticut and was a natural salesman, peddling lottery tickets and Cherry rum to Soldiers as a young boy around the age of 12. As a young man Barnum moved to New York City and got into a variety of businesses including newspaper publishing and running a boarding house and much more.. Barnum hated working with his hands so instead he made his fortune using his mind and using the gullibility of the public in his favor by almost tricking…
American people. His death occurred when political divisions and external threats were at an all-time high, leaving America feeling more vulnerable than ever. The word of his death traveled rather slowly, spreading only by word of mouth. Lengel writes, “People sought details from other sources. These included storytellers and rumormongers, who subjected Washington to the proverbial thousand deaths by fire, famine, and sword” (12). Explanations immediately began to spread, each giving a different…