At the start, President Lincoln and the federal government attempted to appease slave states still in the Union by keeping slavery legal. Even when President Lincoln revealed the Emancipation Proclamation, it vowed to keep slavery still within the border states such as Maryland and Missouri. This initial union policy kept the focus of the war on preserving the union and rather disregarded slavery. However, the shift did begin with the Emancipation Proclamation, which moved the focus of the war away from preserving the union to the abolition of slavery. Although it did not fully show a shift, it was the beginning of one. The Emancipation Proclamation was able to be passed due to the victories at Vicksburg and most famously, Gettysburg. Without these victories, Lincoln wouldn’t have had enough support to shift the focus and would’ve also lost a lot of support. The victories bolstered the North’s moral and thinking. By 1865, with the end of the devastating war nearing, Lincoln as well as the National Equal Rights League pushed Congress into ratifying the Thirteenth Amendment, which would completely abolish slavery within all the states permanently. This…
The Emancipation Proclamation was the first official steps and official notice from the Federal Government that it will take the side of Slavery is an unacceptable trade and/or institution. With introduction of the Emancipation Proclamation the United States began its long path and set the foundation for civil rights movements that are still seen today. It also transformed the public relations aspect of the Civil War and provide the North with a more defined objective, which had a potential for…
Emancipation is being set free from restrictions which can be political, social, or legal in nature. Before the emancipation proclamation slaves were owned and treated like property of their masters. They were not allowed to express themselves or even be treated like people. Slaves could not enjoy what Americans took for granted. The emancipation proclamation was one of President Abraham Lincoln’s greatest achievements. It helped start the movement of equal rights for all former slaves. The…
The Emancipation Proclamation was a decree freeing all enslaved persons in states still in rebellion after January 1, 1863. Lincoln publicly announced this document on September 22, 1862, as it was encouraged by the victory of the Battle of Antietam. This decree was created because many Democrats were opposed to ending slavery and Republicans were divided on the issue. There were Republicans who were strong abolitionists, then there were ones with Lincoln, that did not want to endanger the…
It is written in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal.” Abraham Lincoln proved this by writing the Emancipation Proclamation. During the Civil War there was a lot of controversy over what each side was fighting for and what the cause of the war was. President Abraham Lincoln had been put into a tough situation and found a decent way around it. The U.S. was at war with itself and the real “cause” had yet to be determined. With a lot of pressure on his shoulders from the…
not the United States would move together as one. With this important war, came an equally important document: The Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation was developed in the third year of the Civil War to end slavery in all of the Confederate states for the foreseeable future. This document did accomplish its goal, with the exception of the slave-holding border states and few Union states, to eliminate slavery in the United States. More important than the specific elements of…
The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863 and its Impact on the American Civil War With great motivation, a certain idea can greatly impact any group of people. The American Civil war brought upon a vast amount of rivalry between the North and South over the idea of slavery being immoral. In order to express their power and distaste with slavery, the North published a legal document called the Emancipation Proclamation. This would become one of the most famous documents in American history because…
In Allen C. Guelzo’s essay, his thesis was that Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation was a big part of the reason why the slaves are no longer slaves and are now free. For if the Emancipation Proclamation did not exist, the slaves who have escaped would not be free for very long. Therefore, Abraham Lincoln was committed to freeing the slaves within the United States and played a very large role in doing so. In Guelzo’s essay he states that “Without the Proclamation, the Confederacy even…
The Emancipation Proclamation was a war against slavery and took place September 1862 during the Civil War (Keene 386). The proclamation was issued by the president of the United States of America. At the time of the proclamation, Abraham Lincoln was the president, and the reason for issuing the proclamation was because he felt it was a military necessity and to help the Union army by providing a strong military movement by crippling the fight of the Confederates (Bill of Rights Institute).…
Morale Problems with the Emancipation Proclamation The emancipation proclamation was the document that was “supposed” to stop slavery in the United States. In the document there was only one error. Instead of freeing all slaves in the country, the document only freed slaves that were in the confederate states. As stated in the document itself: And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and…