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57 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of relative size?
Using surrounding areas to give a location of a specific point
What is the relative size of Africa?
Africa is about four times the size of mainland U.S.
What is the Great Rift Valley?
a giant canyon extending from the Red SEa to the Zambezi River
What bodies of water form a border of Africa?
Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea
Describe Africa's natural resources.
Africa is rich (has a lot of) natural resources, like gold and diamonds, but they are found mostly in the West and South of Europe
What contributed to (caused) Africa's desertification?
the 1 degree tilt in the earth's axis, people overfarming and allowing thier herds to overgraze.
5 degrees North and 5 degrees East -- is an example of what type of location for Africa?
absolute location
How did trading empires on the savannahs of West Africa make their wealth?
the gold salt trade
Why did European demand for African slaves increase in the 1600's?
the growth of the plantation system in the Americas
Describe the Atlantic Slave trade.
it lasted for over 100 years, BOTH Europeans and Africans were slave traders, most slaves were sent to the Americas, & most African villages were NOT able to stop the slave traders
How did European rule affect Africa?
it upset traditional family and community ties
What were motives (reasons to start) for Imperialism?
Europeans wanted to spread Christianity, Europeans wanted new markets (places to sell thier goods) and raw materials and Europeans were competing with one another for large empires
What are: the Kalahari, Nubian and Namib?
Examples of African deserts.
What is the "middle passage"?
the journey from Africa to the Americas for slaves
Which ocean did the Triangular Trade focus on?
the Atlantic Ocean
What is a savannah?
Large, grassy plains with only a few trees
Describe traditional African art.
dances that honored family and ancestors, a variety of musical instruments and singing that combined with healing and religious rituals.
What continents were involved in the Triangular Trade?
North America, AFrica and Europe.
About how many people did Africa lose to the slave trade?
10-15 million
What were benefits of Imperialism for AFrica?
introduction of health care, better medicine, improved communication systems and education
Define: raw materials
naturally occurring materials in an unfinished state
DEfine: manufactured goods
finished products made from natural resources
Define: Timbuktu
a successful West African trade city
Define: desertification
process by which land turns into desert
Define: cataract:
churning rapids and waterfalls
Define: abolition
movement to end slavery
Define: escarpment
a steep cliff
Define: imperialism
a national policy of dominating a weaker nation by a stronger nation
Define: drought
prolonged periods of little to no rainfall
Define: Sahel
region south of the Sahara which receives so little rain that it is turning desert
What is the "Scramble for AFrica" referring to?
the European take over of Africa
Describe traditional African Geography
Most people live on the savannahs and on the coast of AFrica. The savannah is the most mild climate, which is why most people live there.
Describe traditional African Religion.
Africans are BOTH monotheistic and polytheistic. They believe that there is one creator god, but then each living thing has a personal spirit that is a piece of the creator god -- this is called animism
Describre traditional African Political systems
AFrican traditional villages are ruled by a group of tribal elders. The tribal elders come together and listen to the concerns of the village and then discuss the problems and come to a consensus.
Define: consensus
Coming to a common agreement that everyone agrees with
Define monotheistic
the belief in one god
Define polytheisitc
the belief in many gods
Define: diviners and healers
the religious people in a tribe who take care of the spiritual needs of the tribe
Define: ancestors
members of your family who have passed away, but that you still honor
Define tribal elders
Members of the tribe who are the oldest members of the tribe
Define: subsistence farming
When a tribe only farms enough for thier family, instead of using some to sell to others
Define polygamy
the ability of people to take more than one spouse
Define extended family
When you live in a family with your parents, siblings AND uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents
Define lineage
the ability to trace your line of family back through your elders and ancestors thru many generations
Define kinship
Your family ties with other people
Define bride wealth
the amount of money a bride brings to a man's family when they get married
Define: age grade
A group of children that have to go through a rite of passage to move to the next stage of development
DEscribe traditional AFrican economy
Economically, Africans are mainly farmers and herders. The type of farming is subsistance farming, where they would not have enough food to sell for money, but instead, only farm enough for their own family
Describe traditional African society
Socially, African's organized themselves into tribes, or clans of extended families. Each tribe had kinship ties with each other and could trace thier heritage back through common lineage. Families were polygamistic and children were cared for by all members of the family. Children of the same age entered "age grades" - where they would be taught the rituals of the tribe and experience rites of passage each time they were ready to enter a new age grade.
Describe the economic benefits of Imperialism
Economically, Europeans brought new technology, like: new railroads, new agricultural methods and new types of communication - like telegraph lines. This helped bring Africa together in the North and South
DEscribe the social benefits of Imperialism
Socially, European missionaries & explorers brought education, llike reading and writing - helping Africans become literate. Also, new medicine was brought to AFrica, such as quinine - a cure for malaria. Missionaries taught Africans to use soap and improved the hygiene (cleanliness) of Africans -- thus decreasing the death rate.
Define missionary
a religious figure who travels from thier own country in order to teach foreign people a new religion
Describe the religious benefits of Imperialism
Religiously, European missionaries brought the ideas of Christianity to Africa -- exposing the AFricans to new ideas about God.
Describe the drawbacks of Imperialism, economically.
Economically, the Europeans forced the Africans to pay taxes in money -- which they did not have. Therefore, the AFricans had to start selling crops for money (cash crops) in order to get money to pay taxes. This left the Afrians with less food for thier families and eventually starvation set in.
Describe the drawbacks of Imperialism, politically.
Politically, the Europeans came into African and replaced the traditional system of elders and consensus with a European style rule. Europeans made the laws and replaced all existing Afrian laws.
Describe the drawbacks of Imperialism, socially.
Socially, the Africans were segregated into a lower class system based on race/ color. Africans were denied better jobs and had to work in low paying and dirty jobs. Also, all the schools taught courses in European languages - -causing African languages to disappear.
Define absolute location.
Finding the location of an area based on specific latitude and longitude.