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55 Cards in this Set

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Collins "Toward a New Vision: Race, Class and Gender..."
- "both/and" categories (Simultaneous and linked)
- Plantation model
- Institutional, Symbolic (stereotypes linked with people), Individual
Glenn "The social Construction and Institutionalization of gender and race"
- Thesis: Our society is divided into hierarchically ranked groups. Loss in privilege of some directly linked to gain in privilege of others.
- Race and Gender are not totally biological or totally constructed
- constantly shifting categories
- binary white vs. colored
- category is important for control!
Gomez "The Event of Becoming"
- "We are not single issue people, so why would we put ourselves into single issue groups?"
- Culture reinforces the reduction of identity
Linguistic Sexism
when language devalues a particular sex (i.e. universal “man” to mean human)
Semantic Derrogation
when a term that is originally neutral obtains a negative connotation (i.e. mistress, spinster)
Reflection Hypothesis
assumption that media reflects societal values
- we influence the media
Role Learning Theory
sexist and racist images in the media have social ramifications because media acts as a role model and societal values stem from media
- media influences us
Postmodernist Feminist Theory on Media
emphasizes the interplay between media and personal agency, media must resonate with viewers, but also can exaggerate and simplify. Has a dimension of social construction.
- people dont always internalize things
"A Mothers Name"
- story of Italian woman
- Demeans father to pass mothers name onto son
- Connection between names and identities for women is nonexistent because women are assumed to lose name when they marry
- Husband seen as a "saint" because of it
"The Game of the Name"
- easy for women to change name after marriage but not for men
- Institutional discrimination
"No Girls Allowed"
- People who don't work out hard a "girls"
- animalistic language - girls are subordinate to "man"
- Clute is an equal opportunity offender by referring to men as "girls" as well
"Misogyny and Double Standards"
Generation M
- Rap culture: popular to trash women
- 200,000 rape cases anually, 1 in 6 women will be sexually harassed
- Deeply rooted acceptance of sexism
- Grand Theft Auto, Eminem
"Conversatinal Dominance in Mixed Talk"
- Conversational dominance: to hold power by not following rules of conversation – no overlap, no gaps, turn taking
- Rule breaking: hogging the floor
- Gender trumps social status when it comes to dominance
- Stereotype of chatty women has effect of silencing women, what they have to say is unimportant
- Women work harder to keep conversation going (i.e. positive attention), women do “conversational shitwork”
"The Egg and the Sperm"
- Language in science shapes scientific reality
- Many texts refer to fertilization like a fairytale, which has repercussions (abortion)
- Female reproduction seen as wasteful
- sometimes even don't tell whole truth in order to keep gender roles
Structural Diversity Model of Families
- framework for understanding families that focuses on the changing dynamics of race, class and gender as they influence family forms
- need to start considering family forms outside the nuclear family
Family and Medical Leave Act (Clinton)
- Three months of leave without risk of losing job
- unpaid
"The Second Shift"
- Women do most of the housework
- lightning rod for tension in couples
- Leisure gap
- Couples should share responsibilities
- Men try to suppress womanly part of themselves
- Solutions: Men move into domestic sphere and women start to work
"The American Family"
- People are nostalgic about the past (1950s) when in reality it was not a perfect time
- all relative
- "Censorship, coercion, discrimination"
- Fear that families are going downhill but in reality, they are just becoming more diverse
- institutions havent changed, however
"The Unforgiven"
- Shelley Hendrickson
- Those with more money get better lawyers
- institutions disadvantage women
- Why dont you just leave?
(Increased violence, dependence, isolation)
"Gender of Violence"
- Why is violence so present in men..
(public display, socialized to violence)
- US has highest rape incidence rate
- solution...curb gender inequalities (symptom vs. disease)
Sin by Silence
- California Institute for Women
- Every 9 seconds a woman is beaten
- Convicted Women Against Abuse (CWAA)
- "Silence is a Killer"
- Need to reform judicial system (Battered Women Syndrome)
Gender Segregation
a pattern in which men and women are situated in different jobs in the labor force
- women are concentrated in jobs such as RN's, librarians etc
Internal Gender Segregation
Within occupations, women and men are often separated into different spheres
- In the field of education, women are 98% of preschool and kindergarten teachers but only 46% of college and university teachers
Overt Discrimination
o Not paying someone an equal wage because of gender, race, sexuality etc.
o Banned by Title VII of Civil Rights Bill
Covert Discrimination
Institutional Bias
Human Capital Theory
- assumes that, in competitive economic systems, wage differences reflect differences in human capital
- Differences in pay reflect differences in productivity. Thus, women are less productive
Dual Labor Market
- Primary vs secondary labor markets
o The idea that where people work is more indicative of economic status than what their characteristics are
Welfare Reform
-Total lifetime cap of 5 years
- must find job within 2 years of getting on welfare
Equal Pay Act
o “first federal legislation enacted requiring equal pay for equal work.”
o equal interpreted as identical (if guy and girl not doing exactly the spme people still find justification)
Comparable Worth
“Paying women and men equivalent wages for jobs involving comparable levels of skill.”
"How to Think Like a Feminist Economist"
- Taxes hit Women Harder
- Economics does not recognize gender asymmetry
- payroll taxes hit women hardest, regressive
Why Do we have wage gap
hiring, promotion and pay (discrimination)
sexual harassment (job turnover)
occupational segregation
taxing motherhood (poverty)
undervaluing women workers
Who is Affected by the Wage Gap
- Gap increased with age
- Highest discrepency = professionals
- African American women = 68 cents to mans dollar and Hispanics = 57 cents
Ideas for Improvement (Crittendon)
- paid maternity leave
- true economic unity with social security
- childcare
- Unpaid household labor added to GDP
Zones "Beauty Myths and Realities and Their Impact on Women's Health"
- Costs of Beauty: cosmetic surgery, weight loss etc
- social pressures
- women more likely to be diagnosed with anxiety (12 years old these rates start rising)
- eating disorders
- young and white = ideal
- large market around it
Half the Sky
- Fistulas
- female, poor, rural
- one maternal death per minute
- midwives - important
- ireland is the safest place to give birth
Idealized Beauty
Genderation M
- Television was introduced to women in Fiji - cult of thinness
- 444% increase in cosmetic surgery
- don't do it for male attention, do it because of society
Cultural Cliteracy
- What an adequately educated person should know about the clitoris
- clitoris as target of aggression (mutilation)
- Women's liberation expanded anatomical representations of the clitoris
- consciousness of clitoris empowers women
Black Sexual Politics
- black sexuality is wild and savage (makes them subordinate and less than human compared to whites)
- target of aggression
- they live in a sexual society dealing with sexual repression
Uses of the Erotic
Erotic "the personification of love in all its respects"
- often confused with pornography, which actually belittles women
- The erotic is liberating for women and scary for men
Griswold v Connecticut
- made birth control lgal to married people, 1972
Roe v Wade
- 1973 Abortion is made legal
- 1st trimester - everyone has right
- 2nd trimester - states can pass laws restricting but cannot deny
- 3rd trimester - only to preserve health of mother
From Midwives to Obstetrics
-- men took over the practice of giving birth
- unnecessary c sections for money
- see the body as a machine
- reproduction control is a facade for population control
Abortion in the US - Legal but Inaccessible"
- learnfare, workfare, bridefare, contraceptive fare, minorfare
- Not very easy to get abortions
- stigma, threats, lack of knowledge
Hyde Amendment
prohibits federal Medicaid funding except in cases of life endangerment
Half the Sky and Abortion
- Global Gag rule = BAD
- need to encourage sex education, contraceptives, family planning
- will reduce aids and number of abortions
Campus Rape Victims, A Struggle for Justice
- 1 in 5 college women are sexually assaulted
- most stay quiet
- Colleges see their role as for education, not justice
Clery Act
forces schools to disclose all crime on campus, hasnt been enforced well
A lack of consequences for sexual assault
- in this story, a boy was only suspended for the summer semester
- despite other evidence he wasnt convicted for more
- in "he said she said" issues, he always wins
- Violators are protected
- emotional and physical affects on women
Sexual harassment, purely academic?
- unwanted imposition of sexual requirements in the context of unequal power
- Causes: learned modes of interaction, institutional causes (ratios, tolerance), societal
- cant get out
Quid Pro Quo
"This for that"
Hostile environment
unwanted sexual advances which create intimidating or hostile environment
Contrapower harassment
person with less power harassing someone with more power (student to teacher)
Sexual Harassment - Why Men Don't Understand It
- Men and women define it differently
- control, Conquest, competition, climax, confusion
- intent vs. effect - men don't intend to sexually harass
- women's looks exert a power over them
- severe effects on women
Sexual Assault Complications
- alcohol
- people they know assualted them (date rape)
- dont consider it rape
- turn inward