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35 Cards in this Set

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How does the the story of Gilgamesh end?

Gilgamesh looks for plant to make him young again but a snake eats it. Gilgamesh left with nothing. Learns that he can't control life and he's meant to die at some point

What happened to Osiris after he was murdered?

Isis got the help from a god to put his body back together.

According to Cicero, what virtues did the Epicureans emphasize?

wisdom, temperance, friendship, justice among friends

According to Bernard of Clairvaux, what distinguished new chivalry from ordinary chivalry?

-New chivalry were to be the soldiers of Christ-the knight who fights for religion commits no evil but does good for his people and himself

How did Akhenaten try to reform the religion of Egypt?

Instead of the ancient Egyptian deities, he shifted more towards monotheism.

The kingdom's broad pantheon of deities (group of gods) was now reduced to just one -- the sun god Aten

What was the Hebrew name for God and what did that name mean?

YHWH (yahueh) which means I AM

What did the Greeks believe was the most important difference between themselves and barbarians?

Greeks live under the law. The main difference was the barbarians did not live like the Greek and did not speak the same language.

Who were the principal rivals in the Peloponnesian War and who was the victor?

Athans vs. Spartans - Spartas

What were the alleged crimes for which Socrates was condemned to death?

He was condemned to death because he questioned with the authority believed in, he also created the Socratic Method. He was put on trial and found guilty, and when he did not apologize he was sentenced to death.

Who did Plato believe should control the government and why ?

Plato believed that philosophers should rule because they form ideas and focus on things unchanged.

What did Aristotle believe is the distinguishing characteristic of true forms of government ?

are those in which the one, or the few, or the many, govern with a view to the common interest; but governments which rule with a view to the private interest, whether of the one or of the few, or of the many, are perversion

According to Aristotle, who is usually best suited to control the government and why?

Middle class

Against what powerful state did Alexander the Great lead the Greeks in a victorious campaign? What happened to Alexander’s empire after his death?

it divided into 2 empires

What was the difference between the Epicurean and Stoic conceptions of the good life?

Epicureans: - you should be surrounded by pleasure and stay away from bad emotions. Stoics: believed that you should follow law, seek justice and have a sense of self control. Epictetus believed that one should not mourn the death of their loved ones. They emphasized love, friendship, sex, etc.

Epicurean: minimize pain and maximize pleasure-Stoic: follow law, seek justice, and have a sense of self-control, emphasize public service

How did Epictetus advise people to respond to the death of their loved ones?

They were returned

What political role did patricians and plebeians play in the early days of the Roman republic?

Patricians were wealthy land owners while plebeians were commoners.

What were the Punic Wars and what was their outcome?

The Punic wars were the war against Rome and the Carthage. The outside was Rome conquered the Carthage.

Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?

The senators felt that Caesar was taking away their power. 40 killed him

Who was Augustus and what did his titles princeps and imperator mean?

Augustus was the new dictator. Princeps meant 1st citizen while imperator meant emperor.

What do the words “messiah” and “Christ” literally mean?


In the Sermon on the Mount, whom did Jesus call blessed and how did he tell his disciples to treat others ?

Jesus called the unblessed and the suffering blessed. He told his disciples to treat others as they would want to be treated. "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

What was the alleged crime for which the Romans crucified Jesus?


What did Paul do that helped spread the Christian faith?

He began preaching Christian faith to the Gentiles (non-Jews).

traveled around Mediterranean World to Jewish Center to present case for Jesus being Messiah

What drew people in the Roman Empire to the Christian faith ?

-eternal life-had a human savior (not mythical creature)

-community (people crowded into cities and this provided a home

counter cultural (everyone spiritually equal)

-kingdom of God (promise of heaven)

Why did the Roman authorities persecute the Church?


-secrecy (outsiders couldn't participate in sacraments)

-pacifism (violence unjustifiable under any circumstances)

-emperor worship (entire empire expected to worship on emperors birthday, but Christians refused because they believed in only their God)

Who was the first emperor to grant Christians religious toleration? Which emperor outlawed the pagan religions of the empire?

Constantine when he issued the Edict of Toleration / Theodosius I

What were the principle reasons for the decline and fall of the Roman Empire in western Europe?

1. barbarians over ran the roman empire

2. size and expenses

3. natural disasters (epidemics without immunity, droughts, earthquakes)

Who was Charlemagne and what title did the pope bestow on him?

He was the king of Franks until the pope bestowed him Emperor of the Romans.

What was the reason for the dispute between Henry II and Thomas Becket?

the new archbishop resigned his chancellorship and sought to recover and extend the rights of the archbishopric.

What was the investiture controversy between Henry IV and Gregory VII about?


What were the obligations of lords and vassals to one another?

A lord gives a vassal land, protection and promises to fight for him. In return the vassal is committed to the lord.

What were the obligations of lords and serfs, to one another?

A serf is a poor peasant the lord provides with food, land and protection. In return, the serf must provide labor and obedience.

According to Thomas Aquinas and other scholastic philosophers, how could people discover the truth about the world and about God? Why did Thomas believe that there are some truths about God that reason by itself cannot attain?

People could discover the truth by reason and revelation. He said that reason can understand the natural world and mathematical truths about God but reason cannot prove, it can only help us understand revealed truths.

Why was the Mass so important to medieval Christians?

place for everyone to come and worship God, everyone treated equally spiritually

What did Julian of Norwich believe was the most important truth that her mystical experiences revealed about God?

That he loves us