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147 Cards in this Set

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Blended learning

Combines the use of traditional classroom lessons with the use of computer technology.

Get away with it

To succeed in avoiding punishment for something

Be caught red-handed

To find someone in the act of doing something illegal

Such + noun/phrase

Such a pity/Not such a freak

So + ADJ./Phrase

Not so interested in it


Make fun of Sb / Annoy Sb

Off the top of my head

Without thinking


Of bad quality or in bad taste / cheap or of low quality.

Corny, Soppy

It hasn’t ring a bell/any bells

Not to sound familiar

Have a sweet tooth

You really like sweets

Your boyfriend

Crack up

Sth makes you laugh a lot


Be resilient / resilience

Strong, endurance, flexibility, adaptive

Put yourself on Sb’s shoes / Be on Sb’s shoes

To be in the situation that another person is in (usually bad or difficult)

Brag / Show off

To speak too proudly about what you have done or what you own / behave in a way to attract attention who others find annoying

Pull your weight

To work as hard as other ppl in a group

Call it a day

To stop what you’re doing cause you don’t want to do it anymore or think you’ve done enough

I’m getting a bit tired now - let’s call it a day

Be about to do sth/ Be on the point/verge of doing sth

To be going to do sth very soon

Your favourite <3

In class learning/ face to face learning

Attending regular classroom classes

Some kind of + noun

Used when you’re trying to explain/describe sth, but you can not be exact

Some kind of anxiety

Do an impression

To imitate someone

Set up

To star a new business/ the way in which things are organized or arranged (noun)

For the question’s sake

Asking just for asking

Fill in Sb on Sth

To informally tell someone information that is wanted

Set up

To star a new business/ the way in which things are organized or arranged (noun)


To succeed in finishing something, especially after a lot of work

Never in Sb’s wildest dreams

Used to say that Sth is better than anything you could imagine or hope for.

Burning (ambitions)

Insatiable (ambitions)

From strength to strength

To become more and more successful.

The company has gone from strength to strength.


A book, film or play that continues the story of a previous one.


Incomes from business activities.


To partly cover Sth with a layer of Sth else (verb)/ the amount by which two things or activities cover the same area (noun).


Lasting a very short time.


Concentrating on one aim or focus.


Very unusual or easily noticed, and therefore attracting a lot of attention.



Spend all my time and energy on Sth.


To follow someone or something, usually to try to catch him, her, it

Internship/Apprenticeship schemes

A program usually offered to undergraduates or students which consists on a period of time working as an apprentice or intern.

Unemployment rate

The % of people who don’t have a job.

State benefits

Sums of money paid by the Government to people under certain circumstances to meet their day to day living needs.

Legal minimum wage

The smallest amount of money that employers are legally allowed to pay someone who works for them.

(Take) Parental leave

Time that a parent is allowed to spend away from work to take care of his/her baby.

Glass ceiling

A point where you can’t go any further, usually in improving your position at work.

(Take) Voluntary redundancy

A situation in which someone agrees to leave their job because their employer wants to reduce the number of employees.

(Take) Early retirement

The situation in which someone ends their working life before the usual age.

To make ends meet

To have just enough money to pay for the things that you need.


(Of buildings or equipment) not cared for and in bad condition.


To achieve something you were hoping for


Large and impressive.


All the people living together in a house.

Widespread (adj)

Existing or happening in many places.

Be an authority ON Sth

Be an expert on an specific field.

Be responsible FOR Sth

To have control and authority over something or someone and the duty of taking care of it, him, her.



From now on (adv)

From this moment and always in the future.

To take time out

To be able to take time for rest or recreation away from one’s usual work or studies.

Broaden (perspectives)

Expand/widen your particular way of considering Sth.

On another note

“As a further matter; bedides”



To do something as promised or intended, or to satisfy your hopes or expectations


Broken into very small pieces (as a feeling); extremely upset/tired

Fed up (with)

Bored, annoyed or disappointed, especially by something that you have experienced for too long. Sick and tired.

Sick and tired


Having strong feelings of shock or disapproval.

(Be) over the moon

To be very pleased.

(Be) on cloud 9/number 9

To be extremely happy and exited.

Feeling down beat

Feeling depressed and without hope.

Be turned down

Be rejected.

Be dumped

Be put down or dropped in a careless way.

Get the jitters

A feeling of nervousness that you experience before something important happens.

Get the goosebumps

Small raised areas that appears on the skin because of cold, fear or excitement.


To do or begin to do Sth, especially, Sth that will take a long time or be difficult.

Broaden/expand/widen SB’s horizons

To increase the range of things that someone knows about or has experienced.

Overcome (obstacles)

To succeed in dealing with something.


A strong wish to achieve something.

Set a target

To establish or decide your objective.

Be a dream come true

Something you have wanted very much for a long time that has now happened.


Someone, especially a child, who is easily frightened.

Feel eased/ at ease


Can’t get out Sth of Sb’s head

Something you/he/she can not stop thinking about.


A feeling of unhappiness and disappointment; Consternation, distress.

Cry rivers

To cry inconsolably.

Feel down/low/blue/under the weather

Not to feel completely well.

Wish upon a star

To make a wish the moment you see a shooting star.


To make the difference between two things smaller; acortar.


A political system compound of many political parties.


Left faction (politics)

Nationalist Party

Nationalist political party

Regional Party

Regional political party.

Autonomous Communities

Comunidades Autónomas.

Dominant Political Party

The more important or noticeable political party.

Right-wing parties

Right faction political parties.



Trade unions


The right to self-determination

Derecho a la libre autonomía.

Opposition party

Political party that opposes the current one who is in the government.

Major Political Parties

The most important political parties.

Electoral alliance/coalition

Alianza/coalición electoral.

Lefties or Lefty

De izquierda (política).

High/low turnout

The % of people that went to ballot.

Ballot card

Tarjeta/papeleta de votación.

Green Politics

Ecopolitics; aims for an ecologically sustainable society, environmentalism, non violence, social justice....






Electoral district (UK).

Polling station

Mesa electoral.

Electoral college

Colegio electoral.

Petty crimes

Not serious crimes.

Far right wing

Extreme right (politics) extrema derecha.

Fall through the cracks

To not be noticed or dealt with.

Little details often fall through the cracks.

Boost (the economy)

To push or shove up the economy.

Harm/Benefit someone or something

To cause damage/ to produce good to someone or something.

Put a strain on (the finances of a Country/area)

To stretch beyond a proper limit (the finances).

Exarcebate (a problem)

To worsen (a problem).

Undermine (the morale of citizens)

To make someone less confident, powerful or less likely to succeed.

Create (divisions)

To divide (people or whatever)

Lead to (tensions)

To prepare the way for something to happen (tensions).

Cut taxes

To reduce taxes.

Extend working hours

To increase the workday.

Increase public spending

Incrementar el gasto público.

Damage the economy

To cause harm to the economy.

Abolish unemployment benefits

Remove benefits for unemployed people.

Allow a vote on independence

Permitir un voto a la independencia.

Increase penalties for...

To make the punishments larger.

Resolve/Solve existing social problems

To put an end to social problems.

Rise of income inequality

Income inequality increase (aumento en la desigualdad de ingresos).

Reform the education system

Reformar el sistema educativo.

Ensure prosperity

To make prosperity certain to happen.

Hold an election

Celebrar elecciones.

Rig the election

Manipulate the election.

Tamper the data/the votes/ballots

Modify the data/the votes/ballots in order to rig the election.

Stand for election

To be a candidate for the election.

Stand up for your rights

Fight for your rights defending them.

Floating voters

Sb who doesn’t always vote for the same political party.

Popularity ratings

The Level of popularity.

A Right-winger

Sb who supports the beliefs of the political right.

A left-winger

Sb who supports the beliefs of the political left.

A polling station

Place where people go to vote.

A running mate

(US) a political partner chosen for a politician.

Voting booth

A cabin placed at a polling station to vote privately.




Wanting or trying to be.



Gender gap

Inequality between men and women.


Having a lot of money, rich.

Wishful thinking

Unrealistic ambitions

The imagining of a very unlikely future event or situation as if it were possible.


Innate, natural.

Reflect on

Think about Sth.

To excel...

To be very good at...

Splash about

Play in the water.