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9 Cards in this Set

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(v)- to be a typical example of something / to give an example in order to make something clearer

Give examples, illustrate = cho ví dụ, lấy ví dụ minh hoạ


(adj)- ​that can be said to be true in the case of somebody/something

Relevant = có thể áp dụng, liên quan, thích hợp.


(N) /əkˌseləˈreɪʃn/ - an increase in how fast something happens / the rate at which a vehicle increases speed

Sự thay đổi tốc độ, gia tốc


(V) /ɪɡˈzɜːt/ /ɪɡˈzɜːrt/ - to use power or influence to affect somebody/something / to make a big physical or mental effort

To apply = tác động, tác động vào ( lực)


(N) -​a small piece of printed paper that you can exchange for something or that gives you the right to buy something at a cheaper price than normal / ​a printed form, often cut out from a newspaper, that is used to enter a competition, order goods, etc.

Voucher = phiếu giảm giá

Start at the bottom

(p.n)- from scratch /skrætʃ/

Bắt đầu từ con số 0


(V)- to expect something / to see what might happen in the future and take action to prepare for it

Expect = mong đợi

Dental appointment

(p.n)- hẹn khám răng, hẹn nha khoa.

Be drowned

(past participate)- be sink

Bị chìm, bị chết đuối, đuối nước.