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13 Cards in this Set

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What is the theology of Christianity?

belief in one supernatural God

What is the theology of Islam?

belief in one God in one person. No trinity.

What is the theology of Secular Humanism?

humans have the highest knowledge. Atheistic-denial of the existence of a supernatural God.

What is the theology of Marxism Leninism?

scientific atheism. humans are God.

What is the theology of Cosmic Humanism?

every person is God.denies preeminence of special revelation. The Bible isn't the word of God.

The theology of Post Modernism is what?

atheistic base. that God is the supreme power/being but has become unbelievable. No ultimate reality or eternal truth is a necessity.

Discuss the differences of general and special revelation on the Christian view. Give Examples.

Special revelation- God giving more specific communication about salvation and his nature.

ex. Bible,dreams, visions and Christ

General Revelation- God's communication regarding his existence.

ex. Nature and Conscience

What are the five pillars of Islam?

1.) confession of faith

2.) prayer

3.) fasting during Ramadan

4.) almsgiving

5.) pilgrimage

Compare and contrast Christian and Muslim views of God.


Christian view- just, merciful, stern, stable, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent

Muslim view-kills infidels, isn't loving, isn't forgiving, isn't merciful


he created the world, one day everyone will have to face him, creative intelligence, sovereign, eternal, absolute, none like him, begotten, he is God, and merciful.

Present and Discuss the cosmological argument for the existence of God.


Present and discuss the teleological argument for the existence of God.


Present and discuss the ontological argument for the existence of God.


Present and discuss the transcendental argument for the existence of God.
