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495 Cards in this Set

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Social Functionalism
"The theory that societies contain certain interdependent structures
Conflict Theory
"The structure of society is determined by its economic organization
Exchange Theory
"Life is a series of exchanges involving rewards and costs. People seek rewarding statuses
Social Facts
"Durkheim. Social Phenomena are social facts. Every way of acdting
Durkheim's Study on Suicide
"Established a unique model for social research. Demonstrated that human behavior can be understood only by investigating the social context in which the behavior takes place. Suicide is a social phenomenon related to the individual's involvement in group life. The more a person is integrated into intimate social groups
Father of Sociology
Auguste Comte
Herbert Spencer
"""Survival of the Fittest"" First to believe that human societies evolve according to the principles of natural law. Societies evolve from relative homogeneity and simplicity to heterogeneity and complexity. Policy for non-interference in human affairs and society."
Karl Marx
"""Communist Manifesto"" Social conflict is at the core of society and is the source of all social change. Economic determinism
Max Weber
"Structural Functional Theory. Discussed why men claim authority and expect their wishes to be obeyed. Verstehen
Understanding human action by examining the subjective meanings that people attach to their own behavior and the behavior of others
Validity in Research
The extent to which observations actually yield measures of what they are supposed to measure. Reliable: getting same results each time. Valid: accurate.
The lifelong process in which people are prepeared to participate in society. Begins at birth
George Herbert Mead
"First to describe why language makes humans different from all animals. Elements: symbols (language)
Primary Group
"Cooley. Refers to small
Secondary Group
"Members interact in an impersonal manner
Biological Theories of Deviance Moral/immoral View
Deviance is immoral and anti-social
Conflict theory of Deviance
"Most societies contain many groups that have different
"What did C. Wright Mills call the sociological perspective
claiming it transforms personal troubles into public issues?"
The systematic study of human society.
What are 3 ways that societies around the world are becoming increasingly interconnected?
What increases the racial and ethnic diversity of the United States?
What role does research by sociologists play?
Shaping public policy
"On a personal level
what helps us see the opportunities and limits in our lives and empowers us to be active citizens?"
Who named sociology in 1838 to describe a new way of looking at society?
Auguste Comte
Who pointed out that social structures have both manifest functions and latent functions. He also identified social dysfunction as patterns that may disrupt the operation of society.
Thomas Merton
Which sociologist helped develop the social-conflict approach?
Karl Marx
"Who identified the ""double consciousness"" of African Americans."
W.E.B. Du Bois
Who claimed that people's beliefs and values shape society and is the basis of the social-interaction approach.
Max Weber
A basic image of society that guides thinking and research
theoretical approach
The consequences of any social pattern for the operation of society as a whole
social function
any relatively stable pattern of social behavior
social structure
a point of view that focuses on inequality and conflict between women and men.
gender-conflict approach
support of social equality for women and men
a simplified description applied to every person in some category.
a relationship in which two or more variables change together
List 4 things that researchers MUST do.
"protect the privacy of the subjects
a systematic plan for doing research
research method
a change in a subject's behavior caused simply by the awareness of being studied.
Hawthorne effect
What is Sociology?
is the scientific study of social behavior and human groups.
What is the Sociological Imagination?
"is an awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society. it is based on our view society as an outsider
Summaries Chapter 1
"2. In contrast to other social sciences
5. Nineteenth- century thinkers who contributed sociological insights included Auguste Comte
a French philosopher; Harriet Martineau
6. Other important figures in the development of sociology were Émile Durkheim
who pioneered work on suicide; Max Weber
7. In the 20th century
the discipline of sociology was indebted to the U. S. sociologists Charles Horton Cooley and Robert Merton
11. The interactionist perspective is concerned primarily with fun-damental or everyday forms of interaction
including symbols and other types of nonverbal communication.
12. The feminist view
which is often allied with the conflict per-spective
13. Sociologists make use of all four perspectives
since each offers unique insights into the same issue.
14. Applied and clinical sociology apply the discipline of sociology to the solution of practical problems in human behavior and organizations. In contrast
basic sociology is sociological inquiry that seeks only a deeper knowledge of the fundamental aspects of social phenomena.
15. This textbook makes use of the sociological imagination by show-ing theory in practice and in current research; by thinking globally; by focusing on the significance of social inequality; by speaking across race
The Loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective
Applied Sociology
The use of the discipline of sociology with the specific intent of yielding practical applications for human behavior and orga-nizations. ( 16)
Basic Sociology
Sociological inquiry conducted with the objective of gain-ing a more profound knowledge of the fundamental aspects of social phenomena. Also known as pure sociology. ( 18)
Clinical Sociology
The use of the discipline of sociology with the spe-cific intent of altering social relationships or restructuring social institutions. ( 18)
Conflict Perspective
"A sociological approach that assumes that social behavior is best understood in terms of tension between groups over power or the allocation of resources
Cultural Capital
"Noneconomic goods
Double Consciousness
The division of an individual’s identity into two or more social realities. ( 12)
Dramaturgical Approach
The division of an individual’s identity into two or more social realities. ( 12)
Feminist View
A sociological approach that views inequity in gender as central to all behavior and organization. ( 14)
Functionalist Perspective
A sociological approach that emphasizes the way in which the parts of a society are structured to maintain its sta-bility. ( 13)
Interactionist Perspective
A sociological approach that generalizes about everyday forms of social interaction in order to explain society as a whole. ( 15)
Social Inequality
"A condition in which members of society have differing amounts of wealth
Sociological Imagination
"An awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society
d. an awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society."
"c. the systematic study of social behavior and human groups.
d. C. Wright Mills"
d. C. Wright Mills
d. suicide is a solitary act
unrelated to group life."
d. microsociology"
"b. verstehen
b. producing a theory that is one of the most frequently cited explanations of deviant behavior. c. an attempt to bring macro- level and micro- level analyses together. d. all of the above"
d. all of the above
"Which sociologist made a major contribution to society through his in- depth studies of urban life
including both Blacks and Whites?
d. Charles Horton Cooley"
a. W. E. B. DuBois
"In the late 19th century
before the term feminist view could even be coined
d. Pierre Bourdieu."
b. Ida Wells- Barnett
d. the interactionist perspective"
"a. the functionalist perspective
d. dramaturgical approach."
"b. conflict perspective.
"Erving Goffman’s dramaturgical approach
which postulates that people present certain aspects of their personalities while obscuring other aspects
d. the interactionist perspective"
d. the interactionist perspectiv
"While the findings of sociologists may at times seem like common sense
they differ because they rest on ___________________ analysis of facts."
"Within sociology
a( n) ___________________ is a set of statements that seeks to explain problems
"In ___________________ ’ s hierarchy of the sciences
sociology was the “ queen
"In Society in America
originally published in 1837
____________________ ____________________ adapted Charles Darwin’s evolutionary view of the “ survival of the fittest” by arguing that it is “ natural” that some people are rich while others are poor.
Herbert Spencer;
Sociologist Max Weber coined the term ____________________ ____________________ in referring to a construct or model that serves as a measuring rod against which actual cases can be evaluated.
ideal type;
"In The Communist Manifesto
___________________ ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ argued that the masses of people who have no resources other than their labor ( the proletariat) should unite to fight for the overthrow of capitalist societies."
"___________________ ____________________
an early female sociologist
The university’s role in certifying academic competence and excellence is an example of a( n) ____________________ function.
The ____________________ ____________________ draws on the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in that it often views women’s subordination as inherent in capitalist societies.
feminist view
d. formulate a hypothesis."
B define the problem
d. variable."
"c. operational definition.
d. independent variable."
d. independent variable.
d. a negative relationship exists between two variables."
c. a change in one variable coincides with a change in another variable.
d. control variables"
a. sampling
"In order to obtain a random sample
a researcher might
d. do all of the above."
c. study the attitudes of registered Democratic voters by choosing every 10th name found on a city’s list of registered Democrats.
d. observation techniques"
a. an interview
"In the 1930s
William F. Whyte moved into a low- income Italian neighborhood in Boston. For nearly four years
d. participant observation"
d. participant observation
"When sociologists want to study a possible cause- and- effect relationship
they may engage in what kind of research technique?
d. experiment"
d. experiment
d. experimental research"
c. secondary analysis
"Unlike the typical citizen
the sociologist has a commitment to the use of the ____________________ method in studying society."
A( n) ____________________ is a speculative statement about the relationship between two or more factors known as variables.
____________________ refers to the degree to which a measure or scale truly reflects the phenomenon under study.
" In order to obtain data scientifically
researchers need to select a research ____________________.
" If scientists were testing a new type of toothpaste in an experimental setting
they would administer the toothpaste to a( n) ____________________ group
The term ____________________ ____________________ refers to the unintended influence that observers of experiments can have on their subjects.
Hawthorne effect
Using census data in a way unintended by its initial collectors would be an example of . ____________________ ____________________.
secondary analysis
"Using content analysis
____________________ ____________________ conducted a pioneering exploration of how advertisements in 1979 portrayed women as being inferior to men."
The American Sociological Association’s Code of ____________________ requires sociologists to maintain objectivity and integrity and to preserve the confidentiality of their subjects.
"As part of their commitment to ____________________ neutrality
investigators have an ethical obligation to accept research findings even when the data run counter to their own personal views or widely accepted beliefs."
Hawthorne Effect
The unintended influence that observers of experi-ments can have on their subjects.
Qualitative Research
Research that relies on what is seen in field or nat-uralistic settings more than on statistical data.
Quantitative Research
Research that collects and reports data primarily in numerical form. ( 34)
d. all of the above"
d. all of the above
"People’s needs for food
d. cultural practices."
c. cultural universals.
d. cultural relativism"
a. diffusion
"Which of the following terms describes the set of cultural beliefs and practices that help to maintain powerful social
d. values"
b. dominant ideology
d. dominant ideologies."
c. countercultures.
"What is the term used when one places a priority on understanding other cultures
rather than dismissing them as “ strange” or “ exotic”?
d. cultural value"
c. cultural relativism
"____________________ are gestures
____________________ is the process of introducing a new idea or object to a culture.
"The bow and arrow
the automobile
Sociologists associated with the ____________________ perspective emphasize that language and symbols offer a powerful way for a subculture to maintain its identity.
"The United States has strong ____________________ against murder
" From a( n) ____________________ perspective
the dominant ideology has major social significance. Not only do a society’s most powerful groups and institutions control wealth and property; more important
"Countercultures ( e. g.
hippies) are typically popular among the ____________________
"A person experiences ____________________ ____________________ when he or she feels disoriented
"From the ____________________ perspective
enthocentrism serves to maintain a sense of solidarity by promoting group pride."
d. Jean Piaget"
b. Charles Horton Cooley
"In what he called the play stage of socialization
George Herbert Mead asserted that people mentally assume the perspectives of others
d. impression management."
a. role taking.
d. impression management"
c. the self
d. interactionist"
d. interactionist
"According to child psychologist Jean Piaget’s cognitive theory of development
children begin to use words and symbols to distinguish objects and ideas during which stage in the development of the thought process?
d. the formal operational stage"
b. the preoperational stage
"On the first day of basic training in the army
a recruit has his civilian clothes replaced with army “ greens
d. face- work."
c. a degradation ceremony.
"Which social institution is considered to be the most important agent of socialization in the United States
especially for children?
d. the mass media"
a. the family
d. expectations regarding the proper behavior
d. the psychological perspective"
b. the conflict perspective
c. If they own a computer
they use it in an attempt to stay in contact with their pre- war peer group.
d. all of the above"
d. all of the above
"In everyday speech
the term ___________________ is used to refer to a person’s typical patterns of attitudes
"As children grow older
the family becomes less important in social development
"In the United States
we expect that cab drivers will know how to get around a city. This expectation is an example of which of the following?
d. master status"
c. social role
d. both a and b"
a. role conflict
"In sociological terms
what do we call any number of people with similar norms
d. a society"
b. a group
d. the global perspective"
b. the conflict perspective
"The Shakers
a religious sect that came to the United States in 1774
d. provide and maintain a sense of purpose."
c. replace personnel.
d. Erving Goffman"
c. William I. Thomas
B) The social structure of the prison influenced the social interactions between the prisoners and the guards.
d. gestures"
c. legally defined punishment
d. postindustrial"
d. postindustrial
c. due to their rapid growth and lack of historical record
reconstructing these virtual worlds as they existed when they were first populated will be impossible.
d. it’s expensive to join a virtual social network."
"c. due to their rapid growth and lack of historical record
c. flatter organizational structure. d. absence of traditional job titles."
c. flatter organizational structure.
d. Burger USA."
c. McDonaldization.
d. Formal"
b. Secondary
d. both a and b"
d. both a and b
"The president of the United States need not be a good typist
and a surgeon need not be able to fill a cavity
d. written rules and regulations."
a. division of labor.
d. Ferdinand Tönnies"
b. Max Weber
d. absence of traditional job titles."
c. flatter organizational structure.
"The U. S. Postal Service
the Boston Pops orchestra
d. triads."
c. formal organizations.
"According to the Peter principle
b. if something can go wrong
it will.
d. all line workers get burned in the end."
c. every employee within a hierarchy tends to rise to his or her level of incompetence.
a. Supervisors will find that performance goals must be defined more clearly
which may lead to further bureaucratization.
d. both a and b"
B. It should increase autonomy and job satisfaction for many employees.
"From the functionalist perspective
the media can be dysfunctional in what way?
d. They are agents of socialization."
c. They desensitize us to events.
d. the dramaturgical perspective"
a. the functionalist perspective
Dominant Ideology
"A set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social
"There are problems inherent in the socialization function of the mass media. For example
many people worry about
b. the impact of violent programming on viewer behavior. c. the unequal ability of all individuals to purchase televisions. d. both a and b"
d. both a and b
"Media advertising has several clear functions
but it also has dysfunctions. Sociologists are concerned that
d. all of the above"
d. all of the above
the process by which a relatively small number of people control what material reaches an audience
d. music"
b. the Internet
d. the dramaturgical perspective"
b. the conflict perspective
d. Men are slightly more likely to have ever used the Internet than women are."
c. Men account for 100 percent of players in online sports fantasy leagues.
d. media violence."
b. opinion leaders.
d. social control."
d. social control.
Durkheim’s term for the loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective. ( page 174)
d. social control."
d. social control.
d. the feminist perspective"
c. the functionalist perspective
Behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expecta-tions of a group or society. (
Social Constructionist Perspective
An approach to deviance that empha-sizes the role of culture in the creation of the deviant identity. ( 177)
d. differential association theory"
c. social disorganization theory
Which sociological theory suggests that our connection to members of society leads us to conform systematically to society’s norms? a. feminist theory b. control theory c. interactionist theory d. functionalist theory
C Interactionist theory
d. William Chambliss"
d. William Chambliss
"If we fail to respect and obey social norms
we may face punishment through informal or formal ____________________ ."
"Which of the following describes a condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth
d. social inequality"
d. social inequality
"In Karl Marx’s view
the destruction of the capitalist system will occur only if the working class first develops
d. caste consciousness."
c. class consciousness.
Achieved Status
that a person attains largely through his or her own efforts.
Ascribed Status
A social position assigned to a person by society with-out regard for the person’s unique talents or characteristics. ( 193)
Dominant Ideology
"A set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social
structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in a society. ( 192)
d. the labeling perspective"
a. the functionalist perspective
d. ranking."
c. prestige.
"The poor
d. none of the above"
c. the digital divide.
d. upward intragenerational mobility."
a. downward intergenerational mobility.
a. Émile Durkheim b. Max Weber c. Karl Marx d. Herbert Gans"
d. Herbert Gans
"The maintenance of political
a. neocolonialism. b. government- imposed stratification. c. colonialism. d. dependency."
c. colonialism.
"In viewing the global economic system as divided between nations that control wealth and those that are controlled and exploited
sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein draws on the
a. functionalist perspective. b. conflict perspective. c. interactionist perspective. d. dramaturgical approach. "
b. conflict perspective.
a. Germany b. South Korea c. Ireland d. Mexico "
a. Germany
c. the functionalist perspective
a. dependency b. globalization c. industrialization d. modernization"
d. modernization
"In at least 22 nations around the world
the most affluent 10 percent receives at least what percentage of all income?
a. 20 percent b. 30 percent c. 40 percent d. 50 percent "
c. 40 percent
"Karuna Chanana Ahmed
an anthropologist from India who has studied developing nations
a. children b. women c. the elderly d. the poor "
b. women
"Which of the following terms is used to refer to Mexico’s large
impoverished majority
a. criollo b. indio c. mestizo d. zapatista"
c. mestizo
"In Mexico
women now constitute what percentage of the labor force?
a. 15 percent b. 23 percent c. 35 percent d. 45 percent "
d. 45 percent
"Which of the following terms refers to the foreign- owned factories established just across the border in Mexico
where the companies that own them don’t have to pay taxes or provide insurance or benefits for their workers?
a. maquiladoras b. hombres c. mujeres d. toreadors"
a. maquiladoras
a. unequal treatment b. physical traits c. ascribed status d. cultural bias "
d. cultural bias
a. Asian Americans. b. African Americans. c. Native Americans. d. Jewish Americans. "
b. African Americans.
a. ethnocentrism b. discrimination c. prejudice d. both b and c"
c. prejudice
a. prejudice. b. ethnocentrism. c. discrimination. d. stigmatization."
c. discrimination
"Suppose that a workplace requires that only English be spoken
even when it is not a business necessity to restrict the use of other languages. This requirement would be an example of
a. prejudice. b. scapegoating. c. a self- fulfilling prophecy. d. institutional discrimination. "
d. institutional discrimination.
"Working together as computer programmers for an electronics firm
a Hispanic woman and a Jewish man overcome their initial prejudices and come to appreciate each other’s strengths and talents. This scenario is an example of
a. the contact hypothesis. b. a self- fulfilling prophecy. c. amalgamation. d. reverse discrimination. "
a. the contact hypothesis.
" Intermarriage over several generations
resulting in various groups combining to form a new group
a. amalgamation. b. assimilation. c. segregation. d. pluralism. "
a. amalgamation.
a. amalgamation. b. assimilation."
"The physical separation of two groups of people in terms of residence
Exploitation theory
A Marxist theory that views racial subordination in the United States as a manifestation of the class system inherent in capitalism. ( 253)
Contact hypothesis
"An interactionist perspective which states that in cooperative circumstances
"Both males and females are physically capable of learning to cook and sew
yet most Western societies determine that women should perform these tasks. This illustrates the operation of
a. gender roles. b. sociobiology. c. homophobia. d. comparable worth. "
a. gender roles.
"An important element in traditional views of proper “ masculine” and “ feminine” behavior is fear of homosexuality. This fear
along with accompanying prejudice
a. lesbianism. b. femme fatalism. c. homophobia. d. claustrophobia. "
c. homophobia
d. parents.
d. biology and cultural conditioning have a negligible impact in determining the social roles of males and females. "
b. cultural conditioning is the most important factor in determining the social roles of males and females
a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. both a and b"
d. both a and b
a. More boys than girls take AP exams. b. Women in the United States are more likely to attend college than men. c. Women in the United States are less likely to obtain doctoral degrees than men. d. all of the above "
b. Women in the United States are more likely to attend college than men.
a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. labeling theory"
a. functionalist perspective
Concern for the maintenance of harmony and the inter-nal emotional affairs of the family. ( 277)
"The belief in social
"Expectations regarding the proper behavior
"An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual’s gender
Fear of and prejudice against homosexuality. ( 273)
The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that results from the normal operations of a society. ( 280)
In Zimbardo's mock prison experiment at Stanford University:
The social structure of the prison influenced the social interactions between the prisoners and the guards.
Social Functionalism
"The theory that societies contain certain interdependent structures, each of which performs certain functions for the maintenance of society."
Conflict Theory
"The structure of society is determined by its economic organization, particularly by the ownership of property. Conflict is a permanent feature of social life; societies are in a state of constant change."
Exchange Theory
"Life is a series of exchanges involving rewards and costs. People seek rewarding statuses, relationships, and experiences and try to avoid costs, pain and punishments. Voluntary social interactions are contingent on rewarding reactions from others. When rewarding reactions cease, either the action ends or dissatisfatction results."
Social Facts
"Durkheim. Social Phenomena are social facts. Every way of acdting, fixed or not, capable of exercising on the individual. An external constraint"
Durkheim's Study on Suicide
"Established a unique model for social research. Demonstrated that human behavior can be understood only by investigating the social context in which the behavior takes place. Suicide is a social phenomenon related to the individual's involvement in group life. The more a person is integrated into intimate social groups, the less likely suicide is."
Father of Sociology
Auguste Comte
Herbert Spencer
"""Survival of the Fittest"" First to believe that human societies evolve according to the principles of natural law. Societies evolve from relative homogeneity and simplicity to heterogeneity and complexity. Policy for non-interference in human affairs and society."
Karl Marx
"""Communist Manifesto"" Social conflict is at the core of society and is the source of all social change. Economic determinism, class consciousness. Cappitalists and proletariats make up society."
Max Weber
"Structural Functional Theory. Discussed why men claim authority and expect their wishes to be obeyed. Verstehen, social class involves subjective perceptions ow power, wealth, ownershipa nd social prestige as well as the objetive aspects of applying these factors"
Understanding human action by examining the subjective meanings that people attach to their own behavior and the behavior of others
Validity in Research
The extent to which observations actually yield measures of what they are supposed to measure. Reliable: getting same results each time. Valid: accurate.
The lifelong process in which people are prepeared to participate in society. Begins at birth
George Herbert Mead
"First to describe why language makes humans different from all animals. Elements: symbols (language), role taking: process of figuring out how others will act (example: playing house)"
Primary Group
"Cooley. Refers to small, informal groups of people who interact in a personal, direct, intimate way (ex: family). FAce to face interaction, have mutual identification, shared feelings."
Secondary Group
"Members interact in an impersonal manner, have few emotional ties, and come together for a specific practical purpose. May be fae to face and small but are more formal than primary groups."
Biological Theories of Deviance Moral/immoral View
Deviance is immoral and anti-social
Conflict theory of Deviance
"Most societies contain many groups that have different, often conflicting values and the strongest groups in a society have the power to define the values of weaker groups as deviant."
"What did C. Wright Mills call the sociological perspective, claiming it transforms personal troubles into public issues?"
Sociological imagination
The systematic study of human society.
What are 3 ways that societies around the world are becoming increasingly interconnected?
"Technology, Immigration, and Trade."
What increases the racial and ethnic diversity of the United States?
What role does research by sociologists play?
Shaping public policy
"On a personal level, what helps us see the opportunities and limits in our lives and empowers us to be active citizens?"
Sociological perspective
Who named sociology in 1838 to describe a new way of looking at society?
Auguste Comte
Who pointed out that social structures have both manifest functions and latent functions. He also identified social dysfunction as patterns that may disrupt the operation of society.
Thomas Merton
Which sociologist helped develop the social-conflict approach?
Karl Marx
"Who identified the ""double consciousness"" of African Americans."
W.E.B. Du Bois
Who claimed that people's beliefs and values shape society and is the basis of the social-interaction approach.
Max Weber
A basic image of society that guides thinking and research
theoretical approach
The consequences of any social pattern for the operation of society as a whole
social function
any relatively stable pattern of social behavior
social structure
a point of view that focuses on inequality and conflict between women and men.
gender-conflict approach
support of social equality for women and men
a simplified description applied to every person in some category.
a relationship in which two or more variables change together
List 4 things that researchers MUST do.
"protect the privacy of the subjects, obtain the informed consent of subjects, indicate all sources of funding, and submit research to an institutional review board to ensure it doesn't violate ethical standards."
a systematic plan for doing research
research method
a change in a subject's behavior caused simply by the awareness of being studied.
Hawthorne effect
What is Sociology?
is the scientific study of social behavior and human groups.
What is the Sociological Imagination?
"is an awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society. it is based on our view society as an outsider, rather than from the perspective of our limited experiences and cultural biases."
Summaries Chapter 1
"2. In contrast to other social sciences, sociology emphasizes the influ-ence that groups can have on people’s behavior and attitudes and the ways in which people shape society.
The Loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective
Applied Sociology
The use of the discipline of sociology with the specific intent of yielding practical applications for human behavior and orga-nizations. ( 16)
Basic Sociology
Sociological inquiry conducted with the objective of gain-ing a more profound knowledge of the fundamental aspects of social phenomena. Also known as pure sociology. ( 18)
Clinical Sociology
The use of the discipline of sociology with the spe-cific intent of altering social relationships or restructuring social institutions. ( 18)
Conflict Perspective
"A sociological approach that assumes that social behavior is best understood in terms of tension between groups over power or the allocation of resources, including housing, money, access to services, and political representation. ( 14)"
Cultural Capital
"Noneconomic goods, such as family background and educa-tion, which are reflected in a knowledge of language and the arts. ( 13)"
Double Consciousness
The division of an individual’s identity into two or more social realities. ( 12)
Dramaturgical Approach
The division of an individual’s identity into two or more social realities. ( 12)
Feminist View
A sociological approach that views inequity in gender as central to all behavior and organization. ( 14)
Functionalist Perspective
A sociological approach that emphasizes the way in which the parts of a society are structured to maintain its sta-bility. ( 13)
Interactionist Perspective
A sociological approach that generalizes about everyday forms of social interaction in order to explain society as a whole. ( 15)
Social Inequality
"A condition in which members of society have differing amounts of wealth, prestige, or power. ( 19)"
Sociological Imagination
"An awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society, both today and in the past. ( 5)"
d. an awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society."
"c. the systematic study of social behavior and human groups.
d. C. Wright Mills"
d. C. Wright Mills
d. suicide is a solitary act, unrelated to group life."
"b. suicide rates seemed to be higher in times of peace than in times of war and revolution.
d. microsociology"
"b. verstehen
b. producing a theory that is one of the most frequently cited explanations of deviant behavior. c. an attempt to bring macro- level and micro- level analyses together. d. all of the above"
d. all of the above
d. Charles Horton Cooley"
a. W. E. B. DuBois
d. Pierre Bourdieu."
b. Ida Wells- Barnett
d. the interactionist perspective"
"a. the functionalist perspective
d. dramaturgical approach."
"b. conflict perspective.
d. the interactionist perspective"
d. the interactionist perspectiv
"While the findings of sociologists may at times seem like common sense, they differ because they rest on ___________________ analysis of facts."
"Within sociology, a( n) ___________________ is a set of statements that seeks to explain problems, actions, or behavior."
"In ___________________ ’ s hierarchy of the sciences, sociology was the “ queen,” and its practitioners were “ scientist- priests.”"
Auguste Comte;
"In Society in America, originally published in 1837, English scholar ____________________ ____________________ examined religion, politics, child rearing, and immigration in the young nation."
Harriet Martineau;
____________________ ____________________ adapted Charles Darwin’s evolutionary view of the “ survival of the fittest” by arguing that it is “ natural” that some people are rich while others are poor.
Herbert Spencer;
Sociologist Max Weber coined the term ____________________ ____________________ in referring to a construct or model that serves as a measuring rod against which actual cases can be evaluated.
ideal type;
"In The Communist Manifesto, ___________________ ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ argued that the masses of people who have no resources other than their labor ( the proletariat) should unite to fight for the overthrow of capitalist societies."
"Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels;"
"___________________ ____________________ , an early female sociologist, cofounded the famous Chicago settlement house called Hull House and also tried to establish a juvenile court system."
Jane Addams;
The university’s role in certifying academic competence and excellence is an example of a( n) ____________________ function.
The ____________________ ____________________ draws on the work of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in that it often views women’s subordination as inherent in capitalist societies.
feminist view
d. formulate a hypothesis."
B define the problem
d. variable."
"c. operational definition.
d. independent variable."
d. independent variable.
d. a negative relationship exists between two variables."
c. a change in one variable coincides with a change in another variable.
d. control variables"
a. sampling
d. do all of the above."
c. study the attitudes of registered Democratic voters by choosing every 10th name found on a city’s list of registered Democrats.
d. observation techniques"
a. an interview
d. participant observation"
d. participant observation
d. experiment"
d. experiment
d. experimental research"
c. secondary analysis
"Unlike the typical citizen, the sociologist has a commitment to the use of the ____________________ method in studying society."
A( n) ____________________ is a speculative statement about the relationship between two or more factors known as variables.
____________________ refers to the degree to which a measure or scale truly reflects the phenomenon under study.
" If scientists were testing a new type of toothpaste in an experimental setting, they would administer the toothpaste to a( n) ____________________ group, but not to a( n) ____________________ group. "
experimental; control
The term ____________________ ____________________ refers to the unintended influence that observers of experiments can have on their subjects.
Hawthorne effect
Using census data in a way unintended by its initial collectors would be an example of . ____________________ ____________________.
secondary analysis
"Using content analysis, ____________________ ____________________ conducted a pioneering exploration of how advertisements in 1979 portrayed women as being inferior to men."
Erving Goffman
The American Sociological Association’s Code of ____________________ requires sociologists to maintain objectivity and integrity and to preserve the confidentiality of their subjects.
"As part of their commitment to ____________________ neutrality, investigators have an ethical obligation to accept research findings even when the data run counter to their own personal views or widely accepted beliefs."
Hawthorne Effect
The unintended influence that observers of experi-ments can have on their subjects.
Qualitative Research
Research that relies on what is seen in field or nat-uralistic settings more than on statistical data.
Quantitative Research
Research that collects and reports data primarily in numerical form. ( 34)
d. all of the above"
d. all of the above
d. cultural practices."
c. cultural universals.
d. cultural relativism"
a. diffusion
d. values"
b. dominant ideology
d. dominant ideologies."
c. countercultures.
d. cultural value"
c. cultural relativism
"____________________ are gestures, objects, and/ or words that form the basis of human communication."
____________________ is the process of introducing a new idea or object to a culture.
"The bow and arrow, the automobile, and the television are all examples of ____________________ ."
Sociologists associated with the ____________________ perspective emphasize that language and symbols offer a powerful way for a subculture to maintain its identity.
" From a( n) ____________________ perspective, the dominant ideology has major social significance. Not only do a society’s most powerful groups and institutions control wealth and property; more important, they control the means of production. "
"Countercultures ( e. g., hippies) are typically popular among the ____________________, who have the least investment in the existing culture. "
"A person experiences ____________________ ____________________ when he or she feels disoriented, uncertain, out of place, even fearful, when immersed in an unfamiliar culture. "
Cultural shock
"From the ____________________ perspective, enthocentrism serves to maintain a sense of solidarity by promoting group pride."
d. Jean Piaget"
b. Charles Horton Cooley
d. impression management."
a. role taking.
d. impression management"
c. the self
d. interactionist"
d. interactionist
d. the formal operational stage"
b. the preoperational stage
d. face- work."
c. a degradation ceremony.
d. the mass media"
a. the family
d. expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females."
"d. expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females."
d. the psychological perspective"
b. the conflict perspective
d. all of the above"
d. all of the above
"In everyday speech, the term ___________________ is used to refer to a person’s typical patterns of attitudes, needs, characteristics, and behavior."
"As children grow older, the family becomes less important in social development, while ___________________ groups become more important."
d. master status"
c. social role
d. both a and b"
a. role conflict
d. a society"
b. a group
d. the global perspective"
b. the conflict perspective
d. provide and maintain a sense of purpose."
c. replace personnel.
d. Erving Goffman"
c. William I. Thomas
In Zimbardo's mock prison experiment at Stanford University:
d. gestures"
c. legally defined punishment
d. postindustrial"
d. postindustrial
d. it’s expensive to join a virtual social network."
"c. due to their rapid growth and lack of historical record, reconstructing these virtual worlds as they existed when they were first populated will be impossible. "
c. flatter organizational structure. d. absence of traditional job titles."
c. flatter organizational structure.
d. Burger USA."
c. McDonaldization.
d. Formal"
b. Secondary
d. both a and b"
d. both a and b
d. written rules and regulations."
a. division of labor.
d. Ferdinand Tönnies"
b. Max Weber
d. absence of traditional job titles."
c. flatter organizational structure.
d. triads."
c. formal organizations.
d. all line workers get burned in the end."
c. every employee within a hierarchy tends to rise to his or her level of incompetence.
d. both a and b"
B. It should increase autonomy and job satisfaction for many employees.
d. They are agents of socialization."
c. They desensitize us to events.
d. the dramaturgical perspective"
a. the functionalist perspective
Dominant Ideology
"A set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests. ( 148)"
b. the impact of violent programming on viewer behavior. c. the unequal ability of all individuals to purchase televisions. d. both a and b"
d. both a and b
d. all of the above"
d. all of the above
d. music"
b. the Internet
d. the dramaturgical perspective"
b. the conflict perspective
d. Men are slightly more likely to have ever used the Internet than women are."
c. Men account for 100 percent of players in online sports fantasy leagues.
d. media violence."
b. opinion leaders.
d. social control."
d. social control.
Durkheim’s term for the loss of direction felt in a society when social control of individual behavior has become ineffective. ( page 174)
d. social control."
d. social control.
d. the feminist perspective"
c. the functionalist perspective
Behavior that violates the standards of conduct or expecta-tions of a group or society. (
Social Constructionist Perspective
An approach to deviance that empha-sizes the role of culture in the creation of the deviant identity. ( 177)
d. differential association theory"
c. social disorganization theory
Which sociological theory suggests that our connection to members of society leads us to conform systematically to society’s norms? a. feminist theory b. control theory c. interactionist theory d. functionalist theory
C Interactionist theory
d. William Chambliss"
d. William Chambliss
"If we fail to respect and obey social norms, we may face punishment through informal or formal ____________________ ."
d. social inequality"
d. social inequality
d. caste consciousness."
c. class consciousness.
Achieved Status
that a person attains largely through his or her own efforts.
Ascribed Status
A social position assigned to a person by society with-out regard for the person’s unique talents or characteristics. ( 193)
Dominant Ideology
"A set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests. ("
structured ranking of entire groups of people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in a society. ( 192)
d. the labeling perspective"
a. the functionalist perspective
d. ranking."
c. prestige.
d. none of the above"
c. the digital divide.
d. upward intragenerational mobility."
a. downward intergenerational mobility.
a. Émile Durkheim b. Max Weber c. Karl Marx d. Herbert Gans"
d. Herbert Gans
a. neocolonialism. b. government- imposed stratification. c. colonialism. d. dependency."
c. colonialism.
a. functionalist perspective. b. conflict perspective. c. interactionist perspective. d. dramaturgical approach. "
b. conflict perspective.
a. Germany b. South Korea c. Ireland d. Mexico "
a. Germany
c. the functionalist perspective
a. dependency b. globalization c. industrialization d. modernization"
d. modernization
a. 20 percent b. 30 percent c. 40 percent d. 50 percent "
c. 40 percent
a. children b. women c. the elderly d. the poor "
b. women
a. criollo b. indio c. mestizo d. zapatista"
c. mestizo
a. 15 percent b. 23 percent c. 35 percent d. 45 percent "
d. 45 percent
a. maquiladoras b. hombres c. mujeres d. toreadors"
a. maquiladoras
a. unequal treatment b. physical traits c. ascribed status d. cultural bias "
d. cultural bias
a. Asian Americans. b. African Americans. c. Native Americans. d. Jewish Americans. "
b. African Americans.
a. ethnocentrism b. discrimination c. prejudice d. both b and c"
c. prejudice
a. prejudice. b. ethnocentrism. c. discrimination. d. stigmatization."
c. discrimination
a. prejudice. b. scapegoating. c. a self- fulfilling prophecy. d. institutional discrimination. "
d. institutional discrimination.
a. the contact hypothesis. b. a self- fulfilling prophecy. c. amalgamation. d. reverse discrimination. "
a. the contact hypothesis.
a. amalgamation. b. assimilation. c. segregation. d. pluralism. "
a. amalgamation.
a. amalgamation. b. assimilation."
"The physical separation of two groups of people in terms of residence, workplace, and social events; often imposed on a minority group by a dominant group. ( 255)"
Exploitation theory
A Marxist theory that views racial subordination in the United States as a manifestation of the class system inherent in capitalism. ( 253)
Contact hypothesis
"An interactionist perspective which states that in cooperative circumstances, interracial contact between people of equal status will reduce prejudice. ( 254)"
a. gender roles. b. sociobiology. c. homophobia. d. comparable worth. "
a. gender roles.
a. lesbianism. b. femme fatalism. c. homophobia. d. claustrophobia. "
c. homophobia
d. parents.
d. biology and cultural conditioning have a negligible impact in determining the social roles of males and females. "
b. cultural conditioning is the most important factor in determining the social roles of males and females
a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. both a and b"
d. both a and b
a. More boys than girls take AP exams. b. Women in the United States are more likely to attend college than men. c. Women in the United States are less likely to obtain doctoral degrees than men. d. all of the above "
b. Women in the United States are more likely to attend college than men.
a. functionalist perspective b. conflict perspective c. interactionist perspective d. labeling theory"
a. functionalist perspective
Concern for the maintenance of harmony and the inter-nal emotional affairs of the family. ( 277)
"The belief in social, economic, and political equality for women. ( 284"
"Expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females. ( 273)
"An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual’s gender, race, or ethnicity. ( 282) "
Fear of and prejudice against homosexuality. ( 273)
The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups that results from the normal operations of a society. ( 280)