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103 Cards in this Set

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It involves the insertion of DNA from one organism into another or modification of an organisms DNA in order to achieve a desired trait.

Genetically modified organism.

What is the difference of selective breeding from genetic modification?

Selective breathing is slow imprecise and naturally occur in the organism on the other hand genetic modification is very fast more precise and has the ability to introduce genes into organisms that would not naturally occur.

Artificial selection has influenced the genetic makeup of livestock and crops for thousands of years.True or false.


Proponents of GM crops say GM foods are not safe. T or f


What does critics of GM foods say?

The traditional breeding use genes from the same species.

Selective breeding deals with whole organisms not just genes.

In traditional breeding genes come together on their own.

Changes organisms through selection.

Traditional Breeding.

It is more like the process of mutation

Genetic Engineering.

It is the material application of biological science to create products derived from organisms.


It is an organism that contains DNA from another species.

Transgenic organism.

The genes that have moved between organisms.


Give 5 examples of GMO in medicine.

Example of GMO in biofuel.

Algenol Biofuels and Rapeseed

Gmo in bio remediation.

poplar trees removed groundwater contaminants.

Enviropig (frankenswine).Able to digest and process phosphate

Gmo in pesticides.

Kills caterpillars but not poisonous to humans.

GMO in manufacturing.

Produces silk in milk to make biosteel

Some examples of genetically modified foods

Bt crops.

Roundup ready crops.

Ice minus strawberries.

Golden rice.

Startlink corn.

AquAdvantage salmon.

Golden rice is genetically modified by inserting a gene from maize and a gene from bacteria found in soil which allows the plant to biosynthesized ______ in rice.

Beta carotene

Give examples of common GM foods.








Cottonseed oil and

Sugar beets.

It is the most covered GM foods that comprises 57.5%.


least type of Gm CROPS WITH ONLY 4.7 %


experts say ___ to ___ % of processed foods on US grocery shelves have genetically modified ingredients.

60 to 70

nation that has the highest GM crops

United States

percentage of unexplained cause of infertility


causes of infertiity in women

ovulation disorders

tube/uterus blockage



cause of infertility in men

sperm count and defects

erctile or ejaculation deficiency

environmental cause is called


ovulatory failure can be:

polycystic ovarian syndrome

resistant ovarian syndrome

gonadal dysgenesis

immpaired gamete / zygote transport can be:

inflammatory disease


an effect of low progesterone levels

implantation defects

result of chromosome abnormality

spontaneous abortion

condition in which one or both of the testes fail to descend from the abdomen into the scrotum.


example of chromosome disorders

gonadal dysgenesis

gonadotropin deficiency results in

low sperm count and sperm of poor quality

female infertility tests for ovulation

basal body temperature

ovulation kit

hormone tests (steroids)

femal infertility tests for post ovulatory block



post coital/cervial mucuous and sperm

sperm antibodies

endometrial biopsy

this procedure can find adhesions, structural abnormality


this procedure can look into block tubes


how many sperms are there in 1 ml of semen

50 million sperm cells

normal semen count per ejaculation

2 to 5 ml

infertility for men

>20 million sperm per ml

>50% motile

>30% structurally normal

male infertuuliy test procedure

testicular biopsy

example of older low tech treatments

drug tretaement for ovulation block

itrauterine insemination

tubal surgery

high tech assisted reproductio technologies




Intracytoplasmic sperm injection


Invitro fertilization.


Gamete Intrafallopian tube transfer


Zygote intrafallopian tube transfer

On this procedure, the eggs and sperm are collected as with IVF, but then injected directly into the woman's fallopian tubes so fertilization occurs inside the body


It is used when male has low sperm counts or sperm with poor mortility or if a couple has moral objections to IVF


It combines aspect sof both IVF and GIFT.


On this procedure fertilization takes place outside the uterus and placed into the fallopian tubes


On a ZIFT procedure, eggs are collected and fertilized by the partner's sperm in the _________


The name of the first test tube baby

Louise Joy Brown

Basic steps in IVF

Ovary stimulation

Egg retrieval

Sperm retrieval


Embryo transfer


Drugs used for ovary stimulation


-Human menopausal gonadotropins-Follicle stimulating hormone

-Gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone

-Gonadotropin hormone-releasing hormone Agonist

-Human chorionic gonadotropin

Clomiphene is a s anti estrogen that i also known as


FSH is also known as


GnRH agonist is also known as


You could take clomid, performances, HCG shot, and progesterone in a single cycle


Why do you need to transfer more that one embryo

-increase the pregnancy rate

-leads to incrasd risk of multiple pregnancies

-test embryos before transfer

GIFT is executed through a surgical incisions

No. Ultrasound guide

This is the removal or change in the genetic material in the cells of a patient

Gene Therapy

Help make functioning proteins despite the presence o of a faulty gene

Gene therapy

5 types of gene therapy

-gene addition

-gene correction

-gene silencing


-cell elimination

On gene therapy a working copy of a gene is transferred into the target cell using a _______


Inserting a new copy of gene into the target cells

Gene Addition

Modifying part of a gene using recently developed gene editing technology

Gene correcction

Example of recently developed gene editing technology


Prevents the production of specific protein y targetinng mRNA

Gene Silencing


Messenger Ribonucleic acid

Involves adding one or more genes to cells of a specific type


Used to destroy malignant tumour cells

Cell elimination



It is the transfer of cells into patient with tthe goal of improving a diseasse

Cell therapy

Exampl of a cell therapy

CAR-T cell therapy

It is the introduction, removal, or change in genetic material-DNA

Gene therapy

The patient's cell are reoved from the body

Cell therapy

Its goal is to remov, disrupt, or correct faulty elements if dna within the gene

Gene editing

6 types cell therapy

-embryonic stem cells

-induced pluripotent stem cells

- nuclear transfer embryonic stem cells

-hematopoietic stem cells

-immune cell therapy

-other stem cell therapy

Pluripoent stem cellsderived from embryos

Embryonic stem cell

A differentiated adult ell such as skin cell is reprogrammed to return to pluripotent cell

INduced pluripotent stem cells

Adult cells are called


Plurpotent cells are produced by trannsferring the nucleus from an adult cell obtained from the patient to an oocyte obtained from a donor

Nuclear transfer embryonic stem cell

a single cell that can replicat itself or differentiate into many cell types

Stem cell

The first mammal to have been successfully clned from an adult cell is a?


Consdiered to be the poster child of modern biotechnology

Dolly the sheep

Give some exmaple of potential uses of adult stem cell

Missing teeth



Lung cancer




Multi potent blod stem cells that give rise to all types of blood cells

Hematopoietic stem cells

Cells can be removed from the bod, isolated from a mixed cell population, modified and tehn expaned befoor return to the body

Immune cell therapy

Example of Immune cell therapy

CAR-T cell therapy

Other stem cell sources:




It states the prohibition and restriction of the creation, importation promotion, marketing, an us of stem cell therapies from ebryonic, abored fetal, and genetically altered, animal, and plant stem cell

Administrative order no. 2013-0012

It is an undifferntiated dividing cell that gives rise to a daughter cell like itself and a daughte cell that becomes a specialized cell type.

Stem cell

All stem cells can

Self renew and differentiate

Three stem cell types


Tissue specific

Induced pluripotent

Can form almost any cell type in the human body


Multipotent: can form only limited types of cells

Tissue specific

Engineered kby scientists to act like embryonic stem

Induced pluripotent

Most promising type of stem cell for therapy

Embryonic stem cell

What diseases do stem cells treat?

example of a tissue specific stem cell therapy

Bone marrow transplant

Trachea transplantation

Why do researchers stuudy embryonic stem cell?


Differentiation of stem cells into mature, functional cells

Potential for rtumor formation

Immune rejection

Derived from skin r blood cells hat have bee reprogrammed back into an embryonic like pluripotent stat that enables teh dvelopment o an unlimited source of any typ of human cell needed foor therapeutic purposes

Induced pluripotent stem cell