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53 Cards in this Set

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The power in a persuasive presentation resides in the speaker's:
a) Content
b) Visual aid
c) Organization
d) Audience
Organizational structure, on-the-job training, politics, and communication climate are elements of:
a) Goal-setting
b) Anxiety
c) Situational
d) Communication
TRUE OR FALSE: Studies on productivity, conducted by Harvard professor
Elton Mayo in the 1920s/1930s, determined that increases in workers'
productivity were the direct result of increased lighting in the workplace.
The four critical areas interviewers are seeking answers to in an interview
a) How are you dressed? What do you know about the company?
Who referred you? When can you start?

b) How old are you? Are you married or single? Do you have
dependable transportation? Can you work overtime?

c) Why are you here? What can you do for us? What kind of
person are you? How much will you cost?

d) Who have you worked for? What kind of work was it? How
long did you do that work? Where did you do that work?
Negotiators come to the table expecting to give up some of their goals to obtain something in return. This is called:
a) Making concessions
b) Using competitive strategies
c) Managing negotiation anxiety
d) Having content goals
The term your textbook uses to describe cultural communication that
occurs between people from two cultures is:

a) International
b) Interracial
c) Interethnic
d) Cross-cultural
Speech critiques in this course require students to evaluate peers and
guest (or outside) speakers on the following presentation skills:
a) speaker commitment, audience relate, substance of speech, and
nonverbal delivery
b) speaker purpose, audience identification, punctuality, speech
c) speech occasion, setting, purpose, and presentation skill
d) speaker appearance, audience identification, speech structure, and
adherence to time parameters
Identification with other people's feelings is called:
a) Empathy
b) Sympathy
c) Emotion
d) Shared meaning
T/F: According to the etiquette information contained in your textbook
Toolbox, you should try to avoid repeating someone's name when
introduced so you do not appear inattentive.
The Disadvantage of teleconferencing and videoconferencing is:
a) Wastes time
b) Can only be used by a few people
c) Eliminates face-to-face interaction
d) Speakerphones are too sensitive for effective communication
T/F: As the size of a group increases, the interaction among the
members becomes more formal.
__________________ are experienced, successful employees who give
help and guidance to newer employees.
a) Protégés
b) Experts
c) Human resources personnel
d) Mentors
To ensure that time is not wasted and that issues needing to be resolved
are not neglected, an ______ should be prepared for a meeting.
a) analysis
b) agenda
c) alternative solutions list
d) evaluation form
In systems theory, the idea that organizational members rely on one
another to accomplish goals, such that if one person is absent or fails to
do her or his share of the work the entire team suffers, is known as:
a) Synergy
b) Openness
c) Hierarchy
d) Interdependency
_______________ link the various elements of a speech.
a) Note cards
b) Roman numerals
c) Dysfluencies (not a real word btw)
d) Transitions
Three objectives of an effective Introduction in a presentation are:
a) Establish credibility, preview subject, credit sources
b) Gain attention, preview subject, provide a focal point
c) Establish credibility, gain attention, preview subject
d) Tell audience what you're going to tell them, tell them, tell them
what you told them
TRUE OR FALSE: Paralanguage is a type of nonverbal expression.
The ______ identifies what you as the presenter want the audience to
think, believe, feel, or do as a result of listening to your presentation.
a) General purpose
b) Specific purpose
c) Persuasive perspective
d) Supporting data
TRUE OR FALSE: The terms manager and leader are interchangeable.
TRUE OR FALSE: Communication in all three directions -- downward,
upward, and horizontal -- occurs in both tall and flat organizations.
TRUE OR FALSE: Astute leaders recognize all the tasks involved in
their organization's operation, and know the specifics of every single job
What messages help employees to fully realize their potential in an
a) Maintenance messages
b) Intercultural messages
c) Human relations messages
d) Task messages
When an employee is offered a reward, or told that he/she will be
spared negative effects if he/she participates in sexual activity, that is a
kind of sexual harassment known as:
a) Hostile environment
b) The Clinton administration
c) Power leverage
d) Quid pro quo
Rigid and inflexible behavior in customer relations is called:
a) Apathy
b) Coldness
c) Condescension
d) Robotism
"You like ice cream, don't you?" is an example of a _____ question:
a) Open-ended question
b) Leading question
c) Filtered question
d) Blue Bell question
According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (and noted in your
textbook Toolbox), what percentage of all employers in the United States
are small businesses:
a) 50 percent
b) 75 percent
c) 99 percent
d) 45 percent
When communication fails within a business organization, the result can
a) Loss of morale
b) Decreased productivity
c) Job termination
d) All of the above
What are the three D's that inhibit listening, according to your text?
a) Distraction, Disorientation, Defensiveness
b) Distraction, Defensiveness, Deadlines
c) Distraction, Discrimination, Disruptions
d) Distraction, Disorientation, Disco
It is best to prepare your résumé and cover letter after:
a) You have some work experience.
b) You know your rights under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
c) You have researched the company that's hiring.
d) You have collected letters of reference.
T/F: According to the business etiquette information contained in your
textbook Toolbox, following the universal Do's and Don'ts contained in
texts such as Never Read a Newspaper at Your Desk: The Fundamental
Principles of Business makes it unnecessary to study communication
practices in specific cultures.
___________________ is a broad term that explains why people from
various nations and co-cultures act and speak as they do:
a) Diversity
b) Semantics
c) Ethnocentrism
d) Culture
__________________ management works only if each party has
something the other party wants.
a) Transactional management
b) Leadership management
c) Country Club management
d) Authority-compliance management
The two general legal requirements that interviewers must adhere to
a) All resumes that are received must be at least cursorily reviewed
b) All candidates must be posed the same basic questions
c) All questions must be job related
d) (a) and (b)
e) (b) and (c)
Messages that inform employees of their performance in the
organization are called:
a) Motivation
b) Problem identification
c) Feedback
d) Indoctrination of goals
A presentation that tells listeners something they do not already know or
supplements their existing knowledge is called:
a) Informative
b) Persuasive
c) Motivational
d) Ceremonial
An ideal strategy for resolving conflict which shows extreme concern for

both content and relationships is called:
a) Compromising
b) Accommodating
c) Collaborating
d) Goal setting
Communication failure can be due to:
a) Inadequate information, problems with channels, and bureaucracy
b) Poor timing, problems with channels, and closed systems
c) Poor quality information, problems with channels, and cultural barriers
d) Ineffective goal setting, problems with channels, and organizational
Corrective and supportive feedback are given during:
a) An appraisal interview
b) A follow-up interview
c) An interview in which illegal questions have
been asked
d) A media interview
According to your text, the most prevalent type of interview in business
is the:
a) Employment interview
b) Appraisal interview
c) Disciplinary interview
d) Media interview
According to the Research Overview in your textbook Toolbox, when
conducting business research the first place to look for information is
determined by:
a) Your purpose
b) Your parameters (time limits of your speech)
c) Your audience
d) Your subject
Round-robin recording of ideas is one of the steps in:
a) The Delphi technique
b) Nominal group technique
c) Devil's advocacy
d) Reflective thinking
Labor-management negotiations are one of the most important
examples of:
a) Verbal aggressiveness
b) Argumentativeness
c) Formal bargaining
d) Informal bargaining
Territories in organizations can include:
a) Email
b) Parking spaces
c) Coffee cups
d) All of the above
A group that suffers from groupthink:
a) Fails to explore alternative solutions
b) Fails to explore problems
c) Fails to conform with other members of the
d) (a) and (b)
That a speaker can be persuasive because he or she is credible was
recognized in ancient times by Greek and Roman scholars, who labeled
this concept:
a) Ethos
b) Pathos
c) Mythos
d) Oreos
Listening that concentrates on content and includes understanding and
interpreting a message is:
a) Discriminative listening
b) Passive listening
c) Analytical listening
d) Appreciative listening
Extemporaneous speaking:
a) Is planned and rehearsed.
b) Is no different from manuscript speaking.
c) Is best avoided when possible.
d) Is used when the situation requires precise
Your perspectives and patterns of language and behavior are formed by:
a) Your attitudes (learned likes and dislikes)
b) Your beliefs (judgments about right and wrong)
c) Your flexibility (ability to tolerate change and willingness to
d) (a) and (b)
When preparing to interview candidates for a job, it is best to:
a) Begin with open questions to warm up the interviewee
b) Use leading secondary questions to more efficiently conduct the
c) Frame questions so that they can be answered simply "Yes" or "No"
(again, to be more efficient)
d) All of the above
__________________ is a five-step process for decision-making in
a) Reflective thinking
b) The Delphi technique
c) Consensus
d) Voting
What is the superiority of one culture over another?
How many departments are there?
What is the point of the survey?
a) To assign a department???