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90 Cards in this Set

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placing confidence in another that almost always involves some risk
sharing biographical data, personal ideas, and feelings that are unknown to another person
Johari Window
a tool for examining the relationship between disclosure and feedback in a relationship--open, blind (not known to self, known to others), secret (known to self, not known to others) and unknown
maintaining a relationship
behaving and communicating in ways that preserve a particular level of closeness or intimacy in a relationship
a subtle indication of dissatisfaction
the first sign a relationship is ending or de-escalating
the people no longer inteact with each other
a relationship has ended when--
engage in a direct, open and honest conversation and clearly state their wish to end the relationship
to end a deteriorating relationship, competent communicators should
relational dialects
seemingly opposing forces that occur in all interpersonal relationships (openness-closedness, autonomy-connection and novelty-predictability)
sharing biographical data, personal experiences, ideas and feelings
the right of an individual to keep biographical data, personal ideas and feelings secret
managing privacy
a conscious decision to avoid disclosure and to withhold information or feelings from a relational partner
a way to share information, display knowledge, negotiate, and preserve independence (men are likely to engage in during their disclosure patterns)
rapport talk
women more likely to engage in- a way to share experiences and establish bonds with others
describing feelings
a way of naming the emotions you are feeling without judging them
describing behavior
accurately recounting the specific behaviors of another without commenting on their appropriateness
describing the specific positive behaviors or accomplishments of another and the effect that behavior has on others
constructive criticism
describing specific behaviors of another that hurt the person or the person's relationships with others (does not judge or condemn behaviors, instead is based on empathy)
passive behavior
not expressing personal preferences or defending our rights because we fear the cost and are insecure in the relationships, have very low self-esteem, or value the other person above ourself
aggressive behavior
belligerently or violently confronting another with your preferences, feelings, needs, or rights with little regard for the situation or for the feelings or rights of others
assertive behavior
expressing your personal preferences and defending your personal rights while respecting the preferences and rights of others
interpersonal conflict
when the needs or ideas of one person are at odds or in opposition to the needs or ideas of another
managing conflict by physically or psychologically removing yourself
managing conflict by satisfying others' needs or accepting others' ideas while neglecting our own
managing conflict by satisfying your own needs or advancing your own ideas, with no concern for the needs or ideas of the other and no concern for the harm done to the relationship
managing conflict by giving up part of what you want to provide at least some satisfaction for both parties
managing conflict by fully addressing the needs and issues of each party and arriving at a solution that is mutually satisfying
work group
a collection of 3 or more people who must interact and influence each other to solve problems and to accomplish a common purpose
group goal
a future state of affairs desired by enough members of the group to motivate the group to work toward its achievement
specific goal
a precisely stated, measurable and behavioral goal
consistent goals
complementary goals; achieving one goal does not prohibit achievement of the other
challenging goals
goals that require hard work and team effort; they motivate group members to do things beyond what they might normally accomplish
acceptable goals
goals to which team members feel personally committed
the degree of attraction members have to each other and to the group's goal
team-building activities
activities designed to help the group work better together
expectations for the way group members will behave while in the group
ground rules
prescribed behaviors designed to help the group meet its goals and conduct its conversations
a commonality of purpose and complementariness of each others efforts that produces a group outcome greater that an individual outcome
stages of group development
forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
when a group does not "storm," a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing and moral judgement that results from in-group pressure
they are stated as questions, contain only one central idea, use specific and precise language to describe the problem, can be identified as a question of fact, value or policy
4 characteristics of effective problem definitions
questions of fact
questions concerned with discovering what is true or to what extent something is true
questions of value
questions that concern subjective judgements of what is right, moral, good or just
questions of policy
questions that concern what courses of action should be taken or what rules should be adopted to solve a problem
an uncritical, non-evaluative process of generating associated ideas
expert opinion method
the group asks the member with the most expertise to make the final decision
average group opinion method
each member ranks the alternatives and the alternative receiving the highest average ranking becomes the choice
majority rule method
the group votes on alternatives and the choice that receives the majority of the voted wins
unanimous decision method
group must continue deliberation until all members agree on one solution
consensus method
alternative to unanimous method--group deliberates until all members agree on an acceptable variation of the solution
a specific pattern of behavior that one group member performs based on the expectations of other members
task-related roles
specific pattern of behavior that directly help the group accomplish its goals
member who gets the conversation started or moves it in a new direction
information or opinion giver
group member who provides content for the discussion
information or opinoin seeker
member ho probes others for their factual ideas and opinions
member who probes the content, reasoning, and evidence of members during discussion
member who indicates to the group that it is off track or summarizes points of agreement and disagreement among members
maintenance roles
patterns of behavior that help the group develop and maintain good member relationships, group cohesiveness and effective levels of conflict
a member who ensure that everyone has an opportunity to speak and be heard
member who provides support for the contributions of other team members
member who helps the group relieve tension and manage conflict
self-centered roles
patterns of behavior that focus on individuals needs and goals at the expense of the group
member who seeks to enhance their own status by criticizing almost everything or blaming other when things get rough and by deflating the ego or status of others
member who attempts to draw attention to themselves by clowning, mimicking or generally making a joke of everything
member who meets their own goals at the expense of group goals by not participating in the discussion or work of the group
member who routinely rejects others views and stubbornly disagrees with emerging group decisions
a process of influencing others to accomplish group goals
formal leader
an assigned, appointed or elected leader who is given legitimate power to influence others
informal leader
members of the group whose authority to influence stems from the power they gain through their interactions in the group
the process of receiving, constructing meaning from and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages
the perpetual process of selecting and focusing on specific stimuli from the countless stimuli reaching the senses
decoding a message accurately to reflect the meaning intended by the speaker
intellectually identifying with or vicariously experiencing the feelings or attitudes of another
empathetic response
experiencing an emotional response parallel to, and as a result observing, another person's actual or anticipated display of emotion
perspective taking
imagining yourself in the place of another, the most common form of empathizing
sympathetic responsiveness
feeling concern, compassion of sorrow for another because of the other's situation or plight
putting in to words the ideas or feelings you have perceived from the message
content paraphrase
one that focuses on denotating the meaning of the message
feelings paraphrase
a response that capture the emotions attached to the content of the message
critical analysis
the process of evaluating what you have heard to determine its truthfulness
factual statements
statements whose accuracy can be verified or proven
statements made by the speaker that are based on facts or observations
to help people feel better about themselves and their behavior
supportive messages
comforting statements that have a goal to reassure, bolster, encourage, soothe, console or cheer up
clarifying supportive intentions
openly stating that your goal in the conversation is to help your partner
cushioning the effect of messages by utilizing both positive and negative politeness skills (compliment sandwich)
positive face needs
the desire to be appreciated and approved, liked and honored
negative face needs
the desire to be free from imposition or intrusion
other-centered messages
statements that encourage our partners to talk about and elaborate on what happened and how they feel about it
offering ideas, observations, information, and alternative explanations that might help your partner understand the situation in a different light
giving advice
presenting relevant suggestions and proposals that a person can use to satisfactorily resolve a situation