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25 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following phrases is least descriptive of or related to the concept of culture?

-There is nothing inherently natural about culture

-Jewelry, hairstyle, and makeup are characteristics indicative of culture

There is nothing inherently natural about culture

Anthropologist Ralph Linton made the remark, "The last thing a fish would ever notice would be water." How does the meaning of this statement transfer to the understanding of culture?

-Fish are unable to grasp the meaning of culture because of their limited intellectual capacity

-Except in unusual circumstances, the effects of our own culture are imperceptible to us

Except is unusual circumstances, the effects of our own culture are imperceptible to us

A tendency to use our own group's ways of doing things as the yardstick for judging other is called


Language, beliefs, values, norms, behavior, material objects, and technology that are passed from one generation to the next by members of society describe


Sociologists use the concept of "norms" to describe

-ideas about what is true or false

-expectations or rules of behavior that develop from values

expectations or rules of behavior that develop from values

In recent years, cultures have become more similar to each other as a result of travel and communication. Sociologist use the term _______ to describe this process.

cultural leveling

What is the fundamental concept of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?

-Our language determines our consciousness and perception of objects and events

-Cultural differences among groups of people are minor

-Our language determines our consciousness and perception of objects and events

Mark and Sally went walking in the park, each wearing nothing on the upper half of their bodies. Mark would be violating a ____, Sally would be violating a _____.


Walker is a member of Devil's Disciples and an avid Satan worshipper. In view of this, which statement is most correct?

-walker belongs to a counter culture

-walker belongs to a subculture

-walker belongs to a counter culture

The adoption of Weseren standards of beauty in Asia, the presence of McDonald's restaurants in Moscow and Hong Kong, and Chinese restaurants in Chicagoand Manhattan are examples of ____.

cultural leveling

The Functionalist perspective on pop culture states ______.

-that pop culture is the glue that holds society together.

-that pop culture is evil and interferes with our relationship with God.

-that pop culture is the glue that holds society together.

____ is considered the primary agent of socialization


The forbidden experiment involves ___.

-conducting an experiment without informed consent

-taking a child from its mother and placing it in isolation to observe the effects

-taking a child from its mother and placing it in isolation to observe the effects.

In the "nature verses nurture" argument regarding socialization, the "nurture" component refers to


-social environment

social environment

What concept do sociologists refer to when they say that "society makes us human?" `




Critical periods theory states ______.

more than one of the above is correct

What was the result of intensified remedial training give to Genie, a 13 year old feral child discovered in California in 1970?

The training had little effect, and Genie lived a primitive lifestyle

What was the result of the study conducted by H.M. Skeels and H.B. Dye when they placed an experimental group of mentally challenged babies in an institution to be cared for by mentally challenged adults?

The intelligence score of the babies significantly increased when retested two and a half years later.

According to Charles Horton Cooley, how do we develop our self-concept?

-Our self concept develops from interaction with others.

-Our self concept is a product of our own inner dialogue.

Our self concept develops from interaction with others.

What conclusion did Harry and Margaret Harlow reach following their research efforts with monkeys?

-Infant-mother bonding is the result of intimate physical contact

-Monkeys are unable to function when placed in isolation, even for a short time.

Infant-mother bonding is the result of intimate physical contact.

Bruce is five years of age. He loves to dress up like Batman and pretend to save Gotham City from the Penguin. According to Mead's theory, he is in the ____ stage.




Piaget's stage in which individuals are capable of abstract thinking is the ____ stage.

-formal operational

-looking glass self

formal operational

T/F: According to the radio segment of NPR entitled, Children are the silent Victims of Meth, kids growing up in homes where neglect is present may display similar characteristics to feral children.


How does the mass media influence gender roles in contemporary American society?

-If reinforces gender roles considered appropriate for one's sex

-It encourages cross-gender behavior

It reinforces gender roles considered appropriate for one's sex

Traditionally, statuses occupied by men (father, husband) are given greater prestige than those occupied by women (mother, wife). This awarding of privilege and prestige to one group while denying it to the other is called

-social solidarity

-social inequality

social inequality