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113 Cards in this Set

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Which the most important criterion for being in the “upper class”?
the nature and age of family wealth
According to Kerbo, about what percent of the U.S. population comprise the upper class.
0.5 to 1 %
Which type of corporation has the highest percent of its directors from the upper class
Top banks and insurance companieis
What are the parts of the policy formation process?
The public's and decision maker’s exposure to the national news media
In "Bobos in Paradise", what does Brooks believe has lead to the overall change in the structure and composition of the upper class in society today compared to the 1950's?
In his discussion of the New York Times wedding page, David Brooks points out the four things The Times emphasizes about a person which happen to be "the four markers of upscale Americans today." Name one of these four things.
College Degrees, Graduate Degrees, Career Path and Parent's Profession
True/False: The 70s was the decade when the educated-class rebellion occurred.
False: 60s
As a result of the information age, the rewards for _______ capital have increased while the rewards for ______ capital have not.
intellectual, physical
Which class does Brooks describe as being the most anxious, the meritocratic Bobo class or the WASP Establishment?
Brooks says that the meritocratic Bobo class is more anxious in nature because its members are torn between their drive to succeed and their fear of turning into sellouts. Also their fates are volatile since their status is not necessarily based on their birth. Certainly the Bobo's cannot guarantee elite status for their children, they have to instill it.
True/False? Status insecurity has made the educated class stronger.
True, the realization that they can easily lose their status makes the educated class and their children work hard to retain their positions
True/False: Many intellects incorporate antiestablishment ideals with corporate imperative.
True: "they've reconciled the antiestablishment style with the corporate imperative"
In the Grusky reading, who does David Brooks indicate is becoming the new upper class?
The educated elite.
According to Brooks, these days, the elite is made up of ____________, it is not based on ______________ background anymore.
According to Brooks, meritocracy became important in what decade?
the sixties
what is the eonomic concentraionsthat sets the stage for a corporate class?
Size of major corporations, concentrated control of stock, network of interlocking directorates
True/False: The corporate class basis of power lies with ownership of the means of production.
False. The corporate class basis of power lies with the control of the major means of production in this advanced capitalist society.
The corporate class differs from the upperclass because its power does not lie in th eownership of the means of production, but with ______of the collective means of production.
In 2007, which type of institutions was dominate among US corporations in terms of assets?
Financial institutions
What American retailer does Kerbo use an example illustrating the way in which corporations of exceptional size can exercise market control in unprecedented ways? Specifically he points to this corporation's influence on the American labor force.
According to the Kerbo readings, what is the biggest corporation in the world?
Name three of the trends in American labor relations that Wal-Mart established.
lower wages, fewer benefits, longer working hours, and the extermination of unions
_______ can be defined as the linking of two or more corporations through at least one of their board members.
Interlocking Directorates
According to the research, most people in the inner group of the corporate class have worked their way up the corporate ladder to top positions, rather than started at the top from wealthy family backgrounds.
Thinking of functionalist, critical or pluralist, which elite theorists view society not as an integrated whole, but as a setting for conflict and domination.
True/False: Critical elite theorists believe that elites of some type dominate, but that they are also necessary and act in the best interests of society.
False. Though critical elite theorists do believe that elites dominate, they also believe that elites act selfishly to better their own interests, which is detrimental to the lower classes.
The ______theory agrees that an elite class dominates society, but they argue these elites work for their own selfish interests and to the detriment of classes below.
Critial Elite Theory
Define "corporate class."
"A group of people with high authority and power in major corporations (through positions in top management or board positions), usually without extensive ownership in these corporations."
True/False: A functional elite theorist would agree that powerful and independent elites lead to exploitation.
Which class in the United States can best be described as controlling the major means of production, rather than owning the major means of production?
corporate class
In "Nickel-and-Dimed" what was Ehrenreich (the author) primary job?
What is Ehrenreich's dream job (that she doesn't get until the end)?
According to the Economic Policy Institute, by what percentage would an influx of a million welfare recipients into low wage jobs drop wages?
By 11.9%
True of false: Ehrenreich works in the hotel industry for her research.
What item was the largest expense and hardest to cover for Barbara as well as the other low wage employees?
What was one reason Barbara Enrenreich didn’t like her new lifestyle as a waitress?
1. The “less than nurturing” management
True/False: Her experience helped her loose weight?
True (4 pounds)
What was the purpose of Ehrenreich's experiment?
Scientific-experiment to illuminate realistic views on welfare's claim that even humble jobs are uplifting and pyschologically buoying.
Name one of the jobs Barbara held
Why is it that Ehrenreich does not truly experience poverty even though she works minimum wage and lives among the poor?
Ehrenreich is insulated from poverty because she knows that she has a home, car, money, and secured/well-paying job to return to. She knows that what she is doing will end and her life will return to normal and that the choices she makes in her 30 days will bear no consequence on her true future. Ehrenreich expereinces poverty but she does not experience the fear that the truly impoverished do.
According to Ehrenreich, what is the humanitarian rationale for welfare reform and what are the problems with it?
The rationale is that work will lift poor women out of poverty while inflating their self-esteem and their future value in the labor market. The problems are that in an economic downturn many jobs will be eliminated and that an influx of workers will depress wages.
What 2 problems does Ehrenreich cite as the biggest obstacles to her success?
Management and the minimum wage job wasn't financially viable
True or False: The "absolute" poverty line was established by calculating the minimum resources needed to purchase of basket of goods considered to be "necessary"
What is a PPP rate?
"Purchasing Power Parity"
Define Relative Poverty.
"Having less than others in the society."
How do US rates of absolute poverty compare with those of European countries?
They are underestimated because the US provides fewer noncash benefits like tax-financed healthcare and education benefits. In Europe, household disposable incomes already reflect the fact that these costs have been subtracted as taxes, and thus European absolute poverty rates are overstated in comparison to the US.
What is one of the two main reasons the low-income population is larger in the United States than in other nations?
1. Low market wages for those with few skills
T/F: According to Smeeding et al, rich countries can have higher poverty rates than poor ones if their incomes are more unequally distributed
True, the distribution of income is as important as average income in determining poverty rates
What 2 reasons does Smeeding et al cite for the large low-income population in the United States?
Low market wages for low-skilled workers and limited public benefits
T/F The low-income population is larger in the United States than in other nations for two main reasons: low market wages for those with few skills and limited public benefits
When a person is below the average income, and comes to believe that the people around him have much more than he does, this is called __________ poverty.
The percentage of the U.S. population below the official poverty level increased between 2000 and 2006.
By the year 2000, almost 45% of the U.S. poor lived in a family with a full-time worker.
T/F: The drop in the poverty level between 1959 and 1970 and the continued lower level of poverty in the 1970s was primarily the result of expanded welfare benefits.
True: These welfare benefits began in the second half of the 1960s as a part of Johnson's Great Society
What was significant about the "Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996"?
"The law that ended 61 years of poor families entitlement to federal welfare benefits- the law that asserted and enforced a newly refomulated vision of the appropriate values of work and family life-provided all that additional funding as a way of demonstrating the depth of a the nations commitment to change in the welfare system."
True/False Sharon Hays wants to focus on the political significance of the welfare reform effort?
False. She wants to focus on the cultural significance
What was the name of the law the author cites that "ended 61 years of poor familes' entitlement to federal welfare?"
The Personal Responsibility and Work Act
Does the government label a family of four with an income of less than $20,000 as "poor"?
True or False: Hays (Grusky 20) believes welfare reforms brings triumphs of family values
False: Hays believes welfare reform hurts families
Hays identified that Sheila shared 3 patterns with other mothers on welfare reform. Name them.
the “domino effect, lack of faithful use of birth control, the pushes toward work and the pulls toward home
Who does Hays identify as the real winners in the story of welfare reform?
All the employers that hire these low-wage workers benefit because these workers are desperate to find work and will accept low wages and poor working conditions.
What were the two things Western says happened in the 1990s that influenced the employment opportunities of young unskilled men?
The unemployment rate fell to the lowest level in 30 years, around 4.5% and the incarceration rate rose to its highest level in US history.
True/False: The US incarceration rate is higher than the incarceration rates in otyher industrialized nations.
How does the incrceration rate of the United States affect its unemployment rate in the short run?
It lowers it misleadingly
How may the incrceration rate of the United States affect its unemployment rate in the long run?
Mst likely raise it
Up until 1969, what minority had the lowest per capita median income?
Native Americans
What is individualism and how does it relate to blaming the poor?
Individualism is the idea that the individual is more important than the social group and can mean that people are held responsible for their lot in life.
Define "welfare state"
a society in which the state has taken a broad responsibility for social problems and the general social welfare of the population through direct provision of goods and services.
Name the categories of poverty theories?
Popular view, Culture-of-poverty theory, Situational theories, Structural or Conflict perspective
Between 1975-2005 the rates percentage of the poor below 50 percent of the Poverty Line _______ and hunger rates ________ during this period in time.
The pattern of concerted cultivation, with its stress on individual repertoires of activities, reasoning, and questioning encourages an _____________.
Emerging sense of entitlement
Explain "concerted cultivation" in terms of childrearing.
Where parents enroll their children in numerous age-specific activites orgainized by adults
According to Lareau, what are the childrearing strategies used by the Middle-class parents and the working-class parents respectively?
Concerted cultivation and accomplishment of natural growth
According to Annette Lareau (Grusky 58) what class will most likely exhibit patterns of "concerted cultivation"
The middle class
True/False: Concerted Cultivation is seen in black middle class parents but not yet in white middle class parents.
False: Both
What’s the difference of time use between middle-class children and working-class children?
For middle-class children, their week is usually packed with a set of adult-run organized activities, while for working-class children, they just hang out or spontaneously engage in an activity without any advanced planning or consultation from the parents.
While middle-class parents use more reasoning when speaking with children, working-class and poor parents tend to use what type of speech?
True/False: Middle-class parents used mored directives in their speech with children, while working-class and poor parents used more reasoning
False. Middle-class parents used mored reasoning in their speech with children, while working-class and poor parents used more directives.
What is the difference of language use in the home between middle-class children and working-class children?
For language use, it is found that middle-class parents used more reasoning in their speech with children
Class position influences three critical aspects of family life. Name them.
Time use, language use, and kin ties
What are the results of the different childrearing strategies used by the middle-class and working-class parents respectively?
Middle-class: an emerging sense of entitlement
True/False: Common middle-class childrearing techniques often lead children to have a sense of restraint.
False. They encourage an emerging sense of entitlement.
Name one difference in childrearing tactics in the Grusky reading between the middle class and the working/poor class concerning either children's "time use" or the "language use" of the family.
Reasoning (You should do this because) vs. Directives (Do this!), Organized Activities (Sports etc) vs "Hanging Out", Contestation of Adults vs. Quiet Acceptance of Adults
What it comes to intervention in institutions, what different approaches do middle-class parents and working-class parents use?
For parents’ intervention, middle-class parents tend to monitor their children’s institutional lives, while working class parents grant their children more autonomy to make their own ways in organizations.
Which class(es) use(s) more directives in the raising of their children?
Working-class and poor
When children initiate play and have a high level of autonomy from adults, they develop an emerging sense of _________.
Which class uses more reasoning while speaking with their children?
middle class
de Tocqueville saw greater equality in America than was the case in Europe.
Kerbo defines the __________ class as high to mid-level in occupation, mid-level in bureaucratic authority, and an owner of relatively little propery.
middle class
According to Kerbo, People who have mid-to-low positions in the occupational structure, low skill level, lower education, and with jobs with a lower degree of complexity typify which class?
working class.
The small business person, shop owner, family farmer, and self-employed professional typify which class, according to Kerbo?
the old middle class or petite bourgeoisie
According to Kerbo, the new middle class control or manage most mid-level corporations.
The dual economy research shows that the working class gets better wages in the larger, more dominant industries when the are unionized.
Workers are usually better off financially and in terms of work conditions if they work in dual industries.
False (core is true).
The lower the class position, the _____ likely a person is to vote.
Define "working class"
"Individuals and families with little or no property, middle to low positions in occupation (manual labor), and little or no authority. A further distinction is made with respect to skilled and unskilled working class."
What are two possible cause of the shrinking middle class according to Kerbo?
Increased productivity in manufacturing firms in response to increased foreign competition. Outsourcing. Reduction of wages due to the drop in union membership.
Membership in what type of institution shows significantly higher pay and benefits than in that of nonmembers?
True/False: According to Grusky, professional, managerial, and technical workers are most likely to feel overworked.
True. Women in these positions awould prefer to work 13 hours less than they do, while women in other occupations want to work about 7 fewer hours. Male professionals want to work just under 12 hours less, while their counterparts in other categories wish to work about 9 hours less.
According to Kerbo, what are the the invisible barriers to women's employment and earnings?
Men sometimes actively isolate and segregate women, shutting them out of informal networks, mentoring opportunities, and referrals for new jobs. Women are also encouraged to take the "mommy track" because family responsibilities and child care continue to be assigned to women even when they are in paid employment.
Define "gender segregation"?
This refers to the fact that women mostly work in jobs where most other workers are also women.
What does pay equity legislation do?
Pay equity legislation makes it illegal to pay different wages to women and men doing similar tasks.
With respect to many indicators of women's status, such as income inequality with men, legal rights, and education & occupational attainment, this country is the lowest among the advanced industrial nations.
True or False: As of 2006, the gender wage gap has ceased to exist in the United States.
False. As of 2006, women earned seventy-seven percent of men's wages.
Why is pay equity legislation (prohibiting disparate wages for men and women doing similar tasks) often ineffective?
Men and women are mostly in different occupations.
According to Jacobs and Gerson, most American workers experience a significant gap between their ______ work hours and their _______ work hours.
Actual, Ideal
Jacobs and Gerson describe a difference between married and single men's working hours. Please explain.
They say that married men work more (approximately 2.5 hours/week) than single men.
True/False: According to Jacobs and Gerson, men whose wives are employed do not differ from those with non-employed partners in either actual or ideal working time.
Describe the differences between the terms "sex" and "gender".
Sex refers to biological characteristics such as hormonal, anatomical, and physiological differences to define male and female. Gender refers to socially and culturally constructed definitions of what it means to be male and female.
True or False. Most American workers experience a significant gap between how much they work and how much they would like to work.
What groups of workers are most likely to feel overworked in terms of hours per week?
Professional, managerial, and technical workers
Jacobs and Gerson discuss the ways that marriage and parenthood/children, and gender all influence the dilemmas of private life and the gap between ideal and actual working time. What is the factor discussed as being "too crude" of a measure to play a role in the dynamics of these relationships?
There are many misconceptions about the "low" status of women in some of the Asian countries. There are several statistics that show how women have much higher statuses than those in other industrialized nations. For example: In this nation, women hold 53% of all the professional and technical jobs, this being a figure much higher than in most advanced industrial nations.
Married men and women experience a (larger/smaller) gap between their ideal and actual work time.