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20 Cards in this Set

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Sensory Organ Functions


°Stimulation of membrane receptor channel proteins




°Light - photoreceptors


°Channels open – ions influx/efflux (photoreceptors close channels)

°Membranes depolarizes or repolarizes

Perception: processing of information in cerebrum

Modification of Stimulus in CNS


→Receptor cell: strength of stimulus (number of signals per transmitter

+ number of transmitter per receptor cell)


→Signal transduction pathways amplify response to one stimulus within

one neuron

→A single stimulus activates many neutrons in 1 neural pathway

°Sensory adaptation

→ Continued stimulation decreases the response by the receptor cell

Sensory Receptors

°Photoreceptors (vision – retina)

→Pigments : rhodopsin (rods) & photopsin (cones)

°Mechanoreceptors (movement of cytoskeleton)

→Touche & pressure – skin; proprioception – ligaments, tendons & mus-

cles; stretch receptors – blood vessels

→Mechanoreceptor channels: hearing & balance – cilia in cochlea &


°Chemoreceptors (chemicals)

→Olfaction (nasopharynx); taste (tongue, papillae)

Sensory Receptors (cont'd)

°Nociceptors (pain; extreme temperature or pressure)

→Free nerve endings

→Skin, mouth, tongue, internal

°Thermoreceptors (temperature & certain chemicals)

→Skin, mouth & tongue

→Capsaicin: detects hot & spicy food

→Menthol: detects cool & minty food

°Osmoreceptors (blood osmolarity)

→linked to hypothalamus: thirst center & release of ADH

Anatomy of the Eye

Conjunctiva: mucous membrane that lines the eyelid

Sclera: under conjunctiva – connective tissue; white of the eye

Choroid: thin pigmented layer, heavily vascularized

Cornea: transparent bulge of the sclera

Iris: continuation of the choroid beneath the cornea

Pupil: "iris diaphragm", controls amount of light that goes into eye

parasympathetic & sympathetic control

Lens: focuses light on retina, image is horizontally & vertically flipped

Ciliary body: contains muscles to shape lens; produces the aqueous hu-


Anatomy of the Eye (cont'd)

Retina: contains photoreceptor cells

rods for light intensity and cones for colour

neutrons process the visual information

Fovea: center of visual field (only cones); located in macula

Humours: fluid/gel-filled cavities

Aqueous (anterior chamber)

Vitrious (posterior chamber)

Pathway of Information; Rods & Cones


Rods/Cones → Horizontal and/or bipolar cell → amacrine & ganglion cells → optic nerve → visual cortex (through RAS & thalamus)

Rods: dim light perception – night vision

Cones: colour perception – highest density in fovea

Visual cycle

°Reception: rods & cones (photoreceptors)

→Pigment: rhodopsin/photopsin: opsin (protein) + retinal (vit. A)

→Light activated isomerization of retinal (cis → trans)

→Detachment from opsin

→Enzymatic reactivation (trans → cis) & rejoining with opsin


→ G-protein (phosphodiesterase): cGMP → GMP – closes Na+ channels


→Hyperpolarisation of membrane

→Neurotransmitter glutamate is topped

Visual Processing in Retina

°Bipolar cells

→Go from hyper- to depolarized or vice-versa

°Horizontal & amacrine cells

→Integration of visual information

→Lateral inhibition – enhance contrast & sharpness; bright spot appears

brighter because neighbouring cells are inhibited

°Ganglion cells

→Each responds to activation/inhibition by bipolar cells

→Each receives information from many rods/cones – fields

→The smaller the number of rods/cones per cell, the smaller the field,

the better the resolution

Visual Processing in Nervous System

°Optic chiasma

→Separates left & right visual field information: 3D vision

°Visual cortex (30% of cerebral cortex)

→Straightening the image

→3D vision

→Integration of information & understanding

Anatomy of the Ear

°Outer ear

→Auricle/pinna, auditory canal & tympanic membrane

°Middle ear

→Malleus, incus & stapes – oval window

→Part of Eustachian tube – pressure equalizer & mucus drainage

Anatomy of the Ear (cont'd)

°Inner ear

→Fluid-filled semi-circular canals, vestibule: balance (position of head) &



°Vestibular canal

°Tympanic canal

°Cochlear duct with Organ of Conti

→Basilar membrane (moves with sound waves)

→Hair cells – linked with axons of sensory neutrons

→Tectorial plate

Pathway of Soundwaves

°Air pressure wave in auditory canal

°Tympanic membrane vibrations

°Ossicles: Malleus, incus, stapes vibrations

°Cochlea: oval window vibration → perilymph pressure waves in vestibular


Pathway of Soundwaves (cont'd)

°Organ of Conti

→Vibrations of basilar membrane

°Specific positions according to frequency (pitch)

°Different amplitudes according to intensity (volume)

→Bending of hair cells in different direction relative to fixed tectorial


→Change in action potential firing patterns by connected icons of senso-

ry neurons of auditory nerve

→Propagation of action potential to CNS through thalamus

°Pressure waves return to round window by tympanic canal

°Dissipation of pressure waves

Equilibrium: Vestibule

°Perception of position (head) & linear acceleration

°Utricle & saccule: chambers covered in hair cells

→Hair cells embedded in gel with calcium carbonate particles – otoliths

→Movement of head up/down, movement of body during sideways or

vertical acceleration

→Causes otoliths to bed hair cells

→Sensory output dependent on position of "hairs"

Equilibrium: Semicircular Canals

°Perception of angular/rotational acceleration

°3 canals in 3 planes: x, y, z

°At base of canals: chambers covered in hair cells

→Hair cells embedded in cupula

→Rotation of head causes perilymph to press against cupula

→Sensory output dependent on position of hairs

Olfaction: Nasopharynx

°Olfactory epithelium: receptors embedded throughout the membrane

→Each olfactory receptor has one chemoreceptor type (300-1000 total)

→Binds to different groups on more than one compound

→Each odorant activates a specific combination of chemoreceptors

→Each short axon/synapse activates one type of bulb neuron

°Olfactory glands secrete mucus

Olfaction: Brain

°Olfactory bulb (cell bodies)

→For each odorant, a specific pattern of olfactory bulb neutrons get acti-


°Olfactory tract (neuron axons)

°Connects with limbic system & primary olfactory area

Gustation: Tastants

°Binds to specific receptors

°Sweet – sugars; size, shape & chemical groups vary

°Sour – acids


°Bitter – caffeine, quinine; size, shape & chemical groups vary

°Umami (savoury) – amino acid glutamate

°Hot/spicy & cool/minty

Gustation: Papillae

°Located on tongue

°Cluster of tastebuds

→Many sensory receptor cells found in a single taste bud

→Each sensory receptor is specific to a type of tasting

→All tastants can be detected by a single taste bud

→Sensory neutrons carry information to primary taste area via thalamus