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12 Cards in this Set

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1. What is the old wine?

Law of Moses (traditional doctrine)

2. What is the wine of adulteries?

Doctrine of the devil

3. Write who the actual entities of what God had promised (prophecy) with Abraham are and write three things that are unusual about these entities.

1. People of Israel

2. Egypt

3. Entering Canaan

4. Write three main actual entities of the prophecies given through the OT prophets.

1. Jesus

2. John the Baptist

3. Entering Jerusalem riding in a foal of a donkey

5. Write three main physical entities if the prophecies of the NT.

The seven stars of the tabernacle of heaven; the seven pastors and ten elders of Stewardship Education Centre; the one who overcomes and the 12 tribes

6. Write four references where the word “mystery” appears in Revelation of the NT

Rv1:20; Rv10:7; Rv17:5; Rv17:7

6. Write four references where the word “mystery” appears in Revelation of the NT

Rv1:20; Rv10:7; Rv17:5; Rv17:7

7. Write three references from Genesis chapters 2 and 3 where the “tree of life” appears. Write three references from Proverbs where the “tree of life” appears.

Gn2:9, Gn3:22, Gn3:24

Pro3:18, Pro11:30, Pro13:12, Pro15:4

7. Write three references from Genesis chapters 2 and 3 where the “tree of life” appears. Write three references from Proverbs where the “tree of life” appears.

Gn2:9, Gn3:22, Gn3:24

Pro3:18, Pro11:30, Pro13:12, Pro15:4

8. Write one reference from Revelation which mentions about the Tree of Life standing next to the river of life, and write two references that mention the water of life.

Rv22:2, Rv7:17, Rv21:6, Rv22:1, Rv22:17

9. Write the three big things that God has purposed in the NT

God’s seed, Blood of Jesus, creation of the 12 tribes

10. Write the following four things. Regarding the promised people of the NT, through whom, what can you see, what can you hear, and where do you have to belong?

Through whom: New John

What can you see: physical fulfilment of all chapters of Revelation

What can you hear: physical fulfilment of all chapters of Revelation

Where do you have to belong: 12 tribes