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10 Cards in this Set

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1. It is written in 2Thes2 that the saviour comes after betrayal and destruction. Write the chapters of similar content, 2 from Revelation and 1 from the four gospels.

Mt24, Rv13 and Rv14

2. There is food that the pastor of the devil gives, and there is food the promised pastor of God gives in the NT. Write 2 reference chapters per food, and the names of the food.

Devil’s food: Rv2, Rv17, wine of adultery

God’s food: Jn6, Rv2, Hidden manna

3. Write 3 chapters that categorise the two types of food as trees, and what each of the foods leads to.

Gn2-3, Isa5, Dn4, Jn15

Dying and living eternally

4. Among the two types of food, write what the food that perishes is, and what the food that does not perish is.

Food for the flesh that we eat with our mouths, and the food for the spirit that we “eat” through the ears (the word)

5. What is the Passover food and the food from the vine, which Jesus promised? Where is that food eaten? Write 2 relevant chapters.

The Passover food and the food from the vine: Jesus’ flesh and blood

Rv5, Rv10, Mt24

6. What are the physical entities of these two types of food, besides how they are described in #2?

Jesus and the promised pastor, the devil and the prostitute.

7. Write 5 chapters that the two types of trees appear in, and write whom these trees belong to.

Gn2-3, Is5, Dn4, Jn15, Rv17-18

To God and to the devil.

8. What is a new wineskin?

New Pastor

What is an old wineskin?

Previous pastor

10. What is the new wine?

New word