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10 Cards in this Set

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1. After what event is there a wedding banquet in Rv 19? Write the two kinds of guests.

after the judgment in Rv 18 so people would not be able to marry Satan (Babylon)

saints who are spirits and flesh

2. Through whom does God make known the testimony of Revelation? Two entities are absolutely necessary to fulfill Revelation. Who are these two entities besides God?

promised pastor (the one who overcomes or new John)

Jesus and the one who overcomes (promised pastor instead of the one who overcomes)

3. God told the people of Israel through Moses in Ex 19:5-6, “‘Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all nations you will be my treasured possession. Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’These are the words you are to speak to the Israelites.”Later, as a result of Solomon, the king of Israel worshipping gentile gods, he broke the covenant like Adam (Hos 6:7). After this, God promised to create a new thing, to sow two kinds of seed, and to make a new covenant in Jer 31. Write briefly the logical order of the promise from its beginning to its completion. Number each step.

1. Preaching about the coming of God and His promised pastor, sowing of the seed, and establishing a new covenant for the purpose of creating a new thing

2. As a result of the promised pastor appearing and God, who made the promise, coming, the promised seed was sown

3. Making a new covenant promising a new kingdom created as the fruits born of the seed are ripened and harvested at the time of the Second Coming

4. Preaching the gospel of the kingdom of heaven to the whole world as a testimony to all the nations

5. The angels harvest the ripened fruits when Jesus returns according to promise and his promised pastor appears

6. Those who are harvested are sealed with the revealed words of the fulfillment

7. The creation of the 12 tribes of Shincheonji, the promised new kingdom and new people with those who have been sealed

8. God and the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual world come down to Shincheonji

9. The wedding banquet of the spirits and flesh

10. Participation in the first resurrection

11. The era of God’s reign

4. In Jn 6, Jesus said he is the living bread which came down from heaven, and he said one must eat his flesh and blood, which is the bread, in order to live forever. And he established the new covenant with this blood. Explain simply how we can eat this using references.

God and Jesus are the word (Jn 1:1, 1Jn 1:1).

This word is the blood Jesus is clothed with in Rv 19:13.

Therefore, we eat by hearing Jesus’s word of revelation, which is the spiritual food. (Rv 5:9-10)

5. What are the three main objectives God promised in the New Testament?

Creation of the new heaven, new earth, Shincheonji 12 tribes

Seizing the dragon and locking it up in the Abyss

God reigning

6. Through whom, to whom, and what do God and Jesus in the New Testament convey? Explain using three to four references.

Rv 10 Rv 1:1-2 Rv 22:16

Through new John, who received the opened book, God’s word and Jesus Christ’s testimony, what he saw, that is, all the events of Revelation are conveyed to the servants

7. Write 6 parables describing the kingdom of heaven. What kind of person inherits this kingdom of heaven?

a man who sowed good seed in his field.

a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field

yeast, which a woman took and mixed into three satas until it worked all through the dough

a treasure hidden in the field

a merchant looking fine pearls

a net cast into the sea and gathering all kinds of fish

What kind of person inherits this kingdom: those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness

8. Write three qualifications to be acknowledged as sons of God

those who are born of God's seed the peacemakers those who overcome

9. What kind of people are the disciples of the kingdom of heaven?

those who are born of God's seed the peacemakers those who overcome)

10. After physical Israel’s sin, write 5 references recorded about the promised pastor of the Old Testament and 5 references recorded about the promised pastor of the New Testament.

OT : Is 7:14, Mic 5:2, Zec 9:9, Is 53, Mal 3:1

NT : Rv 1:1-2, Rv 1:10-20, Rv 2-3, Rv 4:1, Rv 10, Rv 22:16