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45 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 Agile Manifesto values?

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.

Working software over comprehensive documentation.

Customer collaboration over negotiating contracts.

Responding to change over following a plan.

What are the 5 core Scrum Values






What are 8 XP Practices that make Agile Scrum more powerful?

Pair Programming

Test Driven Development


Continuous integration

Simple Design

Coding Standards

System Metaphor

Planning Game

What are the 3 Scrum Artifacts?

Product Backlog

Sprint Backlog

Burn up / Burn down chart

What are the 3 Scrum roles

Product Owner

Team Member

Scrum Master

What are the 4 meetings/ceremonies?

Sprint Planning

Daily Scrum

Sprint Review

Sprint Retrospective

What happens in Sprint planning?

Meeting where the team pulls in items from the product owner's prioritized backlog up to the point they are confident they can commit to delivering.

What happens in the Sprint Review?

The finished product for the just completed Sprint is demonstrated, and the Product Owner decides which PBI's have been completed.

What happens in the daily Scrum meeting?

Each person says what they completed in the previous day's work, what they will complete today, and what are impediments to completing their work.

What happens at the Sprint Retrospective meeting?

This is the meeting for continous improvements.
What worked?
What didn't work?
What can be changed?

What is a Sprint Goal?

A high level elevator pitch describing the features the team expects to produce and demonstrate to the product owner.


Expression of pure relative complexity of a feature in 5 levels S/M/L/XL/XXL.

What is an ideal hour?

An hour of undistracted work.

What is a story point?

An abstract unit of relative complexity. For example a small task might be 1 story point, and a xxl task might be 13 story points.

What is the Product Backlog?

A wish list of forced rank high level, simply described features desired for the product.

What is the Sprint planning meeting?

A meeting before the spring where the PBL features that are in the sprint are broken down into detailed tasks and estimated in ideal hours. Dependency management also occurs in this meeting.

What is the Spring Backlog?

List of tasks in the current sprint estimated in ideal days. Largest items can only take 1/3 of Sprint duration.

What are the 3 measurements of Sprint Capacity?

Raw Capacity: Total time with 100% of time allocated to team.

Available Capacity: Raw minus PTO, sick, training, travel.

Effective Capacity: Available minus drag factor.

What is Scrum-of-Scrums?

Longer once a week version of Scrum with all Product Owners, Scrum Master and team leads. 3 questions are same except they are for team. Plus potential for this team blocking other teams goals.

What is S cubed?

Once per sprint version of the daily scrum. Over-all program progress is discussed as well as conflicting priorities.

What is a User Story?

A user centered functional requirement. User functional requirements and user value are the primary focus.

What is an Epic?

A large User story or set of releated user stories?

What is a task?

A technical or functional sub-story unit of work. User stories are broken down into tasks.

What is Acceptance Criteria?

Funcitonal description of criteria that must be fulfilled to partially determine if a User Story has been completely implemented.

What is Doneness?

The total functional and non-funcitonal requrements including documentation, metrics, user acceptance.

What is a Spike?

Creating a prototype early on for a risky aspect of the project to determine a solution and identify issues.

What is a Vertical Slice / Thin Slice?

A complete slice of all software required to make a functional product but with just a few features. As opposed to developing complete functionality in a single module, but not being able to have a functional product.

What is Test Driven Development?

A technique of developing acceptance criteria and test code before writing functional code.

What is Continuous Integration?

The practice of creating frequent builds that include automated tests to continuously insure that the software is working.

What are Pigs and Chickens?

Pigs are Scrum participants that are committed to creating the deliverables. These are the team members. Chickens are the product owners.

What are the responsibilities of the Product Owner?

The product owner is responsible for providing the guiding vision for a product. Determining user centered, business value priority for the functional requirements. Usually the author and maintainer of the product backlog.

What are the responsibilities of the Scrum Master?

Helps team members to adhere to Scrum rules. Facilitates all Scrum meetings and activities, and enforcing time boxes. Helps manage Scrum artificats.Clear obstacles identified in daily scrum meetings. Prevents outside meddling in the Scrum process.

What are the responsibilities of the Scrum Team?

They commit to the delivery, and develop the product. Work with PO to select prioritized features from PB. Break down PBIs into tasks.

Determine how much work goes into Sprint Backlog. Deliver complete demonstrable shippable product at the end of every Sprint.

What is an Anti-Pattern?

Practices that prevent adoption of agile best practices.

What is Smell?

Signs that anti-pattern is present.

What is an Information Radiator?

Visual display of information where passer-bys can see it.

Story Wall / Card Wall

A physical card which display color code user stores and tasks written on index cards. User stories are swim lanes that task cards move within columns that represent various states of doneness.

What is Burnup chart?

A chart representing task doneness that trends upwards as tasks are done.

What is a Burndown chart?

Same as burnup except doneness trends downwards.

What metrics are valuable?

Delivery, value, and defects.

What diagnostics are used?

Performance, accuracy, and obstacle rates.

What is the team room?

Bullpen style room where team members work together and display their Information Radiators, Charts, Metrics, and Designs.

What is Capacity Based Planning?

Planning method where available work capacity and remaing work are counted in ideal work hours. Bad method.

What is commitment based planning?

Planning method where the teams deep understanding of what they are capable of allows them to plan without using detailed capacity planning.

What is drag factor?

A percentage based on team experience, length of time together, and domain knowledge that accounts for the difference between available capacity and effective capacity.