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48 Cards in this Set

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The human skeleton has 3 main functions. What are the 3 main functions?

The human skeleton has 3 main

functions. What are the 3 main


The human skeleton has 3 main functions. What are the 3 main functions?

1. To support the body.

2. To protect the vital organs.

3. To allow the body to work.

What are joints?

What are joints?

Joints are points in the skeleton where two bones meet.

Give 3 examples of joints.

Give 3 examples of joints.

Between bones of skull.

Slightly movable.
Between vertebrae if the spine.

Freely movable.
Between humerus and scapula.

Joints are given name which describe their function. Give 3 example and an action and an example.

Joints are given name which describe their function. Give 3 example and an action and an example.

Hinge joint.
Knee, Elbow.

Ball and socket joint.
Shoulder, Hip.

Sliding joint.
Between humerus and scapula.

What are Ligaments?

What are Ligaments?

Ligaments are the tough, fibrous and slightly stretchy tissue that hold the bones together at each joint. They prevent the joint from dislocating.

What are Tendons?

What are Tendons?

Tendons are strong, non-stretchy tissues that attach muscles to bones. If Tendons are damaged then the muscle they are attached will not operate fully and moving that part will be difficult and possibly painful.

What are muscles?

What are muscles?

Muscles are the strong, stretchy tissue that can contract and pulls the 2 bones together. They cannot push bones apart. This can only be done by another muscle pulling the bone(s) in the opposite direction as the 1st muscle relaxes. The muscle pulling on either side of a joint is called an antagonistic pair of muscles.

What are 'antagonistic muscle'?

What are 'antagonistic muscle'?

A pair of muscles that act on a joint. As one contracts, the other one relaxes.

What is Aerobic Respiration?

What is Aerobic Respiration?

Aerobic respiration requires oxygen.

What is Aerobic Respiration involve?

What is Aerobic Respiration involve?

Aerobic Respiration involves a reaction in cells between oxygen and food, during which glucose is broken into Carbon Dioxide.

What is the word equation for Aerobic Respiration?

What is the word equation for Aerobic Respiration?

glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water

What is the symbol equation for Aerobic Respiration?

What is the symbol equation for Aerobic Respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O

What is respiration?

What is respiration?

Respiration is a chemical reaction that happens in all living cells, including plant cells and animal cells. It is the way that energy is released from glucose so that all the other chemical processes needed for life can happen.

What process of life is energy needed for?

What process of life is energy needed for?

Energy is needed for life processes such as:

* growth and repair
* movement
* control of body temperature in mammals

Give facts on Aerobic Respiration.

Give facts on Aerobic Respiration.

- In order for humans to release energy from food, a supply of oxygen is needed for aerobic respiration to take place.

- Aerobic means 'in the presence of oxygen'.

What is anaerobic respiration?

What is anaerobic respiration?

During hard exercise, not enough oxygen can reach your muscle cells. So, aerobic respiration is replaced with anaerobic respiration. This does not need oxygen for it to happen.

What is the word equation for anaerobic respiration?

What is the word equation for anaerobic respiration?

glucose → lactic acid

Where does anaerobic respiration happen?

Where does anaerobic respiration happen?

Anaerobic respiration happens in microorganisms such as bacteria because they need to release energy from glucose too. Yeast, which are unicellular fungi, can carry out an anaerobic process calledfermentation. Here is the word equation for fermentation.

What is fermentation?

What is fermentation?

Type of anaerobic respiration carried out by yeast.

What is the word equation for fermentation?

What is the word equation for fermentation?

glucose → ethanol + carbon dioxide

What is the symbol equation for fermentation?

What is the symbol equation for fermentation?

C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2

What are Alveolis?

What are Alveolis?

Tiny air sacs in the lungs, where gas is exchanged during breathing.

Name and describe the gas exchange in the Alveoli.

Name and describe the gas exchange in the Alveoli.

Oxygen from the air dissolves in the surface moisture of the alveoli and passes into the blood stream. The same time carbon dioxide in the blood passes out through the moist surface into the alveoli. The air then passes back along the same route and is breathed out through the mouth and the nose.

What are the reactants and products of Respiration?

What are the reactants and products of Respiration?

Oxygen is carried around the body in the blood system. Once it reaches the cells where it is needed it can react with the food molecules produced by digestion to release energy.

What reacts in Aerobic Respiration?

What reacts in Aerobic Respiration?

During aerobic respiration, glucose reacts with oxygen to release energy, with the production of carbon dioxide and water.

What is photosynthesis?

What is photosynthesis?

But green plants and algae do not. Instead they make their own food in a process called photosynthesis. Almost all life on Earth depends upon this process. Photosynthesis is also important in maintaining the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

What are the things plants need to make photosynthesis?

What are the things plants need to make photosynthesis?

These are the things that plants need for photosynthesis:

* carbon dioxide
* water
* light (a source of energy)

What do plants make in photosynthesis?

What do plants make in photosynthesis?

These are the things that plants make by photosynthesis:

* glucose
* oxygen

What is the word equation for photosynthesis?

What is the word equation for photosynthesis?

carbon dioxide + water (+ light energy)glucose + oxygen

'Light energy' is shown in brackets because it is not a substance.

What is the symbol equation for photosynthesis?

What is the symbol equation for photosynthesis?

6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2

What is Glucose used for in the leaf?

What is Glucose used for in the leaf?

1. It can be converted into chemicals required for growth of plant cells such as cellulose
2. It can be converted into starch, a storage molecule, that can be converted back to glucose when the plant requires it
3. It can be broken down during the process of respiration, releasing energy stored in the glucose molecules

What is the name of the green pigment which captures light?

What is the name of the green pigment which captures light?


What is the name of the substance inside the green pigment?

What is the name of the substance inside the green pigment?


Leaf cell.

Leaf cell.

Leaf cell.

Leaf cell.

What are the 4 types of energy which is used by the plants for its life process?

What are the 4 types of energy which is used by the plants for its life process?

1. To grow.

2. Take up minerals form the soil.

3. To move.

4. To make specialised cells.

Plants need elements to grow for healthy growth. What are they and why?

Plants need elements to grow for healthy growth. What are they and why?

1. Nitrogen- Absorbed from soil, mainly in forms of nitrates dissolved in water that is absorbed through roots.

2. Roots also absorb potassium and phosphorus.

Why do farmers often add fertilisers to their soil?

Why do farmers often add fertilisers to their soil?

To avoid problems such as:

- The plants get disease,

- Quantity and quality of fruit produced is reduced.

What is a Root Hair Cell?

What is a Root Hair Cell?

The roots have a type of cell called a root hair cell. These project out from the root into the soil, and have a big surface area and thin walls. This lets water pass into them easily. Water is absorbed from the soil by root hair cells.

How is a Root Hair Cell adapted for photosynthesis?

How is a Root Hair Cell adapted for photosynthesis?

- Have a large surface area.

- Thin walls to allow water and minerals.

- Have tiny hair sticking out, which can absorb water.

What is Transpiration?

What is Transpiration?

Transpiration is the movement of water from the roots to the leaves.

What are the most common magnetic materials?

What are the most common magnetic materials?

1. Iron.

2. Steel.

3. Nickel.

What is called a magnet?

What is called a magnet?

When a piece of one of the most common magnetic material is magnetised.

What is called a Magnetic Field?

What is called a Magnetic Field?

Every magnet has a space around it where it apply a force on other magnets or pieces of magnetic material.

What happens when the wire is wound into a coil?

What happens when the wire is wound into a coil?

The weak magnetic fields add together and look very similar to the field around a bar magnet.

What happens when an iron bar is placed in the middle of the coil?

What happens when an iron bar is placed in the middle of the coil?

The magnetic field is concentrated into the bar and it behaves like a magnet. The only difference is that the current is off the bar to stop it being magnetic.

What is an electromagnet?

What is an electromagnet?

When an electric current flows in a wire it creates a magnetic field around the wire.

By winding the wire into a coil we can strengthen the magnetic field. Electromagnets are made from coils like this.

Give some uses of electromagnets.

Give some uses of electromagnets.

- Make loudspeaker cones vibrate.

- Turn lawnmowers blades.

-Recording on to audio tapes, video tapes.

What is a relay switch?

What is a relay switch?

It can be used in electromagnets. It is used in circuits where a small current or voltage is used to switch large currents or voltage on and off.