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19 Cards in this Set

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How many plate tectonics?
How many small plates?
How much do they move?
•roughly 12 plates
•multiple small plates
•move about 2-5 cm per year
What are the types of plate boundaries
• transform
What do convergant plates do?
move toward each other creating mountains volcanoes
What do divergant plates do?
move apart creating new continents, oceans
What do transform plates do?
plates slide past each other creating fault lines and earthquakes
What is continental drift?
how continents move along with the plates they sit on.
What are the 2 main theories about Pangaea.
What is uniformitaianism?
slow and gradually change
What is catostrophism?
rare and natural events, sudden change
What is the rock cycle?
What does the layers of rock tell you?
The deeper layers of rock are older
fossils are usually in sedimentary rocks
The evidence of evolution?
•DNA evidence
•vestigal structures
•homologous structures
•fossil record
What is a fossil record?
•remains of traces of organisms that lived long ago
•shows past organisms different from current organisms
•shows climate change
How are fossils preserved?
hard remains: rocks, ambers, frozen, asphait, petrification
trace remains: tracks, burrows, dungs, mold/casts
What are homologous structures?
structures that are similar in very different organisms
What are vestigal structures
structures that are present in organisms but no longer needed
What is DNA evidence?
closely realted organisms have similar DNA samples
What is embryology?
many organisms start developing the same way
some evidence dont match