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26 Cards in this Set

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What are Christian teachings about marriage?

That marriage is a holy gift from God where partners make a commitment to each other for the rest of their lives

What are two reasons why marriage is important to society?

-provides a stable and secure environment for bringing up children

-also provides legal protection for both partners and their children

Why is marriage important to Christians?

The couple are joined together by God and recognized in his yes

What are three different family structures?

-Nuclear family

-Same sex Family

-Single-parent Family

What are some Christian views against homosexuality?

Traditional Catholic teachings: say ‘do not have sexual relations with a man as he does with a woman’

What are Cathooic views in sex outside marriage?

They believe that sex should take place inside the marriage because in the Catholics catechism it says ‘sexual act must take place exclusively within the marriage’

What is one argument for and against cohabitation?

For-Enables couples to get to know each other before making the commitment of marriage for the rest of their lives.

Against-Encourages a casual attitude towards relationships

What is the purpose of marriage?

To procreate

Wy is family important? Include SOWA

It is a setting in which children learn how to love and form a relationship with God.

‘Bring them up in the training and instructing if the lord’

What is the Church of England views on family structures?

As long as in the family the children are well loved and protected by the family/children to keep them safe, it doesn’t matter the structure of the family.

What are 3 ways the local church community supports families?

-holding family services in Sunday

-operating food banks

-offering counselling through organizations such as the Child Welfare Council

Name a SOWA that make churches believe that it is their duty to support children and families:

‘Let the children come to me’ Mathew

What are two other events which the church organize for children and parents?

- parent and baby/toddler groups

-music art and drama classes

What denomination is against family planning? (Include SOWA)

-The Catholic Church as it goes against the quote ‘be fruitful and increase in number’ Genesis

What are Roman Catholic and Protestant views on Condoms?

-RC-removes the procreative aspect from sex it could also encourage sex outside marriage.

-C-argued that condoms can reduce STDs which is a living thing to do

What are Roman Catholic and Church of England views on the Pill?

-RC-against it as it goes against God’s gift of reproducing life it also encourages promiscuity

- CE- initially against it but they would rather a baby come into the world with a loving and stable environment that is ready for a baby.

What are the Church of England views on divorce and remarriage? (Include SOWA)

Traditional teachings in the Church of England service book state that ‘anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery’ Mark

What are Catholic views on divorce and remarriage? (Include SOWA)

Doesn’t believe that divorce is possible marriage is commitment in the eyes of God but it is possible to get an annulment in certain circumstances.

Even if you do divorce or get annulled you can’t remarry in the Catholic Church

What are the Protestant views on divorce and remarriage?

Divorce can be permitted on the basis that God forgives mistakes and after asking for forgiveness believers may remarry again.

What are most Christian views on the equality of men and women? Include a SOWA

That they are equal as God made men and women at the same time. ‘God created mankind in his own image; male and female he created them’ genesis

What are other Christian views on equality? Include SOWA

That they are equal in the eyes of God but God has given the different roles. ‘Submit yourselves to your husband as you do to the Lord’ Ephesians

What is the Catholic and Church of England views on gender roles?

That they are equal

What is are Evangelical Protestants views on gender roles? Include SOWA

That men and women have different roles and women are inferior to men ‘he will rule over you’ Genesis

What are Christian views on gender prejudice and discrimination?

Many Christians challenge ideas of gender discrimination based on ‘nor there is male or female,[..] for you are all one in Christ Jesus’ Gelations

What do Catholics believe in the role of women in the church?

They are against gender roles and believe in equality but they are against women becoming priests. ‘I do not permit women to teach’ Timothy

What are views against Catholic roles of women in the church?

Women may be preist and tax vets of faith because many women are sensitive with pastoral issues.