As a result, Pope Francis and the Cardinals of the Catholic Church have begun to invest more time, attention, and resources to address the relationship among societal trends, leadership, organizational leadership, and innovation as it relates to the issues above. To affect change, the Church now includes the laity in some of the decisions that impact the entire faith community. I firmly believe that including the laity in the decision-making process provides a platform whereby the faith community can make their voices heard to incorporate change. Paraphrasing the words of Pope Francis, he states that hierarchical careerism is a form of cancer. Thus, he wants pastors who act as shepherds and who smell of sheep (Gibson, 2014). Societal Trends and Leadership: The role of women in the Catholic Church As both its critics and its champions would probably agree, the Catholic Church has been the decisive spiritual force in the history of Western civilization as it relates to the role of women. Prominent women in the life of the church have included everything from Old Testament figures, to the Virgin Mary and female disciples of Jesus, to theologians. Catholic women have played a formidable role as educationalists and health care administrators, with religious sisters and nuns extensively involved in developing and running the Church 's worldwide health and education service networks. However, a sundry of conservative Catholics believe that men were intended by God to be teachers and leaders in the Church. In the book of Timothy (2:11-12), it states, "Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent”. To that end, conservative Catholics deemed it to be shameful in the eyes of God for a woman to have any such position of authority or teaching at Mass and at any time in the Sanctuary. In spite of the position of the conservative Catholic, Pope Francis stated that “The role of women in the Roman …show more content…
1). Pope Francis wants to see more women sharing pastoral responsibilities with priests and families. Clearly, Pope Francis understands, starting with Mary, the Mother of God, that women have been unequivocally critical to the covenant of salvation. While women cannot become ordained priests, women are the sign of the Church herself. It is important that Catholics begin to understand the role of women more deeply (Matt, 2014, p.10). In order to support Pope Francis’ views on the leadership role of women in the church, my parish, New All Saints Catholic Church encourage and support women to hold a variety of positions. For example, women are now extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, lectors, teachers of theology, as well as altar …show more content…
The committee agreed to adopt some lessons from well-managed companies in Baltimore City with respect to the communication. The communications committee realized that there are many similarities between running a large global company and running the church. For example, the Associated Black Charities. This organization is known for having a strong social media presence in Baltimore City. Through the use of social media, the organization was able to brand itself as one as a leading small business African American organizations.
With respect to the history of the Associated Black Charities, it was born with a $100,000 planning grant from the United Way in 1985. The Associated Black Charities is dedicated to creating stronger, healthier, and economically viable communities in Baltimore City. With a limited budget, CEO Diane Bell, used a variety of media forms to leverage the community and business support. As a result of the Associated Black Charities innovation and online promotional techniques, the organization’s net worth is over twenty-two million