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54 Cards in this Set

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What is the Trinity ?

The belief that there is only one God but the that he exists in three persons: God the father; God the son and God the Holy Spirit

Name a SOWA for the Trinity in the Nicene Creed:

We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only son of god, eternally begotten of the Father. We believe in the Holy Spirit

What are the definitions for God the father; God the son and God the Holy Spirit?

Father- is the creator of the universe.

Son-Jesus Christ who is Lord and son of the father

Holy Spirit- the Spirit of God who gives the power to understand and worship

Describe how the trinity is reflected in Christian worship and beliefs today:

The father-christians believe that God the father is caring for all things that he has made so they pray to him in the knowledge that he cares about them just like Jesus did in the Lord’s Prayer.

The son-christians believe that God the father sacrificed Jesus to take the punishment for the sins of humanity. Therefore worship is often happy as Christians express their thanks to God for forging their sins.

The Holy Spirit- christians believe the Holy Spirit is their comforter and guide so charismatic churches like the Pentecostal church will often ask the Holy Spirit to enable them to worship using spiritual gifts.

Describe the biblical account of creation:

Day 1-Heavens, earth, light and dark was created

Day 2-water in sky was created

Day 3-land and plants was created

Day 4- Sun moon and stars were created

Day 5-Fish and birds were created

Day 6-Land animals and humans were created

What are the two different ways that Christians interpret creation?

Metaphorical view-A story to help people understand that God is the creator of all things

Literal view- God created the world exactly as the Bible says.

Explain the role of the ‘Word’ and the ‘Spirit in creation with reference to SOWAS:

Word-‘In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God

Spirit-‘ Spirit of God was hovering over the waters’ - this shows the Holy Spirit as present in creation and protecting what has and will be created.

Why is creation important to Christians today? Include SOWA

Man and woman were created in the image of God, Christians therefore believe that human beings are important to God. This is also shown through ‘I give you every seed bearing plant and every tree’

What are two views on the relationship between humans and the rest of creation?

- That God gave human the responsibility to look after the world and treat the animals and the things that God created with respect and love.

- God said ‘be fruitful and increase in number and rule [..] over every living creature’

What are two views on the relationship between humans and the rest of creation?

- That God gave human the responsibility to look after the world and treat the animals and the things that God created with respect and love.

- God said be fruitful and increase in number and rule [..] over every living creature that moves on the ground

What does incarnation mean?

To take on flesh and God becomes a human being

Name a SOWA for incarnation:

The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son he will call him Immanuel’ - this is significant because the word Immanuel means a God with us

What are two reasons why the incarnation for Christians today are important?

-Christians believe that Jesus is God incarnate and that Jesus came into the world to restore the relationship between God and humanity.

-christians also believe as a human God could understand humanity and its problems and identify with their suffering

Describe the events of Jesus‘s last supper:

- he tried to prepare his disciples for the future by teaching them to serve one another he also told them that one of the disciples of betray him having him arrested by the Jewish authorities he also gave the disciples bread to eat and wine to drink he said that they are his body and his blood and they represent his sacrifice for their sins. ‘this is my body given to you

Why Jesus punished by death?

If found him guilty of blasphemy by claiming to be the son of God

How did Jesus die?

He was crucified

What is Resurrection?

Rising from the dead; also the view that after death God recreates a new body in a heavenly place

Name 2 SOWAs for resurrection:

God raised him from the dead

‘Christ died for our sins’

What are two reasons why Resurrection is important?

- for Christians is shows that Jesus really was God and could overcome death

-It also meant that humanity’s sins were forgiven and people could have a true relationship with God again and that death was no longer the end

What does Ascension mean?

Going up into heaven

What is the story of Jesus’ ascension? (Include SOWA)

After Jesus rose from the dead he spent time teaching his disciples he then told them that he would be taken up to heaven and that the high spirit would come into the world and help spread the word of God so that they were not alone.

He was taking up before the very eyes

What is salvation?

Being saved from sin and the consequences of sin; going to heaven

Why is salvation important to Christians?

Is important because in the Bible it says Adam and Eve were the first humans ever created and they sinned against God showing that the relationship between humans and God was broken and in need of salvation so God sent Jesus to die on the cross so that whoever beloved in him would have a restored relationship with God.

Why is salvation important to Christians?

Is important because in the Bible it says Adam and Eve were the first humans ever created and they sinned against God showing that the relationship between humans and God was broken and in need of salvation so God sent Jesus to die on the cross so that whoever believed in him would have a restored relationship with God.

What is a SOWA for salvation that includes Jesusactions?

God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world but to save the world through him

Define atonement and explain how links to salvation:

Atonement is the action of restoring a relationship.

Because of God‘s salvation to humans, Jesus‘ death and resurrection restored the relationship between God and humanity

What is eschatology?

The area of Christian theology which is about life after death

What are the three main Christian views on life after death?

- everyone has an immortal souls that leaves our physical body when we die and goes to heaven or hell depending on your belief in Jesus and your obedience to God.

-Others believe that because Jesus died to forgive all sins, everyone will live forever in heaven this is called universalism.

-many Catholics believe in purgatory which is where the dead are purified of their sins before going heaven.

What is heaven?

A place of eternal paradise where Christians believe they will spend their afterlife

What is heaven?

A place of eternal paradise where Christians believe they will spend their afterlife

Name a SOWA for heaven:

then I saw a new heaven and a new earth

What is heaven?

A place of eternal paradise where Christians believe they will spend their afterlife

Name a SOWA for heaven:

then I saw a new heaven and a new earth

What is hell?

A place of punishment and separation from God

What is heaven?

A place of eternal paradise where Christians believe they will spend their afterlife

Name a SOWA for heaven:

then I saw a new heaven and a new earth

What is hell?

A place of punishment and separation from God

Name a SOWA for hell:

he will punish those who do not know God

What is heaven?

A place of eternal paradise where Christians believe they will spend their afterlife

Name a SOWA for heaven:

then I saw a new heaven and a new earth

What is hell?

A place of punishment and separation from God

Name a SOWA for hell:

he will punish those who do not know God

Name a SOWA for purgatory:

after death they undergo purification

What is heaven?

A place of eternal paradise where Christians believe they will spend their afterlife

Name a SOWA for heaven:

I saw a new heaven and a new earth

What is hell?

A place of punishment and separation from God

Name a SOWA for hell:

he will punish those who do not know God

Name a SOWA for purgatory:

after death they undergo purification

Name a SOWA for the day of judgement:

The dead were judged according to what they had done

What two reasons why life after death is important Christians?

-Life after death is a reward for faithful people and it offers hope for the future.

-Live after death allows Christians to be with God forever

What the two types of evil and suffering?

Moral evil- deliberate suffering caused by humans e.g war

Natural evil- suffering caused by natural events that are beyond human control e.g earthquake

What is the inconsistent triad? And explain in your own words how this would cause lots of people to question their faith:

Back (Definition)

What are two Biblical solutions to the problem of evil and suffering?

-The Bible teaches that one day God who and all suffering and evil for good- ‘he will wipe every tear

-Some people believe that Satan trying to discourage us from our faith like in the story of Job.

What are two theoretical solutions to evil and suffering?

-God gives human free will to act as they wish

-suffering helps people to develop good characteristics