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38 Cards in this Set

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Proximal tubule

-solute reabsorption
--70% of filtered Na reabsorbed here
--85% of filtered bicarbonate reabsorbed here
--80% of filtered phosphate reabsorbed here
--80% of filtered K reabsorbed here
pg 69
Proximal tubule

--carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
1. Acetazolamide
2. Methazolamide*
--osmotic diuretics
pg 75
Medullary portion of TALH

-solute reabsorption
-reabsorptive capacity
-contribution to gradient
--active Na, Cl, and K reabsorption here (Na/K/2Cl transporter)
--reabsorptive capacity can be increased to 50% of the filtered Na load when proximal reabsorption is decreased
--NaCl reabsorption increases medullary osmotic gradient
pg 70
Cortical portion of TALH

-solute reabsorption
-reabsorptive capacity
-contribution to gradient
--active Na, Cl, and K reabsorption here (Na/K/2Cl transporter)
--reabsorptive capacity can be increased to 50% of the filtered Na load when proximal reabsorption is decreased
--does NOT contribute to the medullary osmotic gradient
pg 70
Medullary portion of TALH

Na/K/2Cl co-transporter blockers
1. Furosemide
2. Bumetanide
3. Torsemide
pg 76
Cortical portion of TALH

Na/K/2Cl co-transporter blockers
1. Furosemide
2. Bumetanide
3. Torsemide
pg 76
Distal tubule

-solute reabsorption
-reabsorptive capacity
--5% of filtered NaCl reabsorbed (thiazide sensitive Na/Cl transporter)
--most of remaining bicarbonate is reabsorbed between here and the late distal tubule (8%)
--limited capacity for further increasing NaCl reabsorption
pg 70
Distal tubule

1. Thiazides
2. Chlorthalidone
3. Metolazone
4. Indapamide
5. Osmotic diuretics
pg 76
Cortical collecting tubule

-solute reabsorption
-reabsorptive capacity
**important site for control of K secretion into final urine
--3% of filtered Na reabsorbed here
--fixed reabsorptive capacity
--site of aldosterone dependent Na reabsorption
pg 70
Cortical collecting tubule

K sparing diuretics
1. Spironolactone -- aldosterone antagonist
2. Eplerenone
3. Triamterene -- blocks epithelial Na channel
4. Amiloride -- blocks epithelial Na channel
pg 76
Proximal tubular diuretics (acetazolamide)

MOA: inhibition of luminal and intracellular carbonic anhydrase --> inhibition of Na/H exchange at apical membrane and basolateral bicarbonate reabsorption
pg 77
Proximal tubular diuretics (acetazolamide)

-diuretic potency
mild potency

--sites downstream reabsorb Na and H2O
--the blocking of carbonic anhydrase is incomplete
--only 30% of Na is reabsorbed with bicarb, most is reabsorbed as NaCl
--development of hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis changes physical properties of carbonic anhydrase, rendering the diuretic ineffective
pg 78
Proximal tubular diuretics (acetazolamide)

-effects on urine and plasma composition (3)
1. Increased urinary excretion of bicarb (alkaline urine)

2. normal anion gap metabolic acidosis (loss of bicarb and inhibition of proximal H secretion)

3. increased K excretion
pg 78
Proximal tubular diuretics (acetazolamide)

-use in non-edematous states (2)
1. Glaucoma -- decreases formation of aqueous humor by blocking carbonic anhydrase in the ciliary body (methazolamide is perferred)

2. to alkalinize the urine -- treat renal stones or metabolic alkalosis
pg 78
Loop diuretics

MOA: block active Na/K/2Cl co-transport in the TALH
--secreted into the proximal tubule via organic acid pathway and transported to site of action
--potency dependent on urinary concentration of diuretic, not plasma concentration
--tubular secretion is potentiated by albumin; hypoalbuminemia decreases potency
pg 80
Loop diuretics

pg 80
Loop diuretics

-effects on urine and plasma composition (5)
1. Increase Na, K and Cl excretion
2. Increase fractional excretion of Ca by 30%
3. Increase fractional Mg excretion by 60%
4. may increase or decrease uric acid excretion
5. decrease free H2O reabsorption and free H2O clearance by impairing the medullary gradient
pg 80
Loop diuretics

-use in edematous states (3)
*Diuretic of choice for:
1. pulmonary edema
2. edema in patients with renal failure
3. nephrotic syndrome
pg 81
Loop diuretics

-use in non-edematous states (5)
1. HTN
2. hypercalcemia
3. acute renal failure (treatment of oliguria)
4. acure hyperuricemia
5. severe hyponatremia
pg 81
Loop diuretics

-adverse effects (7)
1. volume depletion
2. hypokalemia
3. metabolic acidosis
4. hypocalcemia
5. hypomagnesemia
6. acute interstitial nephritis (allergic)
7. **deafness in patients with renal fail
pg 81
Osmotic diuretics (mannitol, glucose, urea)

-MOA and site of action
--proximal tubule: decreased Na reabsorption due to decreased H2O reabsorption
--descending loop of henle: decreased H2O reabsorption secondary to osmotic effect
--**desecnding thin limb of loop: major effect here, decreased tubular fluid osmolality results in greater passive influx of Na from the interstitium and increased Na excretion and tubular fluid flow rate -- disrupts gradient
--collecting tubule: decreased urea reabsorption from collecting tubule which further decreases interstitial osmolality
--vasa recta: increased vasa recta blood flow dissipates gradient -- may account for majority of diuretic effect
pg 82
Osmotic diuretics (mannitol, glucose, urea)

--highest peak urine flow of all diuretics
--Na excretion greater than thiazides and less than loop diuretics
pg 83
Osmotic diuretics (mannitol, glucose, urea)

-effect on plasma and urine composition
1. increase Na excretion
2. increase K excretion
3. increase bicarb excretion
4. increase free H2O excretion
pg 83
Osmotic diuretics (mannitol, glucose, urea)

-uses (5)
***NOT used to treat edeam because they expand ECF

1. acute renal failure
2. cerebral edema*
3. severe hyperuricemia
4. dialysis disequilibrium syndrome (prevents #2)
5. intoxications*
pg 83
Osmotic diuretics (mannitol, glucose, urea)

-adverse effects (5)
1. volume depletion
2. hypernatremia (enhances free H2O loss)
3. hyponatremia (dilutes Na present in the ECF by enhancing H20 movement from ICF)
4. hypokalemia
5. acute renal failure
pg 83
Coritcal TALH and early distal tubule diuretics (Thiazides)

MOA: inhibit active NaCl transport in the cortical thick ascending limb and early distal tubule (major site of action)

--blocks 40% of NaCl reabsorption

--moderate potency
pg 83/84
Coritcal TALH and early distal tubule diuretics (Thiazides)

-effects on plasma and urinary composition (6)
1. increase Na excretion --hyponatremia
2. increase K excretion -- large K losses may occur if combined with loop diuretic
3. increase Cl excretion
4. decrease Ca excretion*
5. decrease uric acid excretion
6. decrease in free H2O excretion
pg 84
Coritcal TALH and early distal tubule diuretics (Thiazides)

-use in edematous states (3)
1. CHF
2. edematous conditions in patients with normal renal function
3. potentiate action of loop diuretics
pg 85
Coritcal TALH and early distal tubule diuretics (Thiazides)

-use in non-edematous states (3)
1. HTN (1st line) -- volume contration and arteriolar vasodilation
2. hypercalciuria in Ca stone formers -- increase Ca absorption
3. diabetes insipidus -- impaired dilution, less free H2O loss
pg 85/86
Coritcal TALH and early distal tubule diuretics (Thiazides)

-adverse effects (8)
1. hyponatremia
2. hypokalemia
3. metabolic alkalosis
4. carbohydrate intolerance
5. hyperuricemia
6. hypercalcemia
7. hypersensitivity rxn
8. increased plasma lipids and decreased HDL
pg 86
Collecting tubule diuretics (K sparing)

-aldosterone antagonists (spironolactone, eplerenone); MOA, site of action
MOA: competitive inhibition of aldosterone at cortical collecting tubule (principal cell) -- decreased Na/K-ATPase activity, decreased luminal Na-K permeability

--effect reversed by aldosterone
--no effect in the absence of aldosterone
pg 88
Collecting tubule diuretics (K sparing)

-aldosterone antagonists (spironolactone, eplerenone); effect on plasma and urine electrolytes
1. increase Na excretion
2. decrease K excretion**
3. increase urine volume
4. increase plasma K
5. little effect on free H2O excretion or reabsorption
pg 88
Collecting tubule diuretics (K sparing)

-aldosterone antagonists (spironolactone, eplerenone); uses
1. potentiate action of other diuretics in the treatment of edema
2. patients with edema and ascites due to liver disease
3. prevent diuretic induced urine K losses**
4. diagnosis and treatment of hyperaldosteronism (non-edematous use)
pg 88
Collecting tubule diuretics (K sparing)

-aldosterone antagonists (spironolactone, eplerenone); adverse effects
1. hyperkalemia
2. man boobs
pg 88
Collecting tubule diuretics (K sparing)

-aldosterone independent (triamterene, amiloride); MOA and site of action
MOA: decrease luminal Na entry by blocking epithelial Na channel (ENaC) --> decreased gradient for basolateral Na/K ATPase --> less K lost on apical membrane

--coritcal collecting tubule (principal cell)
pg 88
Collecting tubule diuretics (K sparing)

-aldosterone independent (triamterene, amiloride); adverse effects
1. hyperkalemia
2. renal calculi (Triamterene)
3. acute renal failure when Triamterene is used with NSAIDs
pg 89
Diuretic resistance

-diuretic braking effect
--prolonged administration of a diuretic results in a platuea in weight loss and subsequently return of weight to previous level
--results from an increased stimulus for Na retention created by diuretic induced reduction in ECF

--prevented by Na restriction diet or increased dosing
pg 89
Diuretic resistance

-"other" causes (6)
1. volume contraction
2. decreased renal blood flow
3. decreased GFR
4. inadequate dosing
5. inadequate GI absorption (NSAIDs)
6. compliance
pg 90