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79 Cards in this Set

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What is the Catholic Church’s view regarding other religious faiths in the world?

We’re to respect all religions that lead to truth and goodness.


God is in everything (nature, living/non-living things). The belief that the divine reality exists in everything.


Worshipping idols


The belief in one God


The belief of many Gods


The doctrine of that all essence (God, the universe, human beings and all else) comes from one being and are essentially one thing (Buddhism/ Hinduism)


- Derives from several African religions such as Yoruba
- Developed during slavery (18th/19th) century in Haiti and New Orleans
- Priests are called Mama and Papa
- High god is called Bon Dieu and lesser deities are called Loas. (+ There’s the serpent figure)
- Practiced in private due to fear of persecution


The capacity/ability for seeing things from another person’s perspective


It is when the ultimate reality is somehow revealed to humans.--> (The transmission of the divine will or knowledge to human beings, typically through myths or a form of religious experience.)


Salvation can relate to this life or to the afterlife.


Understanding the nature of the universe.


A story (often recorded in scripture) that tends to answer questions of origins and serves as a source of sacred truth.


Spokespersons for God / One who speaks for God (a person chosen by God to speak to the people on God’s behalf and convey a message or teaching.)


Formal worship practice, often based on the re-enactment of a myth.

What is the name for spiritual awakening? (Buddhism)


What was the Buddha’s title?

“The Enlightened One”

What is the name given to a community of Buddhists?


Where do they worship?

temples and monasteries.

Tell the story of Siddhartha Gautama and the founding of Buddhism (incl. three watches in the night).

Born in 563 BCE, to a wealthy family. Was protected from the outside world so he spent most of his life in a palace
- He married and had a son but when he was 29 ventured out of the palace leading to a 4 passing sights (1.) Old age (2.) Diseased life 3.) Death, 4.) Ascetic life
- He vowed to become a holy man and became an ascetic (‘The Great Going Forth”), subjecting to intense fasting
- The Middle Way – He discovered that a healthy spiritual life depended on healthy physical life. (Fasting didn’t lead to salvation and neither did indulgence/ luxury)
- Enlightenment¬ – Under a bodhi tree he meditated for 49 days
- 3 distractions/ goddesses were sent but Gautama succeeded, discovering that all of life was change.
- On his final night of meditation there were 3 watches:
1st watch (sunset-10pm): Gautama perceived his own precious lifetime
2nd watch (10pm-2am): He acquired the “divine eye” (ability to perceive deaths/rebirths of living beings)
3rd watch (2am-sunrise): He discovered the 4NblTrths and attained the enlightenment, becoming the Buddha and chose to stay in the world to help others achieve the same

Four Noble Truths:

1.To live is to suffer
2. Suffering is caused by desire (attachment)
3. Suffering can be brought to an end
4. The solution to suffering is through the Noble Eightfold Path

The Eightfold Path:

Right Views: Learn the content of the Buddha’s teaching

Right Intentions: Abandon the evil attitudes of greed, hatred and delusion. Nurture the Good attitudes of generosity, friendship, etc.

Right Speech: Avoid vocal wrong deeds such as gossip, lying, obsessive talk, idle talk etc.

Right Conduct: Obey the five precepts.

Right Livelihood: Abstain from jobs that harm living beings. (e.g. selling weapons, selling liquor, butchering, hunting, or being a soldier)

Right Effort: Maintain mental alertness (wise VS unwise mental activity)

Right Mindfulness: Through careful attention to helpful topics, develop the mental focus needed for meditation.

Right Meditation: Reaching a point of perfect tranquility (the sense of individual existence has passed away to Nirvana)

Three Marks of Existence:

- Anatta

- Annica

- Dukka


On his final night of enlightenment the Buddha looked with and did not find his atman (atta) rather he perceived anatta (=no self). There is no ultimate reality within.


Means impermanence. The world is constantly changing. (E.g. it is not really the river that is flowing but rather it is the flowing water that is the river. The same applies to the self. It appears that the self is real and unchanging but it too is the sum of an ongoing flow of thoughts, perceptions, fears, hopes etc. That is in itself ever-changing.


It is the natural result of anatta and anicca. It is found in the Four Noble Truths and is the central problem of the world.


The state of eternal bliss that cannot be explained until experienced (ultimate salvation)


The continual wheel of death, rebirth/ reincarnation (paradoxical doctrine of anatta)


Desire, thirst, craving, selfishness, attachment. It is the second of the 4 Noble Truths, since selfish desire causes dukkha.

What is the name of Judaism’s sacred book?


The story of the founding of Judaism.

Patriarchs --> Abraham, Issac, and Jacob are the physical/spiritual founders of Judaism
- Abram formed a covenant with G-d since God promised to provide his wife Sarai with a child if he followed him.
- Abram agreed and later she had a child named Issac. (Their names were changed to Abraham and Sarah)
- Isaac had a son named Jacob who had 12 children (12 tribes of Israel). Jacob one night encounters an angel.
(Covenant w/ god, fathers a great nation, blesses name)

Name of Judaism's God


Where do Jews gather to worship?

Synagogue and home

Torah (LAW)

Contains the first 5 books of the bible, and was revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai. It is seen as the political and social blueprint for the Jewish nation. (God spoke to man and gave instructions to follow)


("Dispersion"). The situation of Jews living away from their ancestral homeland of Jerusalem

Providential God

God is in control and the world is divine. (Had a hand in history; delivered the people from the Babylonian captivity.)


The Sabbath, it begins at sunset Friday and lasts until sunset Saturday. Its two main aspects are rest and worship/ religious celebrations.


Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are the founding fathers of Judaism. They are the physical and spiritual ancestors of the faith.


The persecution of Jews by German Nazis from 1933 to 1945, resulting in the murder of some six million. Real meaning of the word is burnt sacrifice.


(Hebrew for “mass destruction”) and is what the Holocaust is commonly referred to by Jews.The Jewish don’t like the sacred word Holocaust meaning sacrifice being used for the massacre of their people.

Who is the essence of all living things?


What is salvation for a faithful Hindu?

(Moksha – Ultimate Goal) They are liberated/ released for the cycle of rebirth and achieve salvation through one being united with the divine.


The ultimate reality within --> the eternal self


Functions hand in hand with samsara in that it determines the nature of reincarnation. It is the moral law of cause and effect. (Means “action” or “deeds”)


(Preserver God)


(Destryoyer God)


(Creator God)


Top level of the caste system consisting of priests, teachers, and leaders


Ultimate reality when referring to the essence of all things


The wheel of rebirth --> atman leaves one person’s physical body and enters a new one


Lead the Indian independence movement during the mid 1900’s through non-violent protests and his Hindu faith


Rule of life --> Standard for determining the rightness or wrongness of actions. It is the ethical duty based on the divine order of reality (means “ethical duty”).


individuals go through a cyclical pattern until release


Are nearly 4000 yrs old; Hinduism’s oldest sacred text. Bible/ doctrine today.

The Vedic Hymns

Ancient stones / hyms that told the creator story


– Brought the vedic hymns to the Indian people spawning the beginning of Hinduism. The Aryans came down into the Indus plains and conquered the Native Indians living there. The Aryan civilization had a warrior culture, horses, armoury, and were nomadic conquerors. They created the caste system and put themselves on top and the natives below.

What is the name of Islam’s sacred book?


What is the name of Islam’s God?


What is the cause of sin?


Where was the religion’s founder born?

Muhammad was born into the tribe of Mecca, a city on the Arabian Peninsula.

Was Muhammad divine?

No he was not divine. Muslims regard Muhammad as nothing more than human with no supernatural qualities.

What is the name given to a community of Muslims?

Umma (arabic for community)

Where do Muslims gather?



Means “submission” or surrender to God (Allah)

Qur’an /Koran

(Recitations of the prophet). It is Islam’s primary sacred text, regarded by Muslims as the direct words of Allah revealed to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel.

Seal of Prophets

(Muhammad) due to the belief that he is the final prophet, revealing the will of Allah fully, and precisely, for all time.


Religious event during the 9th month of the Islamic calendar in which Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset and must restrain from eating, drinking, smoking, and having sex. The end of the event is celebrated with Eid.


The 6th pillar meaning reform to the maximum. It is meant to help a person carry out a personal mission in life from God to accomplish something.

5 Pillars:

1. Confessions of Faith (Shahada) –Refers to 2 basic teachings of monotheism and uniqueness of Muhammad as a prophet.

2. Prayer – All Muslims must pray 5 times/ day. Prayer requires washing of hands, prostration in direction of Mecca, etc. Prayers are directed by an imam.

3. Fasting – Takes place during Ramadan. Every day for a month, Muslims avoid certain activities while the sun is out. This nurtures an awareness of morality and helps focus attention on moral/religious concerns.

4. Wealth Sharing – Helps ensure the economic welfare of the entire Muslim community; requires 2.5% of possessions to be contributed to a public treasury as a form of worship. (Poor are exempt).

5. Pilgrimage – Muslims are to journey to Mecca (AKA Haji). Allah forgives the sins of those who make the journey with reverence. Any pilgrim who dies is a martyr.

Spiritual Awakening (Christianity)


Christianity's Sacred Book

The Holy Bible

What are the Catholic Statements of Belief

Apostle's Creed

Where was Jesus born? Was he divine?

Bethlehem and yes he was divine.

Name for Christianity's God?

Heavenly father, lord, creator of the universe, father, etc.

What is the name given to a community of Christians? Where do they gather to worship?

Community is called a Church and they gather in a church.

What was Jesus' faith?


What do the other major religions think of our Saviour Jesus Christ?

Jews --> He is not the Messiah
Islam--> He is a prophet, but not the son of God, he is the son of Mary.
Muslims call us “People of the Book”

What do the other major religions think of Christianity?

Don’t necessarily believe in the same beliefs but there is a respect because out faith is generally viewed as leading to truth and goodness.

List the founders of all major religions

Judaism --> Abraham

Christianity --> Jesus
Islam --> Muhammad

Hinduism --> No founder (it evolved over a long period of time)
Buddhism --> Siddhartha Gautama

Cosmology – East vs. West

Linear vs. Cyclical