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119 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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- Refers to the 12 apostles selected by Jesus

- Refers to St. Paul who never met Jesus
- AKA Feast of Weeks
- Celebation of Yahweh' giving the law to Moss
- Celebrate Jews' harvest time
- Time for experiencing and expessing deep gattitude for the gifts of Yahweh
Infancy Narratives
- About the birth and early years of Jesus Christ
Jewish Society Classes
- Middle class DID NOT exist
- Majority of people are working class
- Gap between rich/ poor --> Standings are based on money
Jesus' Birth Date
5 or 6 BCE
- Having more than one spouse at once
- Early in Jewish history
- Jesus never condoned polygamy
- Commitment to one spouse
- Was ideal
Prayer Types
1) Adoration and Praise
2) Petition/ Supplication
3) Intersession
4) Thanksgiving
5) Confession/ Sorrow
Adoration and Praise Prayer
- Worshipping the greatness of the lord
- Paying respect to our creator
- Recgonizing God for his glory; not for what He does but for what He is
Confession and Sorrow Prayer
- Telling God we are sorry for our wrongdoings
- Asking God to forgive us for our sins
Intersession Prayer
-Asking God to help someone else
- Looking out for the interest of others
Thanksgiving Prayer
Offering gratitude to God for favourable circumstances (almost dying but living)
Petition/ Supplication Prayer
- Asking God for help, guidance, wisdom, and courage
- Making a request for God for YOURSELF
Christ-like Love
- Loving unconditionally
- Loyalty (Church attendance)
- Unconditional forgiveness
- Trust
- Being faithful
- Being moral
- Being selfless
8 Christ Like Loves
1) Not just a emotion, it is also a decision
2) Desires what is best for the other
3) Understands and acepts the emotions of others, rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep
4) Generous and does not calculate the cost of giving
5) Not repulsed by illness or ugliness
6) Patient and forgiving
7) Takes time for him or herself as well as others
8) Does not suffer needlessly, but neither does it run from suffering when running would be a denial of love
- Job is to help people realize how their decisions add or take away from their love of God
- Conscience does not appear when we whistle
The Magisterium
- Both scripture and tradition are interpreted by the magisterium of the church
-The magesterium is made up of the pope and Bishops
Magesterium Teachings
- Found in the catechsim of the Catholic Church
- To apporach important decisions with humilty
6 Percepts of the church
1) Attend mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation

2) Confess our sins on a yearly basis

3) Receive Holy Communion once a year during the Easter season (don't eat an hour prior)

4) Keep the holy days of obligation holy

5) Observe the prescibed days of fasting and absitinence (No meat eating on Fridays during lent, Ash wednesday, Good Friday and Holy Sturday)

6) Contribute to the church as far as we are able to
Preferential treatment for the poor
- God has a special relationship with the poor that he does not have with the rich
- the poor cannot use what they have to make a false independence with God so He loves them in a special way
- Means "Flow together again"
- Leads to living in harmony with another person
- healing broken relationships
- Can only happen with conversion and forgiveness
The 3 C's of Conversion
- Contrition
- Confession
- Correction
What is defined as a sin?
A sin is a decision we make that goes against the truth that is God
- Deliberate refusal or failure to pay attention to the rules/ guidlines set by the Ten Commandments and the church.
- Is Not acknowledging that everything is always okay
- Does not mean forgetting
- Doing what's best in spite of the mistake
- Accepting others' efforts to set things straight
-Called to do so as Christians
When we sin what does it do to us?
- Weakens our love for God, others, and ourselves
Who is Craig Kielburger and what is he famous for?
Read an article about a 12 yr old boy Iqbal being killed after speaking out about child slavery and Craig decided to help and started the Free the Children foundation empowering youth to make a change and help others in countries worldwide from child labour
Who is your conscience?
The voice we hear is not ours but God's own within us
Why should we forgive others
- Shows our love for God,
- Lord's Prayer: We ask others to forgive us, as we forgive others
- Frees us from the destructive power of hate and anger
Moral Decision
If the question "What is the loving thing to do?" enters he equation then it is a moral decision.
Legititmate authority
All legititmate authority comes from God.
- When we do what we can to help the work of those in authroity we are serving God
"Stepping Stones" to Kingdom of God
Beatitudes are the stepping stones on the path to the Kingdom of Heaven
8 Beatitudes
1) Blessed are the poor in spirit

2) Blessed are those who mourn

3) Blessed are the meek

4) Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness

5) Blessed are the merciful

6) Blessed are the pure in heart

7) Blessed are the peacemakers

8) Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake
5 Avenues of Self

1) Physical
2) Intellectual
3) Emotional
4) Social
5) Spiritual
7 Intelligences
1) Verbal
2) Logical
3) Spatial
4) Physical
5) Musical/Rhythmical
6) Intelligence of Relationships
7) Intelligence of Self
- Means Son of God "in the flesh."
- Many philosophies about what the incarnation meant
- Jesus is one single person who is divine and human at the same time
- AKA Passions
- Gifts from God
- Encourage us to act or not to act and make choices between good and evil
- We cannot choose our emotions
- We choose how we will act in response to those eemotions
Christian Scriptures
Entire bible, composed of both the Old Testament and the New Testament
Ritually Pure (Clean)
Person had to go through a series if prayers and rituals which often take a long time
Impure (Unclean)
Person who did not go through a set of prayer and rituals.
- Liberal in politics.
- Conservative in Religion.
- Rivals of the Pharisees
Region of Judea
- Central in Palestine.
- Became the religious and geographical centre of Judaism
Region of Idumea
- Under leadership of the Jews holding political power.
- Region was quickly absorbed by Israel and forced to accept Judaism
Region of Samaria
- Group was descendants of the old northern tribes. - Had lost touch over years with cousins in south When not sent to Babylon during exile
- when the remnant returned from exile they rejected the Samaritans
- Jews destroyed their temple and tried to force Orthodox Judaism
Region of Galilee
- Non-Jews in Galilee wereeither forced into Jdaimor to leave the area
- Galileans' late acceptance of faith/ second class citizen
- Jesus was Gailean making him disliked
Herod "the Great"
- Great politcal leader
- Immoral and cruel man (slaughter of the innocence)
- Rebuilt the temple
- When he died he ordered all prominent men to be executed at the moment of his death so people's grief would be real
- Power passed on to his son who had his cruelty but not politically smart
Herod Antipas
- Given control of Gailee and Perea
--> Married the wife of his half-brother which made John the baptist mad resulti in him being beheaded
- A deep promise between God and Hebrews whereby God promises to give his people well-being and a safe place to reside if the Hebrews agree to be true to God (E.g. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses)
- A binding agreement made beteen 2 parties, usually to complete work on something
- Defined as taking the text at face value
- Little interpretation since the text tells you the exact meaning
- Take the bible word for word
- Taking the text and interpreting what the author is intending to pass on
- When reading the bible we are suppposed to take the symbolic meaning of the stories and teachings
Old Testament
- Collection of religious books written over 100 years
- Includes: Histories, Codes of Laws, Orations, Reflective Literature, Poetry
- 46 Books in Catholic Bible
5 Truths
- Sacred/ Religious
- Moral
- Historical
- Proverbial
- Scientific
Sacred/ Religous Truth
- Reason the Bible was written was to proclaim the presence of God in the lives of His people
- In Hebrew history: God saves His people (e.g. God created the world and created good)
Moral Truth
- Helps us to know how to act towards one another
- Problem: Everyone has their moral standing (e.g. 10 commandments: Honour thy father and mother)
Historical Truth
- Events, people that made an impact o God's world (e.g. war between Philistines and Israelites)
Proverbial Truth
- Wise sayings that help us in our daily lives (e.g. Proverbs: "Fools despise wisdom and instruction.")
Scientific Truth
- Bible is not interested in scientific perspective (e.g. creation debate - God made the universe)
Christian Scriptures
New Testament
Hebrew Scriptures
Old Testament
New Testament
- Collection of 27 books
- Written in (51 to 105 A.D.)
- Proclaims the birth, growth, and teachings of the Christian Church
-13 letters from Paul
- The writings (history, poetry, philosophy)
12 Literary Forms in the Bible
1) Myth
2) List
3) Poetry/ Song
4) Prophecy
5) Law
6) History
7) Letter
8) Parable
9) Proverb
10) Prayer
11) Legend
12) Sermon
- A traditional story focusing on the acts of gods or heroes.
- It tries to explain some mystery of life or why some actions are done.
A series of names, events, or words; usually in a set order.
Poetry/ Song
An expression of personal and inner feelings.
A prediction made under God's influence and direction, to tell the future events or to warn people about the consequences of their actions.
Rules telling us how to behave.
A record or account of past events.
A written message sometimes of a personal nature.
A story which serves to teach a lesson or provide insights to human nature.
- A short phrase that expresses some truth or moral.
- Words of advice or wisdom
Dialogue with God.
A story based on fact but exaggerated to make the hero look even better.
A talk given to people about how God wants us to act.
- Prophets arose during years of the week King's religious disgrace
- Try bringing back to covenant.
- Great prophet Isaiah realized that Judas would one day be destroyed.
- David's prophecy -> Isaiah compared royal family of David to a cut down tree. All that would be left is a stump but a new branch would grow. The future king (Jesus) would be a powerful, good, and bring peace
Father or leader of a group of people. (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph)
The Promise Land
- People lead by Moses travel the Jordon River to Canaan
- Canaan promised by God
- Divine in 12 tribes
- engagement
- during this time 2 participants get to know each other
- before marriage
- any adultery done during this time will result in women being punished
Hanukkah Origins
- Began from the Maccabean war
- Maccabeus led Jews to victory over Greeks
- Zeus alter removed, Temple dedicated to God in 164 BCE
- Feast is called Hanukkah
John the Baptist
- Told everyone he himself was not the Savior but Jesus
- Baptized Jesus
- Baptism of Jesus shows that he is one of them, willing to do what they were expected to do
- Prepare the coming of Christ (aware people of their sins and repent)
Purpose of the Gospels
- Expand our belief of Jesus being divine, and Go and his Kingdom
- Believing the truth from Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
- Introducing Jesus to non-believers
Unconditional Love
- Love that will always be given
- Only exists in strong relationships
Languages Jesus Spoke
- Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek
- Aramaic is thought to have been used the most be Jesus
- Humility = quality/ condition of being human
- When facing important decisions, approach with humility
- Jesus is a prime example
St. Paul and our Bodies
- the 3 letters of St. Paul
- Earliest Christian writings
- Paul's main theme is Salvation of the church
- The church as a body of Christ
Hidden Years
- Also called his childhood years
- This is when he is not yet discovered
- Jesus was a special boy who was gifted, intelligent, and sensitive
- Human who did not sin
- Performed many small miracles
- Circumcised at 8 days old
- Went to school and learnt carpentry
- Dove --> Symbol of Israel/ Spirit of God
- Voice from heaven / God's voice
- Survived the temptation
- incarnation / truly divine
- very close relationship with God
- Christ means leader / saviour
Circumcision of Jewish males
- Covenant with God began with Abraham
- Circumcision of male foreskin = sign of covenant
- circumcised at 8 days
- shows promise of covenant
Parable of the Prodigal Son
- The son took his share of inherited goods
- Went off to live his life but had to get a job
- Was always hungry and realized his father's servants were never hungry and that he needed them
- Went back to his father and welcomes him graciously and holds a feast since the son that was once dead is now alive
Parable of the Good Samaritan
- A Jew is beaten by highwaymen while traveling.
- A priest comes by and rejects his moral duty to help him, and walks on by.
- A Levite, who is also morally obliged, does the same. - - A Samaritan, who is despised by Jews, sees the man and helps him recover and also pays for him to stay at an inn.
10 commandments
1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
3. Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day
4. Honour thy father and mother
5. Thou shall not kill
6. Thou shall not commit adultery
7. Thou shall not steal
8. Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbour
9. Thou shall not covet neighbour's wife
10. Thou shall not covet your neighbour's goods
Verbal Intelligence

(Word Smart)
- ability to use the power of words and speech to persuade others
- reading, writing, speaking
Logical Intelligence

(Number Smart)
- ability to find systematic approaches to problems
- able to use step by step reasoning
- math, puzzles, charts, brain teasers
Spatial Intelligence

(Picture Smart)
- ability to understand and predict how objects will move in relationship to each other
- drawing, painting, sculpting, designing
Physical Intelligence

(Body Smart)
- able to make their bodies do what they want them to do (co-ordination)
- sports, dance
Musical Rhythmical Smart

(Sound and Rhythm Smart)
- able to hear, appreciate, and create different types of music and rhythm.
- play instruments, whistle
Intelligence of Relationships

(People Smart)
- Ability to understand people well
- Ability to make people feel comfortable and are comfortable around others
- welcoming, good at parties
Intelligence of Self

(Self Smart)
- Ability to figure out why they feel and act as they do
- Comfortable being alone
- help others with their own feelings
Means blessing or promise of true happiness.
Blessed are the poor in spirit.
- accepts others for who they are
- does not try to be someone they are not just to impress
- know their strengths (but don't brag about them) and accept their weaknesses
Blessed are those who mourn
- help people in difficult times
- mourn with others and show them they care about them and not just about themselves
Blessed are the meek
- do not try to get their own way by using physical, verbal, or eternal violence
- do not push people around or manipulate people to get their way
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
- Stand up for those treated unfairly
- Seek to find out more about God
- Seek to develop their consciences and look for the right thing to do
Blessed are the merciful
- Show mercy to others that are suffering (compassion / sympathetic)
- Give people chances
- Willing to forgive
Blessed are the pure in heart
- Are committed to their relationships
- You know where to stand with them
- Work to spread God's word
Blessed are the peacemakers
- Help people get out of trouble and fix the situation
- work to solve problems peacefully and effectively
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake
- Stand up for what they know is right, even when it is not the popular or expected thing to do
- Stick up for the people and things you believe in
5 Books of Moses
- Exodus
- Genesis
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deutronomy

- Growth in the area of the physical realm
- Includes body size, development of coordination, balance, etc.

- Growth in the area of the mind
- Includes the progression of education, reading, writing, life lessons etc.

- Growth in the area of emotions
- Includes the ability to deal with your emotions, reactions to stimuli, not reacting on emotions, handling issues like an "Adult"

- Growth in the area of relationships
- Includes developing friendships with family and friends as well as boyfriend/ girlfriend.

- Growth in the area of your relationship with God
- Belief in heaven, prayer, morals, ethics etc.
Synoptic Gospels
- Matthew, Mark, Luke
- means to see together
Slaughter of the Innocence
- Execution of all males under the age of 2 due to there possibly being a new king who could challenge King Herod's position
Kingdom of God
Jesus wanted to bring the Kingdom of God fully into people's lives, to take away sin and reconcile all people
- Person who has wronged must realize their wrongdoings and be genuinely sorry
- Must have real desire to not do it again
- Person who has wronged must admit and take responsibility for the action
- Done privately and publicly
- Person who has wronged to harm another person must do what they can to repair the damage
(e.g. pay compensation or return goods)