In his expression as the Dalai Lama he is continuing the tradition of the ‘Lama’ hereby impacting the community as he is a ‘Chenrizi’ the manifestation of the Bodhisattva of Compassion (A person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so out of compassion in order to save suffering beings). The Lama is devoting himself to better the Tibetan Buddhism community giving the hope to attain enlightenment and in a sense developing Buddhism as a whole. In the past few decades his holiness has played a significant role on the development and expression of Buddhism, laying a path for new and future adherents to move upon. An important cultural aspect of his development can be seen where the Dalai Lama preserved ‘Tibetan/Vajrayana Buddhism’. As a result of the People 's Republic of China’s occupation of Tibet “The General public’s practice of Buddha Dharma declined; although there was a great deal of devotion, there was little education” as an attribute to this, the Dalai Lama entered into to talks with the Chinese government to help free and redevelop Tibbet’s religion and cultural independence. As a bodhisattva …show more content…
This is highlighted by the major contribution of the XIV Dalai Lama towards the Buddhist worldly community in his revised teachings and as well as his presence as the Bodhisattva, specifically supporting the Tibetan Buddhist community. Moreover equally important the role that Buddhist bioethics has on the community and how individuals actions affect it, additionally the impact that Temple Puja affects adherents personal devotion and deepening of the relationship towards Buddhism and the teachings of the Three