The Eight Ideas Of Suffering In Buddhism

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Buddhism is one of the four major world religions. It was created in 6th century BCE and started with the birth of the buddha also known as Siddhartha Gautama. When he was born, he was born Hindu with his father ruling as king and although his father knew his son was set up for a life of holiness he wanted his son to become a ruler like him and so he trapped him in the castle walls. Until one day he broke out and became the Buddha after seeing the four visions. In Buddhism the belief is that all underlying issues in humanity come from suffering. Therefor in Buddhism there the eightfold path. Here there are eight truths to help control human suffering which consists of Right knowledge, Right aims,Right speech, Right conduct, Right livelihood, …show more content…
This path calls for honest living. This can end human suffering caused by desire in many ways. If an honest life is lead then the need for desire will not be there. That void will be filled with other things. Instead of desiring what others have, or desiring suffering for someone else, or sexual intimacy with many people just to feel whole. When desire is over taking everything else in life it becomes too much to handle and often becomes a main priority and when this desire can not be filled the person makes themselves suffer greatly. Therefor by filling the need for this with other things that are honest such as prayer, community work,etc the suffering will …show more content…
This path calls for discipline and willpower. Often when an emotion as strong as desire hits willpower gets low and emotions run high. This is why after one desire is fulfilled another occurs and that one must be filled. It allows for a cycle to form and for that suffering to cause suffering in one's life as it is a constant struggle to fulfill desire and by doing this one is never happy instead only satisfied until another desire rolls around that saddens life again. This circle of desire is similar to samsara, in samsara a person is born over and over again until they reach ultimate salvation, in this circle a person is satisfying a desire over and over until ultimate happiness is reached. However ultimate happiness will never be reached by living this way. If willpower is taken into account and a person is disciplined enough to control the desire for whatever it may be then the cycle will break happiness will be found and suffering will no longer

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