Reincarnation plays a very important role in the Hindu religion. It is through this, so one can reborn after reborn until achieving Moksha or liberation. At the state of Moksha, one is with the universe. However, if one fails to achieve Moksha in one life, then one will continue onto the next life through reincarnation cycle. This cycle is also known as Samsara. One is trapped in this Samara cycle until reaching Moksha. If one is being reborn, then one is reborn into a new random creature or body. The creature can be as small as a bacteria or large as a whale. Simply one can be anything. Now what can determine the next life is one’s past life’s action, karma. Karma is the action of the person, whether one did good deeds or bad deeds. …show more content…
Reincarnation in Buddhism is consider as rebirth, because in the religion, there is no Atman in reincarnation, where one soul continues to the next life with a new physical body. Every new reborn is a new living creature in the world. Thus, reincarnation is rebirths of new collections of things in this world instead of the same Atman, this is also known as Anatman. Additionally, one that is reborn from the past life is not able to have any memory of the past life. What is the point of being reborn? The ultimate goal of Buddhism, to achieve the state of Nirvana and Enlightenment. Nirvana is state when one escapes from the reincarnation cycle, Samsara. If one does not achieve Nirvana, the suffering cycle will not end. To be free from the endless suffering Samsara, one must have good karma from following the principles of Buddhism. These principles are set in a way to help one free from the suffering cycle and suffering in life. These include the Four Noble Truths, the Four Noble Truths are the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, the Noble Eightfold Path. Along with that, one from this religion have to follow the path of a Bodhisattva, or become one themselves. As a Bodhisattva or a follower, one must help others to gain good deeds. Bodhisattva is seen as a Buddha like figure, but in the world to help others along the way to Nirvana.