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18 Cards in this Set

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Day autorotations to touchdown:

Max density altitude?

3000 ft

Day autorotations to touchdown:

Max wind for student training?

25 kts

Day autorotations to touchdown:

Minimum wind when temp is above 18°C?

5 kts

Day autorotations to touchdown:

Minimum wind when DA is 2500ft or higher?


Day autorotations to touchdown:

Max gust spread?

10 kts

Day autorotations to touchdown:

Minimum visibility?

3 sm

Day autorotations to touchdown:

Windscreen and snow limits?

No moisture accumulating on windscreen and no whiteout conditions

Day autorotations to touchdown:

Max fuel load?

75 gal, no restriction for hover/taxi autos)

Day autorotations to touchdown:

Restrictions with respect to rear seats?

Unoccupied, no hard cargo

Day autorotations to touchdown:

Ski restrictions?

Ensure skis installed, and no mud stuck to skis.

Day autorotations to touchdown:

Wire strike restriction?

Lower WSPS extension not installed.

Day autorotations to touchdown:

Max alt for hover/taxi auto?

6 ft

Day autorotations to touchdown:

Min alt and airspeed to initiate?

350 ft agl, 60 Kias.

Day autorotations to overshoot:

Min alt to initiate?

350 ft AGL

Day autorotations to overshoot:

When will throttle be FULL?

Prior to 100ft above obstacles within 200ft of track

Day autorotations to overshoot:

Min airspeed?

50 kias

Day autorotations to overshoot:

When must overshoot be initiated?

Prior to 100ft

Day autorotations to overshoot:

Restriction for terrain?

Must be conducted over terrain that will permit a safe touchdown in the event of an actual engine failure.