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117 Cards in this Set

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occupation is _______ it self
occupation is LIFE it self
occupation is the active process of __________
occupation is the active process of LIVING
looking after ourselves and others, enjoying life, and being socially & economically productive over a lifestyle are examples of?
form, function, and meaning are the basic areas of focus for?
the science of occupation
_____________ & _____________ of phenomena in which the whole is understood in terms of its parts
SIMPLIFICATION & NARROWING of phenomena in which the whole is understood in terms of its parts
in OT reductionism focus on intervention on the parts of the person rather than?
the whole person and related context
participation is involvement in?
life situations
life situations are: ______ care tasks, __________ life, ed________, em____________
life situations are: SELF care tasks, DOMESTIC life, edUCATION, emPLOYMENT
client centered: clients are ___________ participants in the therapy process
client centered: clients are ACTIVE participants in the therapy process
clinical reasoning: process used by practitioners to _______, ________, perform, and _________ on client care
clinical reasoning: process used by practitioners to PLAN, DIRECT, perform, and REFLECT on client care
environment/context: _____________ social and _________ conditions or factors which have the potential to influence an individual
environment/context: EXTERNAL social and PHYSICAL conditions or factors which have the potential to influence an individual
EBP: being able to ___________ research evidence into the prfessional reasoning process to explain the rational behind _______________ and predict probable outcomes
EBP: being able to INTEGRATE research evidence into the professional reasoning process to explain the rational behind INTERVENTIONS and predict probable outcomes
Holistic: the whole person needs to ______________ in order to indentify what _____________ processes will work in a _______________ context
holistic: the whole person needs to PARTICIPATE in order to identify what ENABLING processes will work in a PARTICULAR context
ritual: ____________ or ______________ of ones culture
ritual: REFLECTION or ENACTMENT of ones culture
ritual: a strong sense of meaning & identity is experienced when a persons engaged in a ________
rituals signify to a community of ppl a _____________ from one state of being to another
rituals signify to a community of ppl a TRANSITION from one state of being to another
_________________ is a field of bio that examining cyclic phenomena in living organisms
the concept of disease is central to?
medical model
medical model: complaint -> history -> __________ examination -> ____________ -> treatment
medical model: complaint -> history -> PHYSICAL examination -> DIAGNOSIS -> treatment
proper diagnosis is essential to the __________ ________
medical model
_________ specific automatic behaviors
useful ________ increase skill in action
habits allow less focus on action and more on ______________
_____________ performance: the accomplishment of selected occupation
OCCUPATIONAL performance: the accomplishment of selected occupation
occupational performance: dynamic transaction among the ________, _________, en___________, and activity
occupational performance: dynamic transaction among the CLIENT, CONTEXT, ENVIROMENT, and activity
occupational ________: preexisting structure that _______, guides, or ___________ human _____________
occupational FORM: preexisting structure that ELICITS, guides, or STRUCTURES, human PERFORMANCE
chronobiology is the study of the bodys?????
internal clocks
individuals performance of activities, tasks, roles, during daily occupations
occupational performance is the _________ of an occupation
occupational performance is the DOING of an occupation
occupational form is???? doing something in a ______________ place and at a particular _______ that imbues them with meaning
occupational form is????? doing something in a PARTICULAR place and at a particular TIME that imbues them with meaning
occupations are human pursuits that are _______ directed or purposeful
occupations are performed in situations or contexts that......?
influence how and with whom they are done
occupations can be identified by the _____ and ________
does and others
taxonomy is a method for???
organizing objects or events in nature
classification of everyday occupations requires that they be ___________ and ____________ according to their properties and characteristics
classification of everyday occupations requires that they be IDENTIFIED and GROUPED according to their properties and characteristics
World health organization developed a classification system called ICF
International classification of functioning disability and health
definition of WORK: _____________ and _______ that are done to _________ the person to provide _________ to the self, family and society through the ______________ of goods & services
definition of WORK: ACTIVITIES and TASKS that are done to ENABLE the person to provide SUPPORT to the self, family, and society through the PRODUCTION of goods & services
freedom of choice in participation ____________ a particular goal other than ________________ defines leisure activity
freedom of choice in participation WITHOUT a particular goal other than ENJOYMENT defines leisure activity
__________ leisure: systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer activity become so engaing that the participant devotes considerable time & energy
__________ leisure; immediate/short term pleasure inducing experiences requiring little or no special trainign to enjoy them
activities that are necessary for maintenance of the self within the _____________ constitute????
environment, PERSONAL CARE
archetypal places??? the idea that space and furnishings should be designed to support??????
fundamental types of activites that people do in various built environments
__________ have a temporal dimension
temporal dimension is over the lifetime as a continuous ________ of ______
temporal dimension is over the lifetime as a continuous STREAM of TIME
occupational perseverance????
individuals perceived progress toward meeting an important or valued goal
habits _________ energy
habits enable us to do things??
we must do regularly without requiring high levels of motivation or energy
routines are occupations with established _____________
routines are highly influenced by __________ clocks
habits, routines, and occupational preferences help define???
Lifestyles can be defined as a distintive modes of living that are both?????????
viewing the past, present, and future as part of an unforlding story is an important mechansim of everyday occupation and is known as _____________
specious present: the present is really an ____________ OF TIME KEPT IN ________-term memory
specious present: the present is really an INTERVAL of time kept in SHORT-TERM memory (because as soon as an event happens and is perceived it becomes part of the immediate past)
clients factors may affect performance areas in?????
values, beliefs, spirituality, body functions/structures are examples of???????
client factors
what is a multi faceted process used by practitioners to plan, direct, perform and reflect on intervention?
clinical reasoning
cognitive skills?
actions or behaviors a client uses to plan and manage the performance of an activity
context? refers to a _________ of _________________ conditions within and surround the client that influence _______________
context? refers to a VARIETY of INTERRELATED conditions within and surrounding the client thtat influence PERFORMANCE
co-occupations are activites that involve?
at least two people
what are customs, beliefs, activity patterns, behavior standards, and expectations accepted by the society of which the client is a memer?
cultural contexts
the result or achievement toward which effort is directed
health? is a resource for everyday life, not the ____________ of living
health? is a resource for everyday life, not the OBJECTIVE of living
_________is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being
HEALTH is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being
health is also a positive ___________ emphasizing _________ and _____________ resources as well as physical capacities
health is also a positive CONCEPT emphasizing SOCIAL and PERSONAL resources as well as physical capacities.
health promotion?? is the __________ of enabling people to increase __________ over, and to _________ their health
health promotion?? is the PROCESS of enabling people to increase CONTROL over and to IMPROVE their health
ADLS are?
activities oriented toward taking care of ones own body
what activities are fundamental to living in a social world and enable basic survival and well being
a class of human actions that are goal directed
activity demands? aspect of an activity which incluse the _________ and their __________ properties, _________, and ________ demands, se___________ or ti________, required actions or skills
activity demands aspect of an activity which include the OBJECTS and their PHYSICAL properties, SPACE, SOCIAL DEMANDS, SEQUENCING or TIMING and required actions or skills
areas of occupations?
adls, iadls, rest & sleep, education, work, play, leisure, and social participation
________ any cognitive content held as true by the client
_________ the entity that receives occupational therapy services
client centered approach: an orientation that honors the ________ and ____________ of clients in _____________ and ________________ interventions
client centered approach: an orientation that honors the DESIRES and PRIORITIES of clients in DESIGNING and IMPLEMENTING interventions
_________ is a social grouping of people who sure cultural or national similarities
common characteristics of an ethic group are?
kinship family rituals, food preferences, special clothin, and particular celebrations
culture is defined as?? the sum total of a way of ________
the sum total of a way of LIVING
culture cont: including ________, _________, stan_______, ling_____ expression, ___________ of thinking, ____________ norms, _________ of communication
culture cont: including VALUES, BELIEFS, STANDARDS, LINGUISTIC EXPRESSION, PATTERNS of thinking, BEHAVIORAL norms, STYLES of communication
diversity: distinct ______ and _________
diversity: distinct FORMS and QUALITIES
__________________ uis the tendency of people to put their own group at the center; to see things through the narrow lens of their own culture and use the standards of that culture to judge others
_________ mode is based on scientific knowledge that attributes health and illness to physiological, biological, and scientifically explainable changes in ones body
_______________ societies believe in individual rights and each person within the family or work unit is viewed as a separate entity
________________ societies put more value on the family as a unit than on the individual
__________ the measurable distance between people as they interact
cultural competence is the __________ to effectively _____________ with those who differ oneself
cultural competence is the ABILITY to effectively INTERACT with those who differ from oneself
culturally responsive caring: a state of being open to the ________ of building mutuality with a client and to accepting that the cultural specific knowledge one has about a group may or may not.....?
apply to the client they were currently treating
cultural ___________a model that suggests that symbolic aspect of culture and cultural identity emerge in interaction and are displayed primarily through talk and thorugh action
cultural EMERGENT
cultural ____________ how health professionals think and act in ways that fit with a prson or groups beliefs and cultural style
__________________ is the description and interpretation of human experience
_____________ A PERSON OR GROUPS EVERYDAY WORLD OF TAKEN-FOR-GRANTEDNESS normally unnoticed and thus hidden as a phenomenon
__________ any enviromental locus that gathers individual or group meaning, intentions, and actions spatially
______________ insideness: a situation where the person or group feel so at home and at ease in place that they have no self conscieous recognition of its importantance
existential insidenss
________________ a situation where the person or group feels separate or alienated from place in some way
________ body: a body that simultaneously experiences acts in and is ware of a world normally respends with immediate pattern meaning and contextual presence
environmental embodiment: the vaious ways both _______________ and ____________ wise that the lived body engages and coordinates with the world at hand eespecially its environmental aspects
_____________--___________ SKILLS: actions or behaviors a client uses to locate, identify and respond to sensations and to select, interpret, associate, organize, and remember sensory events via sensations that include visual, auditory, proprioceptive, tactile, olfactory, gustatory, and vestibular sensations
____________ activity: a goal directed behavior or activity within a therapeutically designed context that leads to an occupation or occupations..... specificaly selected activities that allow the client to develop skills that enhance occupational engagment
_____________: location of occupational performance in time
___________ the experience of time as shaped by engagement in occupations
the temporal aspects of occupations: contribute to the patterns of _________ ______________
temporal includes: ________ of life, ______ of day, __________, rhythm of _________, or history
temporal includes: STAGES OF life, TIME of day, DURATION, rhythm of ACTIVITY, or history.
___________: a nonobligatory activity that is intrinsically motivated and engaged during discretionary time
performance skills: observable, concreate, _______ directed actions
performance skills: observable, concrete, GOAL directed actions
performance skills are categorized into?? _________ skills, _________ skills, _______________/________________ skills
performance skills are categorized into??? MOTOR skills, PROCESS skills, COMMUNICATION/INTERACTION skills
cognitive skills can be observed as the client deomstrates ______________, time ______________, and _________
cognitive skills can be observed as the client demonstrates
ENVIRONMENT: external __________ and _________ environments that surround the client and in which the client ________ life __________ occur
ENVIRONMENT: external PHYSICAL and SOCIAL environments that surround the client and in which the client DAILY life OCCUPATIONS occur
motor skills: ________ or ___________ a client uses to move and physically interact with task, objects, contexts,and environments
motor skills: ACTIONS or BEHAVIORS a client uses to move and physically interact with tasks, objects, contexts and environments
motor skills include? p____________, se___________, and ex____________ new and novel movements
motor skills include; PLANNING, SEQUENCING, AND EXECUTING new and novel movements
sensory-perceptual skills: actions or behaviors a client uses to _________, ________, and ___________ to sensatiosn
sensory perceptual skills: actions or behaviors a client uses to LOCATE, IDENTIFY, and RESPOND to sensations
sensory perceptual skills also are remembering sensory evnts based on discriminating experiences through a variety of sensations that include: vi________, au__________, pro______________, tac_______, ol____________, gu_______________, ves______________-
sensory perceptual skills also are remembering sensory events based on discriminating experiences through a variety of sensations that include: VISUAL, AUDITORY, PROPRIOCEPTION, TACTILE, OLFACTORY, GUSTORY, VESTIBULAR
emotional regulation skills: actions or behaviors a client uses to _________, __________, and _________ feeling while engaging in activities or interacting with others
emotional regulation skills: actions or behaviors a client uses to IDENTIFY, MANAGE, and EXPRESS feeling while engaging in activites or interacting with others
time-space routines?
sets of more or less habitual body actions that extend through a considerable portion of time (e.g. getting up routine)
ICF: health occurs when the person is able to participate in activites due to a good match between their health status and the contesxt in which their activites occur
International classification of function disability and health
ICF individuals have body structures:
bones and nerves
icf individuals have body functions
muscle endurance or the ability to see
the individuals participation is affect by _________ and ________ aspects of the performance context
actual participation is a function of
personal capactiy and contextual suppor
domains of ICF
body functions/structure & activity and participation