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20 Cards in this Set

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Poikilothermic organisms include:

amphibians and reptiles

The way that mammals with damage to their preoptic area regulate their body temperature is similar to what other group?


In Humans, a fever above ____ is life-threatening

41°C (109°F)

What is the hormone released by the posterior pituitary that causes your kidneys to reabsorb and conserve water?

antidiuretic hormone

The brain finds out about the degree of stretch of the stomach from:

activity of the vagus nerve

One way by which food in the duodenum inhibits appetite is by:

releasing CCK

Chronically high insulin levels lead to increased appetite by

causing a high percentage of available glucose to be stored as fat

Under what condition does orexin motivate animals to eat?

when approaching starvation

Animals eat more frequent (but normal size) meals after damage to the ____. They eat larger meals (but at normal frequency) after damage to the ____.

ventromedial hypothalamus, paraventricular nucleus

Which of the following is most likely an example of the organizing effects of sex hormones?

masculinization of the brain

What anatomical difference, other than sex organs, is reliably seen between males and females, even at an early age?

size of parts of the hypothalamus

Females with CAH may have benefited prenatally by treatment with:


A genetic male who has low levels of testosterone or low responsiveness to it:

may develop characteristics that are intermediate between a female and a male

When a newborn baby is found to be intersexed, how have most authorities over the past few decades recommended raising the child?

When in doubt, call the child female

Some researchers found that the ____ was slightly larger in heterosexual than homosexual men

size of one nucleus of the hypothalamus

Individuals with pure autonomic failure:

have diminished intensity of emotion, but still report cognitive aspects of it

The Behavioral Activation System is associated with:

low to moderate arousal, tendency to approach new objects, and pleasant mood

Some cats "play" with a mouse before killing it. How can this kind of behavior best be explained?

a conflict between attack and escape behaviors

The precursor for the synthesis of serotonin is


A nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it is a definition of:
