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20 Cards in this Set

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Which edge of the quadrants lumborum is accessible from the side of the torso?
Lateral edge
Which three bony landmarks can help you to isolate the borders of the quadratus lumborum?
12 ribs, posterior iliac crest, transverse process of lumbar vertebrae
what action could you ask your partner to perform to feel the quadratus lumborum contract?
Laterally tilt the hip. " elevate"
Which abdominal muscle runs vertically from the rib cage to the pubic crest?
Rectus abdominis
Rotating your trunk to the right would engage your left or right internal oblique muscle?
You are palpating lateral to the edge of the rectus abdominis and the fibers you feel are superficial and running at an angle. Which muscle is this?
External oblique
What is the primary muscle of respiration?
When the diagram muscle fibers contract, what consecutive tissue structure is pulled inferiorly?
The central tendon
When is it best to move your fingers as you curl them underneath the ribcage to feel the diaphragm?
As you exhale
Name two large muscles through which you would have to palpate to access various portions of the intercoastal.
Latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major or external oblique
Increasing the volume of the thoracic cavity would__________ the diaphragm fibers?
Passive rotation of the vertebral column to the same side would __________ external oblique?
Compression of the abdominals content would _______the transverse abdominis.
Drawing the ventral part of the root word would_______ the external intercostals.
Passive rotation of the vertebral column to the opposite side would ____________the internal oblique.
The ligamentum nuchae spans between which two bony landmarks?
external of occipital protuberance, spinous process of c7
to feel the ligamentum nuchae change tension underneath your fingers, what 2 passive movements can you perform at the head ?
flexion and extension
What superficial ligament can be felt between the spinous process of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae?
The abdominal aorta is located where relationship to the psoas major
The thoracolumbar aponeurosis serves as an attachment site for which two muscles
latissimus dorsi, erector spinae group