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427 Cards in this Set

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the tendency to perceive obj that are close to each other as part of the same grouping
the tendency to perceive things that look similar to each other as being part of that same group
tendency to perceive things as simply as possible w/ continuous pattern rather than w/ a complex, broken-up pattern.
relative size,
If 2 objs are similar in size, we perceive 1 that casts a smaller retinal image as farther away
tendency to perceive things as simply as possible w/ continuous pattern rather than w/ a complex, broken-up pattern.
interposition (occlusion),
1 obj blocks our view of another, the obj that is blocking is closer
Social psychology
how the prescense of others influnce bahaviors thoughts or feelings
texture gradient, .
We see fewer details (texture) the farther an obj is from
relative size,
If 2 objs are similar in size, we perceive 1 that casts a smaller retinal image as farther away
linear perspective
Parallel lines appear to converge w/ distance,
What is the scientific method
1. Perceive
2. Hypothesize
3. Test
4. Draw conclusions
5. Report, Revise, Replicate
6. Repeat
Naturalistic Observation
pro-clear definition behavior
con- obserer effect and observer bias
Descriptive research types
Naturalistic Observation ,Laboratory Observation , Case Studies, Survey
generalized anxiety disorder
tenseness and apprehension (6 mo or more) autonomic arousal,
panic disorder
min long ep of intense dread, or terror chest pains, choking or other frightening sensation
persistent and irrational fear of an obj or situation that disrupts behavior
Obsessive complusive disorder
persistence of unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and urge to engage in senseless rituals (compulsions) that cause distress.
Laboratory Observation
pro- control over environ
con-artifical behaviors
chameleon effect
unconsciously mimick others expressions posture and voice tones- 4 empathy mirror neurons
chang behavior to match others Asch studie
major depressive
response to past or current loss, 2 or more weeks letharygy, feelings of worthlessness, loss of interest in family & friends, and activites
bipolar disorder
depressive symp: gloomy, withdrawn, inability to make descisions, tired, slow.
manic symp: elation, euphoria, desire action, hyperactive, multiple ideas
interposition (occlusion),
1 obj blocks our view of another, the obj that is blocking is closer
biological perspective on depression
geneic influences , reduction of norepinephrine and serotonin drugs: norepinephrine.
scans: PET shows brain energy consumption rises and falls w/ manic and depressive ep.
linear perspective
Parallel lines appear to converge w/ distance,
self defeating beliefs and explanatory style play in depression
Naturalistic Observation
pro-clear definition behavior
con- obserer effect and observer bias
case studies-
pro-extreme detail
con-individ cases not replicable results
pro: self reported attitudes opinions or behaviors , RANDOM sampling
con: wording effect
dissociative identity disorder
a person exhibits 2 or more distinct and alternating personalitities.
changing behav at command of authority figure comply to social pressures : Milgrams Study
DID critics
argue that diagnosis of DID has increased to 20,000 cases from 2 cases.
schizophenia genetic factors
1% of population world wide, iden twins have 50% chance of having.
schizophenia genetic factors
1% of population world wide, iden twins have 50% chance of having.
Diminishing of a conditioned response
viruses and schizoprenia
to viral infections during pregnancy particularly in the 2nd trimester 5-6%- icreased chance
viruses and schizoprenia
to viral infections during pregnancy particularly in the 2nd trimester 5-6%- icreased chance
Laboratory Observation
pro- control over environ
con-artifical behaviors
spontaneous recovery
The reappearance of an extinguished response after a break
psychoanalytical therapies
bring repressed feeling into conscious awareness (psychoanalysis)
psychoanalytical therapies
bring repressed feeling into conscious awareness (psychoanalysis)
psychological therapies
confiding interaction between a trained therapist and a patient
action therapies, insight based therapies
psychological therapies
confiding interaction between a trained therapist and a patient
action therapies, insight based therapies
dissociative disorder
conscious awareness becomes separated from prev memories thougths and feelings. symp: sense of being unreal, being sep from body, watching themselves in a movie.
cognitive therapies
•Based on the assump that thots intervene between events and our emo rxn.
looks for Distortion of thinking
cognitive therapies
•Based on the assump that thots intervene between events and our emo rxn.
looks for Distortion of thinking
random sampling
each memb of pop has a = chance of being selected
Personality Disoders
inflex and enduring behav patterns that impair social functioning, Avoidant pers dis,
narcissitic pers dis
Borderline prs dis
humanistic therapies
Uses active listening
Echoes, restates, and clarifies patient’s thinking, acknow expressed feelings
humanistic therapies
Uses active listening
Echoes, restates, and clarifies patient’s thinking, acknow expressed feelings
Tendency for similar stimuli to elicit similar responses
Little Albert- afraid of not only rat but anything furry.
Borderline pers dis
extreme reactions
Asch Study
lines standars which of 3 is same as shown (conformity)
avoidant pers dis
fear of rejections
Ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli
Lit Alb:
Distortion of Thinking
cog therapy:
–Arbitrary inference – “jumping to conclusions” (john didn’t return call must b seeing some1 else)
–Overgeneralization – sweeping conclusions they r somewhat evi based
–Magnification – out of proportion (one examine, not going to get job u want)
–Minimization – not emph good things
Personalization – take blame 4 things out of control
antidepressants drugs
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, lowers reuptake of serotonin, SSRIS
antidepressants drugs
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, lowers reuptake of serotonin, SSRIS
Distortion of Thinking
cog therapy:
–Arbitrary inference – “jumping to conclusions” (john didn’t return call must b seeing some1 else)
–Overgeneralization – sweeping conclusions they r somewhat evi based
–Magnification – out of proportion (one examine, not going to get job u want)
–Minimization – not emph good things
Personalization – take blame 4 things out of control
Antimanic Drugs
stabilize manic episodes in bipoler disorder, moderates lvls of Norepinephrine and glutamate neurotrans (A salt)
Antimanic Drugs
stabilize manic episodes in bipoler disorder, moderates lvls of Norepinephrine and glutamate neurotrans (A salt)
narcissistic pers dis
think the world is abt them
Electroconvulsive therapy to treat and side effects
severley depressed patients- unrepsonsive to drugs, memory loss before and a little after. 80%
100 volt short 3 sessions
Electroconvulsive therapy to treat and side effects
severley depressed patients- unrepsonsive to drugs, memory loss before and a little after. 80%
100 volt short 3 sessions
cognitive-behavior therapy
– Alter the way ppl act (behavior therapy) and the way they think (cognitive therapy)
does TMS work for depression
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation- yes
does TMS work for depression
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation- yes
cognitive-behavior therapy
– Alter the way ppl act (behavior therapy) and the way they think (cognitive therapy)
case studies-
pro-extreme detail
con-individ cases not replicable results
active listening?
humanistic therp
•Echoes, restates, and clarifies, acknowl expres feelings.
active listening?
humanistic therp
•Echoes, restates, and clarifies, acknowl expres feelings.
antsocial personlity disrder
a lack of conscience for wrongdoing, even towards friends and family members Psychopaths, sociopaths
person-centered therapy
humanistic: ative list, nondirective, non judging, unconditional pos regard-pos emo rxns
circadian rhythm
our biological clock, 24 hr cycle
circadian rhythm
our biological clock, 24 hr cycle
person-centered therapy
humanistic: ative list, nondirective, non judging, unconditional pos regard-pos emo rxns
circadian rhythm brain involved and chemical that controls it?
yeah brain involve, hypothalamus, decress melatonin in morning and increase in nightfall.
circadian rhythm brain involved and chemical that controls it?
yeah brain involve, hypothalamus, decress melatonin in morning and increase in nightfall.
Operant Contitioning
Forms association between behaviors and resulting events (rewards and punishments)
Milgram studies
results: shock person unseen to the end when they are passed out : 63% finished
how to measure brain activity when we are sleeping?
with an EEG, 90 min through cycle
persistant inability to fall asleep
persistant inability to fall asleep
how to measure brain activity when we are sleeping?
with an EEG, 90 min through cycle
overpowering urge to fall asleep that may occur while talking or standing up
overpowering urge to fall asleep that may occur while talking or standing up
method by which sensations experienced are interpreted and organized in a meaningful fashion.
Sleep Apnea
failure to breathe when asleep
Sleep Apnea
failure to breathe when asleep
pro: self reported attitudes opinions or behaviors , RANDOM sampling
con: wording effect
Kids sleep disorders
night terrors: fear stage 4
sleepwalking: stage 4
Sleeptalking: runs in familes
Kids sleep disorders
night terrors: fear stage 4
sleepwalking: stage 4
Sleeptalking: runs in familes
stages of sleep + waves
awake : beta waves
5 stages: 1 (light sleep0 and 2(temp breath decrease) = theta faster smaller, 3 and 4 delta waves slower- growth hormone release, 5) REM
Sleep theories- why we sleep
Adaptive theory- sleep protects ancetors
Restorative theory= sleep helps us recover and grow.
Sleep helps us rememer: rebuilds fading mem
Sleep theories- why we sleep
Adaptive theory- sleep protects ancetors
Restorative theory= sleep helps us recover and grow.
Sleep helps us rememer: rebuilds fading mem
stages of sleep + waves
awake : beta waves
5 stages: 1 (light sleep0 and 2(temp breath decrease) = theta faster smaller, 3 and 4 delta waves slower- growth hormone release, 5) REM
negative reinforcers
Increasing behaviors by removing neg stimuli
ex: taking off seat belt get annoying sounds
Theories as to why we dream
feud's wish fullfillment, information processing, physiological function, activation-synthesis, cognitive theory.
Theories as to why we dream
feud's wish fullfillment, information processing, physiological function, activation-synthesis, cognitive theory.
selective attention
ability to focus on only 1 stimulus from among all sensory input.
role of hypothalamus play in circadian rhythm
suprachiasmatic nucleus triggered by light decreases melatonin
role of hypothalamus play in circadian rhythm
suprachiasmatic nucleus triggered by light decreases melatonin
Operant Contitioning
Forms association between behaviors and resulting events (rewards and punishments)
four major classes of drugs
antipsychotic, antianxiety antidepressants, and antimanic
four major classes of drugs
antipsychotic, antianxiety antidepressants, and antimanic
REM paralysis
voluntary muscles are relaxed
cognitive and exporsure
free association
patient says anything aloud that comes to mind.
cognitive and exporsure
free association
patient says anything aloud that comes to mind.
REM paralysis
voluntary muscles are relaxed
Do cognitive therapies work?
inexpensive, works w/ depression stress anxiety, eating disorders and schizo to a small degree/
potential bias on what needs to be changed by therapist.
Do cognitive therapies work?
inexpensive, works w/ depression stress anxiety, eating disorders and schizo to a small degree/
potential bias on what needs to be changed by therapist.
characteristics of humanistic therapy
focus on: conscious thts, present and future self, promoting growth instead of curing illness, taking responsibility
goal of cog therapies
active teaches adaptive ways of thinking and acting, intervene between events and our emotional reactions.
goal of cog therapies
active teaches adaptive ways of thinking and acting, intervene between events and our emotional reactions.
characteristics of humanistic therapy
focus on: conscious thts, present and future self, promoting growth instead of curing illness, taking responsibility
role in cognition play in disorders
the distortions of thinking:
arbitrary inference
personalization lead to these disorders
role in cognition play in disorders
the distortions of thinking:
arbitrary inference
personalization lead to these disorders
Social loafing
tend of indivi in group to put less effort toward attaining goal that when inidivid tested
aversive conditioning
associates unpleasant state w/ unwanted behavior- closer to punishment
expectation learned not association.
aversive conditioning
associates unpleasant state w/ unwanted behavior- closer to punishment
expectation learned not association.
when your brain makes a conscious desicion to block coming out
systematic desensitization
cant be anxious and relaced, associates relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety- phobias.
systematic desensitization
cant be anxious and relaced, associates relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety- phobias.
when your brain makes a conscious desicion to block coming out
exporsure therapies
exposes patient to things they fear and avoid extinction of conditioned fear response. (get used to a ticking clock)
exporsure therapies
exposes patient to things they fear and avoid extinction of conditioned fear response. (get used to a ticking clock)
REM rebound
increased amt of REM sleep if depreived prior
conditions new responses to stimuli that trigger unwanted behaviors
conditions new responses to stimuli that trigger unwanted behaviors
dream interpretation
manifest content: actual dream content
Latent content: symbolism behind the dream content.
behavior theories use classical learnign technique to modify behavior
counterconditioning and operant conditioning action therapy, token economy
behavior theories use classical learnign technique to modify behavior
counterconditioning and operant conditioning action therapy, token economy
dream interpretation
manifest content: actual dream content
Latent content: symbolism behind the dream content.
operant conditioning used to modify behavior ?
esired behavior rewarded and undesired behavior rewarded or punished tp change behavior token economy-
operant conditioning used to modify behavior ?
esired behavior rewarded and undesired behavior rewarded or punished tp change behavior token economy-
REM rebound
increased amt of REM sleep if depreived prior
token economies
earn tokens for certain behavior, traded good stuff, used in institutional settings.
token economies
earn tokens for certain behavior, traded good stuff, used in institutional settings.
aims of psychoanalysis
repressed impulses and conflicts in childhood. feeling into conscious awareness id and ego and super ego in conflict.
aims of psychoanalysis
repressed impulses and conflicts in childhood. feeling into conscious awareness id and ego and super ego in conflict.
antipsychotic drugs
classical- remove #pos symtoms - delusions hallucinations
Atypical- trys to remove neg symp: apathy, concentration-blocks dop receptors
criticisms associated with psychoanalysis
hard to refeute can't be proven or disproven, takes a long time and expensive (yrs)
criticisms associated with psychoanalysis
hard to refeute can't be proven or disproven, takes a long time and expensive (yrs)
antipsychotic drugs
classical- remove #pos symtoms - delusions hallucinations
Atypical- trys to remove neg symp: apathy, concentration-blocks dop receptors
psychotherapy effectivness? data vs patients
patients 90% satisfied,
meta analysis - average treated patient better than 80% untreated patients.
psychotherapy effectivness? data vs patients
patients 90% satisfied,
meta analysis - average treated patient better than 80% untreated patients.
positive reinforcers
Increasing behaviors by presenting pos stimuli
ex: getting a hug/paycheck
problems w/ evaluationg therapies
clients need to believe therapy worked, natural tendedncy to get better after crisis.
clinicion overestimate success , familys want to see ppl get betr /
problems w/ evaluationg therapies
clients need to believe therapy worked, natural tendedncy to get better after crisis.
clinicion overestimate success , familys want to see ppl get betr /
antianxiety drugs
depress central nerv system, reduces tension elevates GABA
stat combining results of many studies
stat combining results of many studies
sympt of sleep deprevations
fatigue ,impaired concentration, emotional irritability, depressed immune system, gratter vulnerability
commonalities among psychotherapies
therapeutic alliance (therapis client relationship, protected setting and hope (placebo effect)
commonalities among psychotherapies
therapeutic alliance (therapis client relationship, protected setting and hope (placebo effect)
sympt of sleep deprevations
fatigue ,impaired concentration, emotional irritability, depressed immune system, gratter vulnerability
antianxiety drugs
depress central nerv system, reduces tension elevates GABA
Reinforcers guide behavior closer towards a desired behavior
Group Polarization
enhances group's prevailing attitudes through discussion.
Reinforcers guide behavior closer towards a desired behavior
negative reinforcers
Increasing behaviors by removing neg stimuli
ex: taking off seat belt get annoying sounds
process that occurs when receptors in the sense organs are activiated, allowing stimuli to become neural signals.
positive reinforcers
Increasing behaviors by presenting pos stimuli
ex: getting a hug/paycheck
random sampling
each memb of pop has a = chance of being selected
the set of mental process that ppl perform on sensory info a memory (info )usable later
social facilitation
when performance goes up around viewers
holding onto info for some period of time
social impairment
when performance decreases around viewers
getting info that is in storage into a form that can be used.
arousal relation to performance
easy task= improve perform (social falitation)
diffc task= wrose eprform (social impairment)
group think
mode of thinking-occurs when desire 4 harmony in group overr realistic appraisal of alternatives
the set of mental process that ppl perform on sensory info a memory (info )usable later
change behavi are result of being asked to change technigques 4
an active system that receives info from senses--> into a usable form, organizes stores thn retrieves
holding onto info for some period of time
are the 4 elements of observational learning
Complaince techniques
foot in door
door in the face
thats not all
short-term memory
STM the mem sys in which info is held for brief period of time while being used.
short-term memory
STM the mem sys in which info is held for brief period of time while being used.
mirror neurons
neurons that fire when someone an action and when someone observes that same action being performed by another.
working memory
an active system that processes the info in short-term memory.
working memory
an active system that processes the info in short-term memory.
getting info that is in storage into a form that can be used.
The 3 stores of memory
sensory memory, short-term, long-term memory
The 3 stores of memory
sensory memory, short-term, long-term memory
observational learning
learning new behavior by watching a model perform that behavior
foot in door
asking for a small request then larger after
door-in-face tech
comply tech
asking for larger requen then take smaller
lowball tech
getting a commitment and then raising cost
that's-not - all tech
make offer then adds something "free"
any factor that can cause a birth defect
any factor that can cause a birth defect
an active system that receives info from senses--> into a usable form, organizes stores thn retrieves
normative social influ
want to be likes gain acceptance : price if not
mental generalizations abt obg, places , events, and ppl formed through experiences with obj and events
mental generalizations abt obg, places , events, and ppl formed through experiences with obj and events
the very first stage of mem, pt at which info enters nervous sys throug the sesory systems.
try to to understand new things in terms of chemes they already possess.
Piaget’s stages of cognitive development
1. sensorimotor stage
2.preoperational state
3.Concrete Operations
4.Formal Operations
try to to understand new things in terms of chemes they already possess.
informational social influence
group rpvide valubale info
are the 4 elements of observational learning
mirror neurons
neurons that fire when someone an action and when someone observes that same action being performed by another.
process of altering or adjusting old schemes to fit new info and experiences
neg sympt of schizophrenia
what they should be doing and they arn’t

• Absence of appropriate behaviors
•Toneless voices, expressionless faces, mute, rigid bodies
reasons why we conform
normative and informational influences: to gain acceptance, get info from group
the very first stage of mem, pt at which info enters nervous sys throug the sesory systems.
process of altering or adjusting old schemes to fit new info and experiences
the inability to see the world through anyone else's eyes
Piaget’s stages of cognitive development
1. sensorimotor stage
2.preoperational state
3.Concrete Operations
4.Formal Operations
the ability to understand that simply changing the appearance of an obj does not change the obj's nature
observational learning
learning new behavior by watching a model perform that behavior
the ability to understand that simply changing the appearance of an obj does not change the obj's nature
object permanence
the knowledge that an obj exists even when it is not in sight.
insight learning
the sudden perception of relationships among various parts of a prob, allowng for the sol to come quickly.
chronic schizophrenia.
• Slow-developing- first appear late twenties slow gets worse and worse
•Recovery doubtful
insight learning
the sudden perception of relationships among various parts of a prob, allowng for the sol to come quickly.
long-term memory
sys of memory into which all of info is placed to be kept more or less permanently.
symptoms of schizophrenia
Disorganized, delusional thinking
Disturbed percep –hallucinations- mostly auditory
Inappropriate emo and actions
object permanence
the knowledge that an obj exists even when it is not in sight.
long-term memory
sys of memory into which all of info is placed to be kept more or less permanently.
the inability to see the world through anyone else's eyes
acute schizophrenia.
•Rapidly developing
•Can be a reaction to life stress-
•Recovery much more likely –not necessarily back to normal but with drugs yes
positive sympt of schizophrenia
pos: things they are doing when they shouldnt

• Presence of inappropriate behaviors
• hallucinations, disorganized thinking, delusions, inappropriate emotions
acute schizophrenia.
•Rapidly developing
•Can be a reaction to life stress-
•Recovery much more likely –not necessarily back to normal but with drugs yes
Implanted memories?
"Remember when" Hyman and Billings
1: obtain mem
2" ask abt 5 mem
3. ask again 2 days later. 50% recall Wade and Al. (2002)
Implanted memories?
"Remember when" Hyman and Billings
1: obtain mem
2" ask abt 5 mem
3. ask again 2 days later. 50% recall Wade and Al. (2002)
Implanted memories?
"Remember when" Hyman and Billings
1: obtain mem
2" ask abt 5 mem
3. ask again 2 days later. 50% recall Wade and Al. (2002)
Implanted memories?
"Remember when" Hyman and Billings
1: obtain mem
2" ask abt 5 mem
3. ask again 2 days later. 50% recall Wade and Al. (2002)
implicit memories
(procedural) processed in part by cerebellum
implicit memories
(procedural) processed in part by cerebellum
implicit memories
(procedural) processed in part by cerebellum
implicit memories
(procedural) processed in part by cerebellum
explicit memories
(declaritive) processed in hippocampus
explicit memories
(declaritive) processed in hippocampus
explicit memories
(declaritive) processed in hippocampus
explicit memories
(declaritive) processed in hippocampus
anterograde amnesia
memory intatct--> no new memories. (trauma)
anterograde amnesia
memory intatct--> no new memories. (trauma)
anterograde amnesia
memory intatct--> no new memories. (trauma)
anterograde amnesia
memory intatct--> no new memories. (trauma)
retrograde amnesia
loss of mem for the PAST
mem-->no new mem--> mem intact
retrograde amnesia
loss of mem for the PAST
mem-->no new mem--> mem intact
retrograde amnesia
loss of mem for the PAST
mem-->no new mem--> mem intact
retrograde amnesia
loss of mem for the PAST
mem-->no new mem--> mem intact
what are atitudes
tendency to respond pos or neg toward certain ppl ideas obj, or situation
what are atitudes
tendency to respond pos or neg toward certain ppl ideas obj, or situation
ABC's of attitudes
affective component (from expireient, feelings)
behavior component- acitons that someone takes
cognitive component- way person thinks
ABC's of attitudes
affective component (from expireient, feelings)
behavior component- acitons that someone takes
cognitive component- way person thinks
what are atitudes
tendency to respond pos or neg toward certain ppl ideas obj, or situation
for attitudes
formed from learning
direct intstruction-parents
interactions w/ others
vicarious learning (observational)
ABC's of attitudes
affective component (from expireient, feelings)
behavior component- acitons that someone takes
cognitive component- way person thinks
for attitudes
formed from learning
direct intstruction-parents
interactions w/ others
vicarious learning (observational)
for attitudes
formed from learning
direct intstruction-parents
interactions w/ others
vicarious learning (observational)
change attitudes
what are atitudes
tendency to respond pos or neg toward certain ppl ideas obj, or situation
change attitudes
elaboration likelihood model
centraol route- attending content
peripheral route- factors not in message- appearance or length
elaboration likelihood model
centraol route- attending content
peripheral route- factors not in message- appearance or length
change attitudes
attribution theory
tendency to give causal explanations for someones behavior, situational or dispositional cause (personality)
ABC's of attitudes
affective component (from expireient, feelings)
behavior component- acitons that someone takes
cognitive component- way person thinks
attritubes behavior to a situation or a disposition (T/F)
fundamental attribution error
judges character anddoesn't take into account situation
elaboration likelihood model
centraol route- attending content
peripheral route- factors not in message- appearance or length
cognitive dissonance
uncomfortable when thoughts and hajaviors don't correspond.
fundamental attribution error
judges character anddoesn't take into account situation
how does cognitive dissonance explain the effect ou action on attitudes
you form a new attitude to justify the behavior
attribution theory
tendency to give causal explanations for someones behavior, situational or dispositional cause (personality)
neg attitude abt members of a particular social group in america it is has waned
attribution theory
tendency to give causal explanations for someones behavior, situational or dispositional cause (personality)
treating ppl dif before of prejudice
cognitive dissonance
uncomfortable when thoughts and hajaviors don't correspond.
IAT (Implicit association test)
speed of response of positive words to white people vs black ppl.
attritubes behavior to a situation or a disposition (T/F)
roots of prejudice
social emotional cognitive
for attitudes
formed from learning
direct intstruction-parents
interactions w/ others
vicarious learning (observational)
attritubes behavior to a situation or a disposition (T/F)
fundamental attribution error
judges character anddoesn't take into account situation
change attitudes
how does cognitive dissonance explain the effect ou action on attitudes
you form a new attitude to justify the behavior
fundamental attribution error
judges character anddoesn't take into account situation
elaboration likelihood model
centraol route- attending content
peripheral route- factors not in message- appearance or length
cognitive dissonance
uncomfortable when thoughts and hajaviors don't correspond.
cognitive dissonance
uncomfortable when thoughts and hajaviors don't correspond.
attribution theory
tendency to give causal explanations for someones behavior, situational or dispositional cause (personality)
how does cognitive dissonance explain the effect ou action on attitudes
you form a new attitude to justify the behavior
how does cognitive dissonance explain the effect ou action on attitudes
you form a new attitude to justify the behavior
attritubes behavior to a situation or a disposition (T/F)
Interpersonal Attraction
Desire for a relationship w/ another person
What are the factors that influence attraction?
proximity- geographically
similarity-on views
What factors influence physical attraction?
symmetry, only after proximity, unrelated to self-esteem and happiness
What are the 3 components of love?
•intimacy -how close you feel
• passion-physical
Passionate Love
intamacy and passion from start (if aroused you will see them as more attractive)
companionate Love
intimacy and commitment arises from passionate love.
What are the keys to companionate love?
•Self-disclosure – revealing intimate details self
Equity-reveive from rela what they put in
any behavior intended to hurt/destroy
How is aggressive behavior determines by biology and learning?
genes, testosterone-physical agression,
Interpersonal Attraction
Desire for a relationship w/ another person
What are the factors that influence attraction?
proximity- geographically
similarity-on views
What factors influence physical attraction?
symmetry, only after proximity, unrelated to self-esteem and happiness
What are the 3 components of love?
•intimacy -how close you feel
• passion-physical
Passionate Love
intamacy and passion from start (if aroused you will see them as more attractive)
companionate Love
intimacy and commitment arises from passionate love.
What are the keys to companionate love?
•Self-disclosure – revealing intimate details self
Equity-reveive from rela what they put in
any behavior intended to hurt/destroy
How is aggressive behavior determines by biology and learning?
genes, testosterone-physical agression,
agression determined by biology and learning?
possibly linked to Y chromosome (genetically linked) and testosterone
•Learning Aggression is Rewarding
•Observing Models of Aggression
what is frustration-aggression hypthesis
frustration-->anger--> generate aggression(caused: blocked to achieve goal)
social roles in agression
zimbardo study- guards - people takes on the role given in 5 days- supposed to last 2 weeks- power of situation
agression related to violence in media?
breeds violence if violents (games movies correlational-stronger than cig and lung cancer) less autonomic nervos system stimuation
Unselfish regard for the welfare of others
bystander effect
tendency more bystanders to be less likely for individual to give aid
diffusion of responsibility
Ppl fail to take respons for action (or incation) because of presence of others.
5 decision points in helping behavior
–Defining an emergency
–Taking responsibility
–Planning a course of action
–Taking action
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
small head, brain abnormalities, mental retardation (mother drank while prego)
brain develop prenatally and after birth
overproduces neurons prenatally, peaks at 28 bil neurons in womb, 23 bill at birth.
Strange Situation test
60^ comfortabl when mother present, detressed when she leaves and seek contact when returns.
others less like to explore, cry when she leves continues to be distresed when she returns.
parenting styles
authoritarian, permissive, authoritative
authoritarian style
parents impose rules and expect obedience
permissive style
parents subunit to children's demands
authoritative style
parents are demanding but responsive to their children, best self estee, reliance, and social competence.
2 cues to depth perception
binocular cues- 2 eyes- convergence move together for close far apart for distance
monocular cues- 1 eye
monocular cues depth percep
relative size, interposition occlusion, areal perspec, linear perspec, texture gradient, motion parallax. depth cues. rel height, clarity
gestalt grouping principle-
proximty, similarity, continuity, connectedness, closure , common fate.
Elements that r connected r perceived as group
common fate
elements w/ same move direction r perceived ascollective or unit.
color sens: yes
detail sens: yes
light sense: kiw
center of retina, 6 mill
color sense: no
dtail sens: no
light" high
location periphery 120 mill
remains after you look away, due to Opponent Process Theory- process 4 prim colors R-G,B-Y, B-W competition between colors.
Opponent Process Theory-
process 4 prim colors R-G,B-Y, B-W competition between colors.
TriChromatic Theory
ret contain 3 receptors max sensitive to red blue green wavelength, we percieve color in our heads.
central pt in retine where image focused
optic nerve
carries neural impulses from eye to brain
blind spot
pt where optic nerve leaves the eye
light sensitive inner surface of eye- w/ rods and cones + bipolar and ganglion cells
illusory correlation
phenomena of seeing relationship 1 expects in a set of data even when no such relationship exists
Experimenters isolate cause and effect by
manipulation of variable of interest, while controlling everything else.
cell body, cells life support center- integrates all info from dendrites
tree branches of cell, revieces messages
myelin sheath
covers axon of some neurons and helps speed neural impulses.
prop of action potential
brif elec charge travels
all or none response- exceeds threshold neuron fires
intensity all ways the same - firing a gun.
junction between axon tip sending neuron and dendrite of recieving
neutransmitter rxn
excitory causes recieving cell to fire acion
inhibitory- cause recievingcell to stop firing
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) keeps bound to receptor for longer increasing effect. blocks reuptake channels to reuse the serotonin.
Central NErvous System (CNS)
brain and spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous system (PNS)
the sensory and motor neurons that connect central nervous sys to the rest of the body.
autonomic nervous system
part of PNS that controls glands and other muscles (nonskeletal)
somatic nervous system
division of pns that controls the body's skeletal muscles
sympathetic nervous system
div of ANS that arouses body, stress response
parasympathetic nervous system
div of ANS calms body, conserving energy
brain lesion
exper destroys brain tissue to study animal behaviors after such destruction- correlational evi
EEG (Electroencephalogram)
amplified recording of electric activity of brains surface (Electrodes on scalp) Great temporal resolution not good spacial resolution
PET (Positron emission tomography)
ingest radioactive glucose, and it tracks glucose in brain
fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging)
looks a soft tissue, excellent spatial resolution (mm) measures concentrations of oxygen, oxygenated vs deoxygentated bld pools.
4 lobes of cortex
frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal.
where spinal cords swells and enters ksull, responsible for automatic survival function, breathing, heart (hit this and die)
brains sensory switchboard, top of brainstem- directs messgaes to sensory areas in cortex (all sense BUT SMEll)
attech rear of brainsem- coordinate voluntary movements balance, learning skills (alcohol affects this)
limbic system
system at border of brain stem and cerebrum, emotions fear aggression drives for food sex.
motor cortex
involved in the planning, control, and execution of voluntary motor func (between frontal and snesory cortex)
sensory cortex
recieves info from skin surface and sense organs (between mortor cortex and parietal lobe)
corpus callosum
(right above thalamus) facilitates communication between left and right hemisphere
if corpus callosum damaged?
split brain patients- ___ flashes on left side subject can't name can only pick it up w/ left hand. If ____ flasehs on right side, sub can name i and pick it up with right hand
a language impairment, caused by left hemispere damage to either broca's area (speaking) or Wernicke's (understanding)
Broca's area
Weknicke's area
broca= speaking
Wernicke's= understanding
how do ppl physically devel during adolescene?
sexual maturation,
what changes take place in brain during adolescence
selective pruning of connections- unused neuronal connections- lost.
Limbic devel before frontal- makes impulsive + hormones
kohlberg's stages of moral development
preconventional morality <9yrs
conventional morality: early adolescence
Postconventional Morality: later in life
conventional morality
by early adolesc social rules and law are upheld for their own sake
postconventional morality
affirm ppls agreed upon right or follows personally percieved ethical principles
preconventional morality
<9 yrs children show morality to avoid punishment or gain reward
classical conditioning
learning- org learns to associate stimuli 2 thinks in envir to things we don't control CS and US --> UR and CR
biology constrains associations over others
biological preparedness, more likely to associate food w/ nausea than sight and sound.
operant conditioning
forma association between behavior and resulting events (rewards and punishments)
successive approximations
little steps along the way to get to the right behavior
learned helplessness
failure to escape from situations because of previous failures so no trying
cognitive learning theory
latent learning, insight learning- sudden percep of relationships between parts of a problem
mood dependent memory
play happy or sad music- think happy or sad thoughts
mood congruent memory
a given mood tends to cue memories that are consistent w/ that mood.
encoding specificity
memory is most effective when information available at encoding is also present at retrieval
provides a retrieval cue.
retrieval cues
Any stimulus that helps us recall information in long-term memory
selective attention
attention processes act like funnel, more energy to processing what's important other stuff funneled out.
Working memory in visual and auditory elements
acts as an interpreter for visual and auditory stored in short-tern mem. (process that allows you to see and hear is working, short is act is short term.
T/F we automatically process things in time or space.
Elaborative rehearsal
a method of transferring info from STM to LTM by making info meaningful
maintenance rehearsal
prac of saying some info to be remembered repeatitivly so into STM
What type of rehearsal is more efficient
elaborataive rehearsal
types of encoding
•Semantic encoding (meaning)stronger
•Acoustic encoding (sound)
•Visual encoding (visual structure)
Semantic encoding
(meaning)-much stronger memory
•Acoustic encoding
Visual encoding (visual structure)
(visual structure)
3 stage model of memory
sensory memory, short-term memory, long term memory
types of long-term information
Procedural (nondeclaritive)LTM
Declarative memory LTM
procedural (implicit) [nondeclaritive memory
type of ltm momry for skills, procedures, habits, and oconditioned responses
declarative memory
type of LTM that is conscious and known
active system recieves info from senses put info in to usabe form stores then retrieves.
proactive interference
mem prob that occurs when older info prevents learning or retrieval of newer info
retroactive interference
mem prob occurs when neewer info prevents retrieval of older info
serial position effect
info at beginning and end of body of info to be remembered more than info in the middle of info
what contributs to forgetting
encoding, storage, or retrieval failures
sleeping and memory interference
–Sleep avoids retroactive interference thus leading to better recall
–Memory is a constructive process
We filter or fill in missing pieces of information to make our recall more coherent
recostruction leads to false memories
misinformation effect Incorporating misleading information into one's memory of an event
implanted membories
hyman and billings implanted 1 momery
key to disorder
psychological disorders must b
deviant distressful and dysfunctional
biopsychosocial approach
perscpective that abnorm behavior result of bio psychological social and cultural influences.
biological model
•Concept that diseases can be diagnosed, treated and cured
psychological models
absolute threshold
lowest lvl of stim that person can consciously detect 50% of time stim is present
difference threshold
smallest difference between two stimuli of differing intensities that the participant is able to detect 50%
study: relationship between physical char of stimuli and our psychological exp of them
inattentional blindess
a person fails to notice some stimulus that is in plain sight (can't pick up everything)
bottum-up processing
analyzsis of small feat to build up to complete percep
top-down processing
use of preexisting knowledge to organize individ features into whole.
wavelength in vision
hue, color, shorter purple longer red
Amp ^ lighter, amp , Darker
intensity ^ darker
, lighter
Goals of Psychology
learning how things work Description:what
Control:how to change it
nativism, empiricism (nature vs nurture)
fight is it influence nurture or hard wired nature
nurture, empiricism
belief that childhood exp influences the devel later personality traits and psychological probs
nativism (nature)
the idea that our thoughts, ideas, and characteristics are inborn
3 main lvls of analysis in psychology
Biological; Psychological; Social-cultural