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299 Cards in this Set

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1. Quotas are designed to prevent_____.

E. dumping

2. Changes in the economic, political,legal, and technological global system that may affect an organization are______ forces.

C. international

3. Abraham Maslow proposed the ____.

A. hierarchy of humanneeds

4. The 17 basic units of motion, identifiedby Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, were named _____.

C. therbligs

5. The principal functions of managementare ___.

D. planning, organizing,leading, controlling

6. An organization's internal stakeholdersconsist of ___.

D. board of directors,employees, owners

7. Quality Air, a company that buildsairplanes, typically utilizes other production companies that specialize incertain parts for its jets; this practice is known as ____.

D. outsourcing

8. Mary Parker Follett anticipated some oftoday's concepts, such as _____.

B. self-managed teamsand worker empowerment

9. The mass media is considered part of anorganization's _____.

B. task environment

10. Sustainability is economic developmentthat ____.

D. meets present needswithout compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

11. An individual or individuals whowork(s) within an existing organization, using personal resources to exploit anopportunity, defines a(n) ____.

E. intrapreneur

12. Conceptual skills consist of____.

B. the ability to thinkanalytically, to visualize an organization as a whole, and to understand howthe parts work together

13. When individuals who want to start anew venture obtain many small amounts of money from many people, this type offinancing is called ____.

A. crowdfunding

14. Greg, the IT manager, feels that hisemployees lack the motivation to consistently meet department goals; therefore,the approach Greg and his supervisors need to take to better understand human actionsto motivate their employees toward achievement is the ____ viewpoint.

C. behavioral

15. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002established requirements for ____, and for noncompliance, penalties of______.

D. proper financialrecord keeping for public companies; as much as 25 years in prison

16. Free trade is the ____.

E. movement of products betweencountries without political or economic obstruction

17. The discipline concerned with creatingcomputer systems that simulate human reasoning and sensation is known as___.

D. artificialintelligence

18. Local communities are stakeholders oforganizations because communities _____.

B. rely on the tax basefrom companies, and their employee payrolls, to thrive

19. Greg, a supervisor, is known by hismanagers to be sharp in his decisions and has a good track record of meetinghis goals; Greg is a(n) ____ manager.

A. effective

20. Even for nonprofits, sooner or laterthere will be no organization without ____.

D. customers

21. Technical skills consist of ____.

C. job-specificknowledge needed to perform well in a specialized field

22. The beliefs that there are few reallynew ideas and that true is better than new are two of the foundationalprinciples of ___.

C. evidence-basedmanagement

23. Those who study management willunderstand how to ___.

A. relate to theirmanagers and deal with organizations from the outside

24. Olivia, the general manager of abowling center, believes in her workers and that they are responsible andcapable employees, so that they can be trusted when given responsibility.Olivia is an example of a(n) ___ manager.

E. Theory Y

25. New developments in methods fortransforming resources into goods or services are _____ forces.

B. technological

26. The field of behavioral science includes_____.

E. psychology, sociology,anthropology, economics

27. Ethics are _____.

C. standards of rightand wrong that influence behavior

28. Tom, the manager of floral shop, isinterested in implementing the principles of administrative management, whichinvolves ____.

D. managing the totalorganization

29. With production today, companiesemphasize _____.

A. efficiency

30. The relatively permanent and deeplyheld underlying beliefs and attitudes that help determine a person's behaviorare known as ____.

D. values

31. Mateo, an IT manager, has been studyingthe work methods of each task to increase the productivity of the employees inhis department. Mateo is utilizing ____.

E. scientific management

32. Sometimes a country's laws forbidforeigners from ownership within their nation, and the only way an Americancompany can have a presence in that foreign country is with a(n) ___.

E. joint venture

33. The hallmark of great civilizations hasbeen great systems of ____.

D. communications

34. The classical viewpoint of managementemphasized ways to ___.

A. manage work moreefficiently

35. Management is defined as thepursuit of organizational goals ____.

A. efficiently andeffectively

36. Donald enjoys the excitement andchallenge of forming a firm in Europe that is totally owned and controlled byhis company because he knows that although the investment will be substantial, itcould result in a large return. This type of organization is an example of a____.

D. wholly-ownedsubsidiary

37. Alice's Pasta Kitchen makes qualitypasta and sells its products to customers in other countries. This is anexample of ____.

C. exporting

38. Corporate governance is the system____.

C. of governing acompany so that the interests of corporate owners and other stakeholders areprotected

39. Globalization is the trend ___.

D. of the world economytoward becoming a more interdependent system

40. Technology Experts is a U.S. companythat specializes in IT research. It has formed a joint venture with ProcessorInc., a Canadian organization that has a reputation of producing quality PCs,to market laptops in China, sharing the risks and rewards of starting the newenterprise together. This is an example of a(n) ___.

A. strategic alliance

41. The justice approach to decidingethical dilemmas is guided by _____.

C. respect for impartialstandards of fairness and equity

42. Donna manages the service desk andmakes routine decisions related to customer refunds and merchandise returns.Donna also oversees the daily tasks of the cashiers and front desk employees.Donna is a(n) ____ manager.

B. first-line

43. An entrepreneur is best described as___.

D. someone who takesrisks to try to create a new enterprise

45. Luxere Hotels International, anAmerican company, sells the rights to other hospitality companies globally toopen hotels with the Luxere name for a fee and a share of the profit, in returnfor using Luxere's brand name and a package of materials and services. Thisdefines ____.

A. franchising

44. Tops Burger, based out of Texas, haslocations in 25 countries. Tops is a ____.

A. multinationalcorporation

46. Gabriel, the CEO of a large globalproduction company, is excited about the introduction of statistics andcomputer simulations in the design stage of their products. This is an exampleof _____.

B. quantitativetechniques

47. At ABC Manufacturing, employees worktogether to achieve the company goals and purposes. This describes ___.

B. an organization

48. Dominique owns an international grocerystore where customers can purchase products from other countries. Dominique'sstore is an example of a company that ____.

D. imports

49. The management approach that emphasizedways to manage work more efficiently is the ___ viewpoint.

A. classical

50. What mechanism is used to provide asystematic assessment of an organization's triple bottom line?

E. social audit

51. An import quota is a(n) ____.

A. trade barrier

52. Americans driving less and young peoplehaving less interest in cars are examples of trends in society known as ____forces.

D. sociocultural

53. One way to think of management is___.

D. the art of gettingthings done through people

54. Ethnocentrism is also known as_____.

C. parochialism

55. On an organization's board ofdirectors, inside directors ____; outside directors _____.

C. may be members of thefirm; are supposed to be elected from outside the firm

56. Hugo Munsterberg was known as____.

D. the father ofindustrial psychology

57. A computer manufacturer is seeking tocut costs by designing an inventory system that reduces the number of finishedproducts in stock due to overproduction and to set in place a productionschedule that better matches customers' orders. This is an example of____.

A. operations management

58. Countertrading is ___ goods forgoods.

C. bartering

59. When the manager of a local restaurantsets goals and then develops a plan on how to achieve them, she is ____.

A. planning

60. The father of scientific management is_____.

E. Frederick Taylor

61. Because of frequently changingcompetition and technology, a company's strategic planning may have to be done_____.

E. closer to every 1 or 2 years thanevery 5 years

62. The tendency of people to view eventsas being more predictable than they really are known as _____.

B. hindsight bias

63. The idea that proposes that the abilityof decision makers to be rational is limited by numerous constraints, such ascomplexity, time, cognitive capacity, values, skills, habits, and unconsciousreflexes, is known as _____.

E. bounded rationality

6 4. Sometimes culture can be strong enoughto take the place of an organization's ____.

E. formal rules andregulations

5. Rites and rituals are ____.

B. the activities andceremonies that celebrate important occasions and accomplishments for anorganization

66. In the third step of rational decisionmaking (evaluating alternatives and select a solution), you need to evaluateeach alternative not only according to cost and quality but also according tothe following questions: _____

D. Is it ethical,feasible, and effective?

67. Important decisions are made bymiddle-level and supervisory-level managers with ____.

A. decentralizedauthority

68. The clan culture has a(n) _____.

A. internal focus andvalues flexibility

70. Difficulties that inhibit theachievement of goals are known as _____.

D. problems

69. Planning done by middle managers todetermine what contributions their departments or similar work units can makewith their given resources during the next 6 to 24 months is ____.

D. tactical planning

71. Organizations using a matrix structure_____.

C. contain two commandstructures, in which some people actually report to two bosses

72. Espoused values are _____.

D. explicitly statedvalues and norms preferred by an organization

73. The model of decision making thatexplains how managers should make decisions, assuming managers will makelogical decisions that will be the optimum in furthering the organization'sbest interests, is known as the ____.

E. rational decision-makingmodel

74. There are two kinds of spans of controlare _____.

E. narrow and wide

75. The profits of ABC Grocery have droppedsignificantly over the last several months. After investigating, the ownerrealizes that the store is moving in the wrong direction in many departments,so there needs to be greater focus by management. This is an example of how anorganization can progress in the wrong direction with ____.

D. a poor plan

76. The primary reason for an organizationto adopt planning and strategic management is to _____.

C. develop a sustainablecompetitive advantage

77. A decision tree is ____.

C. a graph of decisionsand their possible consequences

78. A forecast is a(n) _____.

C. projection for thefuture

79. In an organization, division of laboris ____.

E. the arrangement of havingdiscrete parts of a task done by different people

80. Division of labor is also known as____.

D. work specialization

81. The predisposition in which people'ssubjective confidence in their decision making is greater than their objectiveaccuracy is ____.

B. overconfidence bias

82. The Delphi technique is a group processthat uses physically dispersed experts who fill out questionnaires to____.

B. anonymously generateideas

83. A hierarchy of authority is ____.

B. a control mechanismfor making sure the right people do the right things at the right time

84. The process by which a company comparesits performance with that of high-performing organizations is known as___.

E. benchmarking

86. In the BCG matrix, organizations thathave slow growth but high market share, and income from them often financesstars and question marks, are ____.

C. cash cows

85. The basic assumption that the pictureof the present can be projected into the future is the basis of a _____.

E. trend analysis

87. The vertical hierarchy is also known as_____.

C. the chain of command

88. Contingency planning is also known as_____.

D. scenario planning andscenario analysis

89. A defensive strategy is also known asa(n) _____.

A. retrenchment strategy

90. Planning done by first-line managers todetermine how to accomplish specific tasks with available resources within thenext 1 to 52 weeks is known as _____.

E. doing operational planning

91. The process of assigning managerialauthority and responsibility to lower-level managers and employees is known as____.

C. delegation

92. Manner of dress, awards, myths andstories told about the company, and rituals and ceremonies are ____.

A. observable artifactsof organizational culture

93. In the strategic-management process,the final step, maintaining strategic control, is the source of _____.

D. feedback andevaluation

94. Satisficing is the tendency of____.

C. a group to settle ona decision that is "good enough"

95. Writing employee schedules and a listof things to do for the cook is a type of ____.

B. operational planning

96. The mission statement expresses the ____.

B. purpose of theorganization

97. Goal displacement, satisficing, andgroupthink are ____.

C. disadvantages ofgroup decision making

98. Who are our customers? What are ourmajor products or services? In what geographic areas do we compete? These areall questions that are answered in a good _____.

C. mission statement

99. The prospect theory suggests that____.

E. decision makers find the notionof an actual loss more painful than giving up the possibility of a gain

100. The rational model of decision makingis also called the ____ model.

D. classical

101. A standing plan that outlines theresponse to particular problems or circumstances is a(n)

A. procedure.

102. This month, Alice, the branch managerof Quality Computer Sales, has heard several complaints from customers thatQuality employees do not return calls. Today a good customer told Alice that"my phone calls and e-mails are returned after maybe a week or so."Hearing enough, Alice mandated that "all customer phone calls and e-mailsmust be returned within 24 hours." This new directive by Alice is anexample of a(n) _____.

B. policy

103. Bryan Barry suggests that to keep astrategic plan on track, organizations should ____.

A. engage people, keepit simple, stay focused, and keep moving

104. Strategic, tactical, and operationalare the ____.

A. three levels ofplanning

105. Operational planning must be completedby first-line managers every ____, and tactical planning is done by middlemanagement every ____.

C. 1 to 52 weeks; 6 to24 months

106. In the BCG matrix, companies that havehigh growth and high market share, and are definite keepers are ____.

B. stars

107. A choice made from among availablealternatives is a ____.

A. decision

108. Organizations that are formed to offerservices to clients and not make a profit are ____, and those organizationsthat are formed to make money, or profits, by offering products or services are_____.

E. nonprofit organizations;for-profit organizations

109. Helping people focus on criticalproblems, choices, and opportunities is possible through _____.

C. planning andstrategic management

110. In order, the steps of thestrategic-management process are _____.

C. establish the missionand vision; assess the current reality; formulate the grand strategy; implementthe strategy; maintain strategic control

111. The upper management of a largenational retail grocery store has passed along the new goals of improvingcustomer service to the district managers. At this point, the district managersneed to determine how the stores in their district will achieve topmanagement's goal with the given resources during the next 6 to 24 months. Thistype of planning is known as ____.

B. tactical planning

112. With a modular structure, a firm_____.

B. assembles portions ofproduct provided by outside contractors

113. Porter's competitive strategies ofcost-leadership and differentiation focus on ____ markets, and the cost-focusand focused-differentiation strategies focus on ____ markets.

E. wide; narrow

114. While sitting at her desk, Ann issetting goals and deciding how to achieve them. She is ___.

A. planning

115. Regarding decision making, researchhas found that ____.

D. groups make betterdecisions than most individuals acting alone

116. The growth, stability, and defensivestrategies are ____.

E. common grand strategies

117. When people seek information tosupport their point of view and discount data that do not, this is ______bias.

C. confirmation

118. A SWOT analysis is _____.

C. a search for thestrengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats affecting an organization

119. Developing a comprehensive program forlong-term success is the focus of ____.

A. strategic planning

120. A specific commitment to achieve ameasurable result within a stated period of time is a _____.

A. goal

121. After Mary's Gifts and Cards surveyedits customers, it discovered that its customers preferred the company'scompetition more than 70% of the time. The most frequently cited reason wascustomer service. This information will be most helpful to introduce to heremployees during which stage of Lewin's change model?

D. changing

122. Which of the following is notone of the soft skills employers often find lacking in many Millennialapplicants?

B. familiarity withsocial media

123. Which type of workplace discriminationoccurs when an organization uses an employment practice that results inunfavorable outcomes to a protected class?

E. adverse impact

124. Appliance America customer complaintshave increased because its drivers became lost when attempting deliveries andarrived late. The drivers have resisted using GPS systems, claiming they knewtheir territories. But managers are now encouraging them to look for the bestsolution. Appliance America is in the ________ stage of Lewin's changemodel.

B. unfreezing

125. Which of the following statementsabout sexual harassment is true?

B. A person who feels heor she must acquiesce to a sexual proposition to keep his or her job is facinga quid pro quo.

126. ________ is an emotional/behavioralresponse to real or imagined threats to an established work routine.

E. Resistance to change

127. __________________ includes aspectssuch as goodwill, mutual respect, trust, cooperation, and teamwork.

B. Social capital

128. _______________ is the process oflocating and attracting qualified applicants for jobs open in theorganization.

A. Recruiting

129. Sparkling Clean, Inc. is consideringimplementing a system that will pay its cleaning workers based on the number ofcompleted residential jobs, coupled with satisfactory ratings on randominspections to ensure quality. This system is new to the organization, anexample of __________ change.

B. innovative

130. A(n) ___________ is a report listingyour organization's employees by name, education, training, languages, andother important information.

C. human resourceinventory

131. What is the final step in thestrategic human resource management process?

D. Perform appraisals ofpeople.

132. Which of the following is notpart of the strategic human resource management process?

E. Negotiate employment contract.

133. A specialist at UPS who rides with couriers to learn aboutdelivery time measurements and potential service problems is conducting a job__________________.

A. analysis

134. Which of thefollowing circumstances is unlikely to increase the success of OD?

E. goals geared to longterm results

135. The invention of a machine to makeplastic corks for wine bottles has severely affected companies that producetraditional cork. This is an example of a(n) ______ advancement.

C. technological

136. A ______ summarizes what the holder ofthe job does and how and why he or she does it.

D. job description

137. After being referred by a friend,Hasina attended a job interview. She didn't feel it went well, but wassurprised when her friend told her the boss didn't like that she had worn herhijab, a traditional headscarf. The boss told a coworker after the interview,"Our customers prefer working with Christians." This is an example of__________.

B. discrimination

138. _______ is the process by which acompany compares its performance with that of high-performingorganizations.

B. Benchmarking

139. Inside forces for change include whichof the following?

E. low productivity andturnover

140. The increasing diversity of theAmerican workforce is an example of a(n) ______ force for change.

B. demographic

141. Which of the following is not asupertrend shaping the future of business?

B. information becominga competitive advantage.

142. The degree to which a test measuresthe same thing consistently is known as its __________.

A. reliability

143. The Equal Employment OpportunityCommission was established by the _________________ Act.

C. Title VII of theCivil Rights

144. A year after she assisted them inmaking changes to an employee incentive plan, Kara, an OD consultant, isvisiting Thomas Engineering to determine if the changes were helpful. Kara willcompare sales and turnover data from the last three years to the current year.Kara is in the ______ stage of OD.

D. evaluation

145. Studies exploring nurses' perceptionsabout using PDAs in their daily patient practice found initial resistance, withsome nurses concerned about the cost and short technological life cycle ofthese devices. This is an example of the __________ stage of change.

A. unfreezing

146. ____________ includes the activitiesmanagers perform to plan for, attract, develop, and retain an effectiveworkforce.

D. Human resourcemanagement

147. Which piece of legislation firstestablished the U.S. federal minimum wage?

E. Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938

148. The ______________ enforce(s)procedures so employees may vote to have an union and for collectivebargaining.

B. National LaborRelations Board

149. Maria worked in a manufacturingfacility. Throughout the building there were posters and calendars of asexually explicit nature, and they made Maria very uncomfortable. This is__________.

A. a hostile workenvironment

150. Employees are likely to see anadaptive change as __________.

C. least threatening

151. Introducing a practice that is new tothe industry is called a(n) ______ change.

C. radically innovative

152. Joan, a new manager, must enforcesales report deadlines, but her team is struggling. She creates a new system tostreamline the process and helps everyone understand why the deadlines areimportant. This is an example of which force for change?

C. manager's behavior

153. A change that is made in response toarising problems or opportunities is called __________.

D. reactive change

154. Which of the following helps guaranteenonhazardous working conditions for employees?

C. Occupational Safetyand Health Act

155. _____________ is the set of techniquesused for implementing planned change to make people and organizations moreeffective.

B. Organizationaldevelopment

156. ____________ is a change thatrepresents the introduction of a new practice to an organization but one thatis not new to the industry.

C. Innovative change

157. ______________ is the economic orproductive potential of employee knowledge and actions.

A. Human capital

158. Which of the following is not aleading reason that employees resist change?

B. lack of personalethics

159. If a firm gives all international assignments to peoplewithout disabilities, assuming they will therefore not require specialaccommodations, which type of workplace discrimination has occurred?

E. disparate treatment

160. Kotter proposed which of the followingfor organization change?

A. eight steps forleading organizational change

171. _______ is about coping withcomplexity and ______ is about coping with change.

A. Management;leadership

172. Rita is on a team that consists ofmembers who interact by computer network to collaborate on project. She is ona(n) ________.

D. virtual team

173. Lori has been telling everyone in thesales department of her incredible skill as a salesperson, since she beat hergoal this year by nearly 30%. But last year when she didn't even reach hergoal, she said it was simply the economy. This is an example of _____.

E. self-serving bias

174. Karl was put on probation for a stringof customer complaints about his poor service and professionalism. Hissupervisor was using ______ power.

B. coercive

175. ______ is defined as the psychologicalprocesses that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior.

E. Motivation

176. _________, the second stage of teamdevelopment, is characterized by the emergence of individual personalities androles and conflicts within the group.

C. Storming

177. Leadership is the ability to ______employees to pursue organizational goals.

E. influence

178. ______ occurs when we form animpression of an individual based on a single trait.

E. The halo effect

179. The tendency to remember recentinformation better than earlier information is called _____.

E. the recency effect

180. The model that requires a manager toassess her own style and her situational control is _____.

C. Fiedler's contingencymodel

181. A team composed of people fromdifferent departments who are pursuing a common objective is called a_____.

D. cross-functional team

182. Which of the following is notone of the five stages of team development?

E. reforming

183. _____________ is the extent to whichpeople like or dislike themselves.

E. Self-esteem

184. "Do my subordinates accept me asa leader?" This question reflects which of the following dimensions ofsituational control?

A. leader-memberrelations

185. The ______ approach to leadershipattempts to identify distinctive characteristics that account for theeffectiveness of leaders.

D. trait

186. Stable psychological traits andbehavioral attributes that give a person her identity are known as her_____.

B. personality

187. Two or more freely interactingindividuals who share collective norms, share collective goals, and have acommon identity are called a _____.

C. group

188. ______ is the expectation thatsuccessful performance of the task will lead to the desired outcome.

E. Instrumentality

189. According to Herzberg, which of thefollowing is an example of a motivating factor?

A. the work itself

190. To achieve psychological growth,according to the self-determination theory, people need to satisfy the threeinnate needs: competence, autonomy, and _____.

C. relatedness

191. _____________ is the process ofinterpreting and understanding one's environment.

C. Perception

192. Trina is outgoing, warm, and trulyinspirational when she talks about where she wants to lead her division. Heremployees seem eager to do anything she asks. Because of her personality andnot her position, Trina has ______ power.

D. referent

193. According to Herzberg's two-factortheory, only ______ factors can make employees satisfied with their jobs.

C. motivating

194. Who are typical members of continuousimprovement teams?

A. volunteers or workersand supervisors

195. For managers, the importance ofMaslow's contribution is that he showed that workers _____.

C. have needs beyondthat of just earning a paycheck

196. At his review last year, Bryan waspromised a 20% raise if he met his production goals. Raises were included intoday's paychecks, and although Bryan has met all of his goals, he onlyreceived a cost-of-living raise. In the future, Bryan's ______ will probably be______.

D. instrumentality; low

197. Trust is based on _______, which canbe enhanced by showing professionalism, technical ability, and good businesssense.

B. credibility

198. Which of the following is not abenefit of teamwork in an organization?

B. increased stress

199. The statement "I really don'tlike that Ivan got so angry in that meeting" reflects the ______ componentof an attitude.

E. affective

200. The three dimensions of situationalcontrol are leader-member relations, the task structure and _____.

C. position power

201. In recent studies, the genericinfluence tactic that employees cite as most used in the workplace is_____.

E. rational persuasion

202. ________ are abstract ideals thatguide one's thinking and behavior across all situations.

E. Values

203. According to Herzberg's two-factortheory, in the zone between the motivating factors and the hygiene factors,employees are _____.

D. neither satisfied nordissatisfied

204. Workplace stress diminishes all of thefollowing except _____.

E. job turnover

205. Using threats or intimidation topersuade someone is which influence tactic?

B. pressure

206. Content perspectives, also known asneed-based perspectives, include all except which one of the followingtheories?

D. Equity theory

207. The need for status, reputation, andrecognition are part of _____.

C. esteem

208. The statement "Drew is slow toreturn phone calls" reflects the ______ component of an attitude.

E. cognitive

209. Theories that try to understand thethought processes by which people decide how to act are called _____.

D. process perspectives

210. ______ leadership approaches attemptto determine the distinctive styles used by effective leaders.

D. Behavioral

211. A _______ is defined as a small group of people withcomplementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals,and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

E. team

212. If you have a(n) ____________, youbelieve you control your own destiny.

D. internal locus ofcontrol

213. Which of the following is a processperspective on motivation?

D. goal-setting theory

214. _________________ is "the abilityto carry out accurate reasoning about emotions and the ability to use emotionsand emotional knowledge to enhance thought."

E. Emotional intelligence

215. A data processing group is an example ofa(n) _____.

B. production team

216. Of the following, which is the bestway for leaders to cope with change?

D. aligning people

217. Research indicates that women tend todisplay more _____, while men tend to display more ______.

D. social leadership;task leadership

218. Goal-setting theory suggests thatemployees can be motivated by goals that have all of the following characteristicsexcept _____.

D. little or no feedback

219. The tendency to attribute to anindividual the characteristics one believes are typical of the group to whichthat individual belongs is called _____.

A. stereotyping

220. Which of the following is true ofinformal groups?

D. Informal groups canadvance or undercut the plans of formal groups.

221. Which of the following is most likelyto be considered an action team that requires people with specialized trainingand a high degree of coordination?

B. an airline cockpitcrew

222. Which of the following is the best wayto manage virtual teams?

B. Focus on what isaccomplished, not hours or locations.

223. ______ involves division of anorganization's work and applies motivational theories to jobs to increasesatisfaction and performance.

D. Job design

224. Maslow's levels of needs, in orderfrom lowest (most basic) to highest level, are _____.

E. physiological, safety,love, esteem, and self-actualization

225. Which of the following is notone of the Big Five personality dimensions?

A. tolerance forambiguity

226. Administrative oversight given toself-managed teams does not typically include _____.

E. initiating change

227. Self-managed teams are groups ofworkers who have been given ______ for their task domains.

C. administrativeoversight

228. __________ is the extent to whichpeople feel secure and unworried and how likely they are to experience negativeemotions under pressure.

E. Emotional stability

229. Which of the following is notone of the five sources of power?

D. appearance

230. Anar congratulated her staff when theteam received an industry award for their project, and also sent a companywidee-mail announcing it. Here, Anar is using her ______ power.

B. reward

Efficiencyand effectiveness means to use resources—people, money, raw materials, and thelike—wisely and cost effectively.


1. The management functions are sometimes called the six managementparts.


1. When Paul, a new restaurant owner, is determining which productsto offer on his menu, he is involved in the management function of planning.


1. Controlling is the arranging of jobs, people, and otherresources to accomplish tasks and responsibilities.


1. George is developing a new employee schedule for his lawn careservice due to the increase in business during the summer. While doing this,George is involved in organizing.


1. Max Weber believed that a company that is a bureaucracy neverachieves a competitive advantage because it is inefficient and is plagued withmanagement problems.


1. The managers of a restaurant have decided to utilize theHawthorne effect to increase productivity, which means using cameras to filmemployees at work in order to isolate the parts of a job.


1. The human relations movement was based on increasing sales byutilizing improved marketing and customer service techniques with customers.


1. Abraham Maslow said that all customers and their needs are equalin importance.


1. Theory Y managers are pessimistic and have a negative view ofemployees. This type of manager believes that workers are irresponsible, lackambition, and hate work.


1. A social audit is a systematic assessment of employee happinesswithin a company.


1. A distributor is a person or an organization that helps anothercompany sell its goods and services to customers. Distributors are consideredexternal stakeholders.


1. The macroenvironment, which includes sociocultural, demographic,political-legal and international forces, cannot easily be controlled by organizations.


1. To save money, Paul, the owner of a struggling restaurantproduce supplier, has been considering reducing the amount of produce in somecases delivered to busy restaurants, knowing the customers will probably nevernotice. This decision is an example of an ethical dilemma.


1. Tom, the CEO of a large landscaping company, has been studyingan article in a business publication that instructs managers how to increaseprofits through boosting worker efficiency. This is the aim of corporate socialresponsibility, which states that it is the responsibility of corporations tobe profitable even if the other goals in the community are not met.


1. In discussing Americans as global citizens, Keith Reinhard fromthe nonprofit group Business for Diplomatic Action said, “Globally, Americansare viewed by the world as quiet humanitarians striving for equality andaccord."


1. The global village refers to the “shrinking” of time and spaceas air travel and the electronic media have made it easier for people worldwideto communicate with one another.


1. During the annual planning meeting, Alexandria, president of aFortune 500 company, discussed with the upper management the strategic goal ofexpanding company operations across the globe. This long-term vision byAlexandria is an example of e-commerce.


1. Alan, a retired doctor, is interested in starting a nonprofitorganization that will include doctors and other medical professionals whotravel to low income areas in the United States and internationally to assistwith medical needs and open hospitals. Alan’s organization is an example of amultinational organization.


1. Maquiladoras are manufacturing plants allowed to operate inMexico with special privileges in return for employing Mexican citizens.


1. There is little proof that writing out goals helps an individualfeel more confident and energetic when entering a new group.


1. To start work every day, David sits down and sets his goals forthe day and then he decides how to achieve them, formulating future courses ofaction to achieve the specified results. This is the definition of planning.


1. A business plan is a tool used by the federal government todetermine how to strengthen the business sector through macroeconomics andmicroeconomics.


1. Strategic management is a process in the formulation,implementation, and execution of strategies and strategic goals to advance thepurposes of the organization.


1. Prior to opening his business, Sal, the owner of The ItalianKitchen, is writing a document that explains the reason for his business. Thisstatement would be a part of his mission statement.


1. A sustainable competitive advantage is the ability of anorganization to perform the tasks it normally does well in the same way eachtime to perfect those activities.


1. Johnson’s Fruit Farm is one of several stores in the countywhere customers can purchase locally grown fruits and vegetables. However, Mrs.Johnson also offers weekly workshops in her store on topics such as canning,healthy eating, and how to grow a garden, which no other store in the countydoes. By offering these unique workshops, the Johnsons are engaging instrategic positioning.


1. The organizational-management process consists of seven steps:(1) doing research, (2) establishing the mission and vision, (3) assessing thecurrent reality, (4) formulating the grand strategy, (4) implementing thestrategy, (6) maintaining strategic control, and (7) maintaining the feedbackloop.


1. Several studies found that strategic planning does not benefitsmaller companies, as they very seldom see improvements in financialperformance from this type of planning.


1. Sue and Jane Smith are writing the vision for their newconsignment shop. Because they want their employees and business to grow andreach goals, like all organization visions, it should be positive andinspiring, pushing their organization and the workers to achieve goals thatthey believe are not possible.


1. Donald, the owner of a popular restaurant, is a religious man,and he needs to make a decision on whether he will add beer and wine to hismenu, based on the recommendations of his chefs and others. When confronted with a choice when making a decision, he tends to makehis decisions based on his beliefs, even if evidence shows those beliefs are wrong.If his beliefs favor not serving alcohol in his café, according to theprior-hypothesis bias he would choose not to add beer and wine to his menu.


1. Decision making is the process of identifying and choosing individualswho can assist with looking at alternative choices.


1. Technology Specialists is anorganization specializing in highly specialized technology software, but theyfound that their original business idea is not working. Rather than failing asa company, they chose a new direction and rewrote their business plan.Technology Specialists is an example of how managers need to think and act asif their organization is an unfinished prototype that won’t be ruined bydangerous new ideas or it is impossible to change.


1. Research shows that most managers havecharacteristics that fall into two or three decision-making styles, and thatdecision-making styles vary across occupations, job level, and countries.


1. Being aware of your decision-makingstyle does not really help a person determine his or her strengths andweaknesses as a decision maker, but it can help them understand when a decisionneeds to be made.


1. The IT network that allows for themovement of organizational information within that company is known as theorganizational structure.


1. Thomas, an employee for a governmentcontractor, likes the strict culture that he finds with ABC Industries, whichsupplies equipment parts to several government bases. There is very littlefocus on the external environment and little company flexibility due to thetype of customers they serve. Since the product they sell needs littleimprovement and there is virtually no competition, few are risks taken. This isan example of an adhocracy culture.


1. Organizational culture appears as fivelayers: observable artifacts, espoused values, basic assumptions, informalgroups, and management groups.


1. Hannah, the youngest owner of afamily-owned grocery, wants to make sure her company’s culture is embedded intheir organization. In a recent tradeshow workshop, she learned that she can dothis by having company rites and rituals, continuing to tell stories aboutcompany legends, and being a role model to her employees.


1. According to Chester I. Barnard, anorganization is made up of at least one person who strives daily to achieve theorganization’s goals.


1. Arbitration is the process in which a neutral third party, amediator, listens to both sides in a dispute, makes suggestions, and encouragesthem to agree on a solution.


1. The purpose of the strategic human resource management processis to get optimal work performance to help realize the company’s mission andvision.


1. Because of globalization and information technology, the UnitedStates has an advantage in knowledge workers.


1. Three types of selection tools, including backgroundinformation, interviewing, and social media tests, help predict how well thecandidate will perform the job and how long he or she will stay.


1. In sexual harassment, the harasser may be a(n) outsider,coworker, supervisor, or someone of the same sex.


1. Innovation happens in a "Eureka!" moment and it can besystematized.


1. Adaptive change is the introduction of a practice that is new tothe organization.

1. The value of Kotter’s steps for leading organizational change isthat they provide specific recommendations about behaviors that managers needto exhibit to successfully lead organizational change.


1. Organizational development managers and consultants follow amoving vehicle model.


1. OD intervention strategies that are successful in one countryare highly likely to be successfully applied in other countries.


1. A person who scores high on the openness to experiencepersonality dimension is typically relaxed, secure, and unworried.


1. According to one study, middle-aged male employees tend to havestable attitudes toward their work, even when they change jobs.


1. Belittling the importance of the inconsistent behavior is oneway to reduce cognitive dissonance.


1. Thought is the process of interpreting and understanding one'senvironment.


1. Employee engagement is defined as an individual’s involvement,satisfaction, and enthusiasm for work.


1. According to Maslow, office parties, company softball teams, andmanagement retreats provide self-actualization needs.


1. According to the acquired needs theory, those who tend to seeksocial approval and satisfying personal relationships may have a highneed for affiliation.


1. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, taking a sabbaticalleave to further personal growth is an example of the self-actualization need.


1. Goal-setting theory suggests that employees can be motivated bygoals that are specific and challenging, but achievable.


1. There are two different approaches to job design. Thetraditional approach to job design is to fit people to the jobs; the modern wayis to fit the jobs to the people.


1. Members of a group that are asking “What’s next?” are in theperforming stage of team development.


1. Teams with nine or fewer members have better interaction andmorale, yet they also have fewer resources, are possibly less innovative, andmay have work unevenly distributed among members.


1. The tendency of people to exert more effort when working ingroups than when working alone is known as social loafing.


1. The Abilene paradox is the tendency of people to go along withothers for the sake of avoiding conflict.


1. Stereotyping the opposition, rationalization, and peer pressureare symptoms of groupthink.


1. According to John Kotter, management is about coping withcomplexity.


1. Authority is the extent to which a person is able to influenceothers so they respond to orders.


1. Narcissism is a key positive leadership trait.


1. A possible explanation for the limited number of women holdingexecutive leadership positions is that women typically do not aspire to beCEOs.


1. The primary purpose of relationship-oriented leadership behavioris to ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in anefficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization.


1. Setting and time are two ways nonverbal communication isexpressed.


1. An example of a norm of the Millennial or Internet Generation isfreedom, the desire to experience new and different things. This norm takesprecedence over long-term commitments, and is expressed in a desire forflexible work hours and locations, to have a say in how things are done, andfor freedom of choice.


1. The unofficial communication system of the informalorganization, a system of gossip and rumor, is known as jargon.


1. People who enjoy the social camaraderie of the office settingwill probably like telecommuting.


1. One violation of privacy is identity theft, a downside of thedigital age.


1. A company that determines the acceptable number of consumercomplaints it will expect for the upcoming year has set a statistical target.


1. Management by measurement is a control principle that statesthat managers should be informed of a situation only if data show a significantdeviation from standards.


1. Aspart of their strategic control of the organization, the CEO and seniormanagers at Ford review the daily performance of the company’s suppliers todetermine which should be kept.


1. Bureaucratic control attempts to elicit employee complianceusing strict rules, a rigid hierarchy, well-defined job descriptions, andadministrative mechanisms such as budgets, performance appraisals, andcompensation schemes.
