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129 Cards in this Set

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What are the main characteristics of living things?

Living things are made of cells, require energy, reproduce, maintain homeostasis, are organized, respond to the environment, grow & develop, and exchange materials with surroundings.

What are the levels of organization (living and nonliving)?

Non-living: Atom, molecules, organelles

Living: Cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism

What are the 3 parts of the cell theory?

a. All living things are made of cells

b. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in an organism.

c. Cells come from the reproduction of existing cells (cell division).

What must be used to view most cells?

the microscope

What are the three basic types of cells?

Animal cells, plant cells, and bacterial cells

What is a unicellular organism?

Unicellular organisms are composed of one cell.

What is a multicellular organism?

A multicellular organism is composed on many cells that many organize into tissues.

How big do cells usually range from?

5-50 micrometers in size.

Which is larger, a plant cell, an animal cell, or a bacterial cell?

plant cell

Which is smallest, a plant cell, an animal cell, or a bacterial cell?

bacterial cell

Cells in multicellular organisms often specialize. What does this mean?

This means that they take on different shapes and functions by turning on and off certain genes.

Give several examples of specialized animal cells.

Muscle cells, cheek cells, red blood cells

How do cells specialize in the multicellular organisms? What is another name for this process?

Cells specialize in multicellular organisms by turning different genes on and off. Another name for this process is called differentiation.

List the 3 non-living levels of life in order from simplest to most complex.

atoms ---> molecules ---> organelles

At what level does life begin?

Life begins in cells

What are tissues?

Tissues are similar cells working together.

What are organs?

Organs are different tissues working together.

What makes up an organ system?

Different organs working together makes up an organ system.

Organ systems working together make up an ______


What is a prokaryote and give an example

Prokaryotes are cells that lack a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. ex. single circular chromosomes

Describe the hereditary material of a bacterial cell.

Single, circular, chromosome

DNA is located in the _______ region of a prokaryote, while the cell _________ and cell _____ surround the outside of the cell.

DNA is located in the nucleoid region of a prokaryote, while the cell membrame and cell wall surround the outside of the cell.

What makes up the cell wall of bacteria?


What organelle without a membrane is found in bacteria and what is its function?

Ribosomes are organelles without membranes are found in bacteria, and they make proteins.

What are eukaryotes, and give two examples

Eukaryotes are cells that have a nucleus and membrane-bound organnes ex. fungi, protists, plants, animals

Which is more complex --- prokaryotes or eukaryotes?

Eukaryotes are more complex than prokaryotes.

Name 3 basic parts of all eukaryotic cells.


-cell membrane

-cytoplasm with organelles

What are organelles and where are they found?

Organelles perform various functions for a cell and are found in the cytoplasm.

Do all organelles have a membrane?


What is another name for the cell membrane?

Plasma membrane

The cell membranes are made of a double layer of ______ and ______.

The cell membranes are made of a double layer of phospholipids and proteins.

The cell membrane surrounds the outside of _____ cells.

The cell membrane surrounds the outside of all cells.

What is the function of the cell membrane?

The cell membrane controls what enters and leaves the cell.

Is the cell membrane living or non-living?

The cell membrane is living.

What makes up the head of a phospholipid?

Glycerol and phosphate make up the heads of a phospholipid.

What makes up the tails of a phospholipid?

Fatty acids make up the tails of a phospholipid.

Phospholipids make up a ______ with the ______ pointing ________ toward each other.

Phospholipids make up a bilayer with the tails pointing inward toward each other.

Phospholipid heads attract water and are said to be __________

Phospholipid heads attract water and are said to be hydrophilic.

Tails that repel water are said to be ______.

Tails that repel water are said to be hydrophobic.

Name small molecules that can move easily through the phospholipid bilayer.

oxygen, carbon dioxide, water

What is the function(s) of membrane proteins?

Membrane proteins help move large molecules or aid in cell recognition.

What is the difference between peripheral and integral proteins?

Peripheral proteins are attached on the surface (inner or outer), but integral proteins are embedded completely through the membrane.

What are glycoproteins and what is their purpose?

Glycoproteins have carbohydrate tails to act as markers for cell recognition.

Where is the cell membrane in plants found?

The cell membrane in plants lies immediately against the cell wall.

If the cell membrane pulls away from the cell wall whenever the cell loses water, what happens to the plant cell?

The cell wall does not get affected.

Is the cell wall a living or a nonliving layer?

The cell wall is a nonliving layer.

Name three types of cells with cell walls around them.

Plant, bacteria, fungi

What makes up the cell wall of plants?

Cellulose makes up the cell wall in plants.

What makes up the cell wall in bacteria?

Peptydoglycan makes up the cell wall in bacteria.

What makes up the cell wall in fungi?

Chitin makes up the cell wall in fungi.

What does the cell wall do?

The cell wall supports and protects the cell.

What is cytoplasm?

The cytoplasm is a jelly-like substance enclosed by cell membrane.

What takes place inside the cytoplasm?

Chemical reactions take place inside the cytoplasm.

What are found inside the cytoplasm in a cell?

Organelles are found inside the cytoplasm in a cell.

What type(s) of cells have cytoplasm?

All cells have cytoplasm.

What is the function of the nucleus?

The nucleus controls the normal activities of the cell; the nucleus is basically the brain of the cell.

______ makes up the chromosomes inside the _______.

DNA makes up the chromosomes inside the nucleus.

What surrounds the nucleus?

The nuclear membrane surrounds the nucleus.

What is the purpose of nuclear pores?

Nuclear pores make materials enter and leave the nucleus.

What is the nucleus so easy to see through a microscope?

The nucleus is so easy to see through a microscope because it is usually the largest organelle in a cell.

Chromosomes contain _____ that control the characteristics of the cell.

Chromosomes contain genes that control the characteristics of the cell.

Describe the nuclear envelope.

The nuclear envelope is double membrane surrounding the nucleus, and has nuclear pores.

The nuclear envelope is connected to the __________________ of the cell.

The nuclear envelope is connected to the rough endoplasmic reticulum of the cell.

In non-dividing cells, DNA is _______ out and appears as a mass called __________.

In non-dividing cells, DNA is spread out and appears as a mass called chromatin.

In dividing cells, DNA is _______ and wraps around _______ to form visible ____________.

In dividing cells, DNA is condensed and wraps around proteins to form visible chromosomes.

__________ is the hereditary material of thee cell.

DNA is the hereditary material of the cell.

Where is the nucleolus located?

The nucleolus is located inside the nucleus.

Cells may have __________ nucleoli, but the ________ when the cell divides and reappear later.

Cells may have 1 to 3 nucleoli, but they disappear when the cell divides and then reappear later.

What is the job of the nucleolus?

The nucleolus makes ribosomes that make proteins.

______ make proteins for the cell.

Ribosomes make proteins for the cell.

Give two functions of the cytoskeleton.

1. It helps cells maintain cell shape

2. It helps move organelles around.

The cytoskeleton is made of ________

The cytoskeleton is made of proteins.

_________ are threadlike proteins in the cytoskeleton, while ________ are tubelike proteins.

Microfilaments and threadlike proteins in the cytoskeleton, while microtubules are tubelike proteins.

_______ is the protein in microfilaments, while _______ is the protein in microtubules.

Actin is the protein in microfilaments, while tubulin is the protein in microtubiles.

__________ are found in only animal cells.

Centrioles are found in only animal cells.

Centrioles come in _____________ and are found near the nucleus.

Centrioles come in paired structures and are found near the nucleus.

Centrioles are made of a bundle of ________.

Centrioles are made of a bundle of microtubules.

What is the function of the centrioles?

They help to pull chromosome pairs apart to opposite ends of the cell.

The _______ is the powerhouse of the cell and generates ____________________ or ATP.

The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and generates cellular energy or ATP.

Do all cells have the same number of mitochondria? Explain.

No, all cells don't have the same number of mitochondria. More active cells like muscle cells have more mitochondria.

Which cell(s) have mitochrondria --- plant, animal, bacteria?

Plant and animal cells have mitochondria.

What process takes place inside the mitochondria? What is being burned?

Cellular respiration takes place inside the mitochondria. Glucose is burned.

Mitochondria are surrounded by a ______ membrane and has its own _____.

Mitochondria are surrounded by a double membrane and has its own DNA.

Describe the membrane of the mitochondria. What is it called?

The inner membrane of the mitochondria is called 'cristae.' It increases surface area for more chemical reactions.

The _______ is the interior compartment of the mitochondria.

The matrix is the interior compartment of the mitochondria.

From where do YOU get your mitochondria?

One inherits their mitochondria from their mother.

What is the energy produced when mitochondria burns glucose?


What is the endoplasmic reticulum?

The ER is a network of hollow membrane tubules that connects to nuclear envelope and cell membrane. It functions in synthesis of cell products and transport.

ER is connected to what 2 other membranes?

Nuclear envelope and cell membrane.

ER functions in _____________ of cell products and in _________ of these products.

ER functions in synthesis of cell products and in transport of these products.

Why is rough ER rough?

Rough ER is rough because of the ribosomes on the surface.

Proteins made by rough ER are for _______ out of the cell.

Proteins made by rough ER are for export out of the cell.

Proteins are made in ________ on the rough ER surface and then ____________ into the interior of the ER to be modified and transported.

Proteins are made in ribosomes on the rough ER surface and then threaded into the interior of the ER to be modified and transported.

___________ ER lacks ribosomes and is attached to the ends of the ______________.

Smooth ER lacks ribosomes and is attached to the ends of the rough ER.

Cell products made by smooth ER are for sure ______ the cell.

Cell products made by smooth ER are for use inside the cell.

What are 3 functions of the smooth ER?

1. makes membrane lipds (steroids)

2. regulates calcium ( muscle cells)

3. destroys toxic substances (liver)

What are three things that made up the endomembrane transport system in a cell?

The nuclear membrane connected to the ER connected to the cell membrane make up the endomembrane transport system in a cell.

Ribosomes are made of ______ and ______ and function as ____________ factories.

Ribosomes are made of proteins and rRna and function as protein factories.

Ribosomes join ____________ to make proteins through a process called ___________.

Ribosomes join amino acids to make proteins through a process called protein photosynthesis.

Where are free ribosomes found in a cell?


____________ look like stacks of flattened sacs and have shipping or _____ face and a receiving or ___________ face.

Golgi bodies look like stacks of flattened sacs and have shipping or trans face and a receiving or cis face.

Proteins that end up being modified inside the golgi come from _________.

Proteins that end up being modified inside the Golgi come from the endoplasmic reticulum.

How do proteins get from the ER to Golgi and from Golgi to the cell membrane?

Proteins get from the ER to the Golgi and from the Golgi to the cell membrane through transport vesicles.

What is found inside lysosomes?

Digestive enzymes are found inside lysosomes.

Lysosomes break down _____, _______, and _______.

Lysosomes break down food, bacteria, and worn out cell parts for cells.

_________ is programmed cell death. Which organelle is programmed for this destruction?

Autolysis is programmed cell death. Lysosomes are programmed for it.

Digestion is the function of what organelle?

Digestion is the function of the lysosomes.

Both cilia and flagella function in ________ and are made of _________.

Both cilia and flagella function in moving cells and are made of protein tubes.

Give 3 functions of cilia and flagella.

A. Moving cells

B. Moving Fluids

C. Small particles across the cell surface.

Compare the number and length of cilia with that of flagella.

Cilia is shorter, more numerous in cells, but flagella is longer, 1-3 fewer cells.

Give an example of a body system that would use cilia for moving materials away from cells.

Respiratory system

____________ are fluid-filled sacs for _____.

Vacuoles are fluid-filled sacs for storage.

Do animal cells have vacuoles? Explain.

Vacuoles are very small and sometimes absent in animal cells.

Where is cell sap found inside plants?


What is cell sap made of?

sugars, proteins, minerals, lipids, wastes, salts, water, and enzymes.

What organisms contain contractile vacuoles and what is their function?

Unicellular protists like paramecia contain contractile vacuoles. Its function is to regulate water intake by pumping out excess and bursting.

What would happen to a paramecium if the contractile vacuole stopped?

The cell would burst.

What pigment is found inside chloroplasts? What is the function of chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is a green pigment that helps in the process of photosynthesis.

Chloroplasts are found in what type of organisms?

They are found in producers (organisms containing chlorophyll).

Where is the energy of sunlight stored inside of sugars?

Chemical bonds of sugars.

How many membranes are around a chloroplast?


The outer membrane of the chloroplast is ______, while the inner membrane is modified into sacs called _________.

The outer membrane of the chloroplast is smooth, while the inner membrane is modified into sacs called thylakoids.

Thylakoids are in stacks called ____ that are _____ to each other.

Thylakoids are in stacks called Grana that are interconnected to each other.

What pigment is inside thylakoids?

Chlorophyll is inside thylakoids.

Chloroplasts contain their own ____ like the mitochondria so they can reproduce themselves.

Chloroplasts contain their own DNA like the mitochondria so they can reproduce themselves.

Beside pigments, what else is found inside the chloroplasts that is needed for photosynthesis?

Enzymes are also found inside chloroplasts, and are needed for photosynthesis.

Name the food making process that takes place inside of the chloroplast.


Which cells NEVER have chloroplasts?

Animal cells, fungi cells, and bacteria cells never have chloroplasts.

Why are all cells about the same size?

All cells are about the same size because when the surface area is no longer great enough to get rid of all the wastes and to get in enough food and water, then the cell must divide.