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11 Cards in this Set

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Considerations for planning effective presentations

1.) Presentation Purpose

2.) Length of Presentation

3.) Target Audience

4.) Presentation Methodologies

5.)Critical Areas - Time parameters must be met -

Must model the appropriate behaviors, skills and attitudes

- Maintain a safe classroom at all times

Presentation techniques

Using your voice

The words you say

Gesturing and body language

Confidence and enthusiasm

Effective eye contact

Professionalism at all times


Training AIDS

Using your voice.

Volume and Rate of Speech - Speak in a clear voice - Use the appropriate volume - Rate of speech (155-160 wpm)Pitch - Use varying pitch to keep from being monotone

Gesturing and body language

Avoid distracting gestures such as rattling keys/change, fidgeting, wringing hands, pacing/swaying, rapid breathing or being too tense.

Confidence and enthusiasm

The first 90 SECONDS of your presentation sets the tone for the entire lesson.Enthusiasm will engage and capture students

Effective eye contact

Approachable: comes across as sincerely interested in the student. Feedback: provides quick gauge of student's level of comprehension


Ask general questions to check for understandingAsk directed questions (APC Method)

Is training aids

Training aids should serve a purpose, be neat and attractive, devoid of distractions and they should be able to be seen and heard. Use/distribute training aids at appropriate times

Other considerations

Dealing with interruptions - Address the issue quickly and get back on trackMissing a Point - Don't draw attention to your error, instead, at the first opportunity, cover the materialNo Apologies - If you start a class with apologies, your credibility will come into question.Breaks - Adequate breaks will increase retention and keep students o more alert.

A p c method




Prescribe presentation format.

1. Introduction: 5mina. Opening statementb. Performance objectives c. Reasons for learning

1. Introduction: 5mina. Opening statementb. Performance objectives c. Reasons for learning2. Body 40 min3. Conclusion- 5mina. Summaryb. Questions from classc. Closing statement

2. Body 40 min

3. Conclusion- 5min

a. Summaryb. Questions from classc. Closing statement