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99 Cards in this Set

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Long Chain of Monomers


Polymers made from a singe type of monomer a-a-a-a-a-a-a


Polymers made from two types of monomers

Random copolymer


Alternating copolymer


Block(diblock) copolymer


Block(triblock) copolymer


Graft copolymer

Linear polymer

Branched polymer

Network polymer

Solubility of Linear polymer?

Usually soluble

Solubility of branched polymer?

Usually soluble

Solubility of Network polymer?

May swell but will not dissolve




Glass transition temperature

Amorphous Thermoplastics

Semi-crystalline thermoplastics(SCT)

Molar Mass (M)(polymer context)


mass of 1 mole of polymer chains gmol⁻¹

M = xM₀ or M = nM₀

Degree of Polymerisation, (x or n)
Number of monomer per polymer chain

Molar mass of a polymer chain with i repeat units

Total number of polymer molecules of molar mass Mi

Polydispersity index (PDI)

What do you understand by molecular weight distribution?

What do Mn and Mw mean relative to each other?

What is step growth polymerisation?

What is chain growth polymerisation?

What is a Polyester?

Polymer with units joined by ester groups, typically formed by the condensation (elimination)reaction between an diacid and a dialcohol or compound with one acid and one alcohol
What is a Polycondensation reaction?
A Step growth polymeraisation reaction involving the condensation (elimination reaction) between monomers (acid and alcohol)
What is polyaddition?

What is Carothers theory?(full, can ignore)

What is Carothers theory valid for?
Valid for RA₂ + RB₂ polymerisation in which there are equal numbers of A and B functional groups
Inplications of Carothers theory?

Number average degree of polymerisation
What is the number average degree of polymerisation? (equation)

What is p?
Extent of reaction.
What is extent of reaction? (equation)

What is Carothers Theory?
Method of anaylsis for predicting the molar mass of polymers prepared by step growth polymerisation
Carothers Equation?

How is number average molar mass related to degree of polymerisation?

How do we get the mean molar mass of a monomer unit?

What is Carothers theory restricted to?

What allows the prediction of size distributions?
Statistical theory(Flory)
What is statistical theory?

What does statistical theory give us?
allows us to predict the most probably weight fraction distribution at various extents of reaction p
Discuss Chain growth mechanisms?

describe polymerisations in which the polymer chain grows only by reaction between monomer and a reactive end group at the growing chain end.
Steps of Chain growth?

initiation, propagation and termination
Types of chain growth mechanisms?

Free radical

controlled free radical (ATRP, RAFT, NMP)

Anionic polymerisation

cationic polymerisation

ring opening polymerisation

coordination polymerisation

ring opening metathesis polymerisation

Discuss initiation?

usually two steps:

i) Formation of free radicals from an initiator by homolytic scission of a single bond (heat or light) or single electron transfer (redox)

ii) addition of initiating radical to monomer

What is the general structure of of monomers polymerised by free radical polymerisation?

How is homolysis achieved?

Homolysis/thermolysis can be achieved with compounds containing peroxide or azo (-N=N-) linkages

Thermolysis occurs at 50-100⁰C,

Photolysis, or single electron transfer is used when low temp required

Discuss single electron transfer?

Which mode of single electron transfer dominates?
depends on steric hindrance, and the stability of the resulting radical


discuss chain transfer?

Discuss transfer constants?

transfer constants increase with ease of bond cleavage and stability of radical
Discuss autoacceleration?

AKA gel effect occurs when conc of monomer is high,

-during reaction viscosity increases

=>reduced mobility of chains

=>termination becomes diffusion controlled - kt decreases

=> propagation unaffected - monomer molecules are mobile

+ polymerisation is exothermic => speeds up reaction

+ viscocity makes dissipation of energy difficult

=> explosion

Discuss Living (Anionic) Polymerisation?

Well controlled, predictable reproducible, low polydispersity, structural homogeneiety

-no inherant termination reaction

Free radical v anionic polymerisation?

Experimental criteria for living polymerisation?

1) constant number of active centres

2) polymerisation proceeds until all monomer has been consumed

3) Mn is a linear function of conversion

4)Mn controlled by the stoichiometry

5) Narrow molecular weight distribution

6) block copolymers by sequential addition of monomers

7) chain-end functionalization by controlled termination is quantitative

Why is Mn controlled by the stoichiometry of reaction for living polymerisation?

Why have living polymerisations got narrow molecular weight distribution?

Random coils?

random coil describes a polymer conformation, where the monomer sub units are arranged randomly (but bonded)

-statistical distribution of shapes for all the polymer chains instead of a single specific shape

-polymer chains are dynamic

-polymer chains in solution or in the amorphous regions of solid state assume (approximate) random coils


as the back bone of a coil becomes stiffer it will be come a rod
Contour lengeth?

simplest measure of chain dimension

- length of the polymer chain along its back bone

contour length = nL where n = number of bonds and l = length of bond

Fully extended end to end distance?

nl cos(90-θ/2)

Root mean square end-to-end distance?

Freely jointed chain model

RMS vs contour length?

RMS is a factor of n¹/² smaller
RMS radius of gyration?

Valence angle model?

Isomeric state theory?

Chain stiffness/ characteristic ratio?

Excluded volume?

Environmental effects upon polymer?

solvent effects on polymer?

In dilute solution there are no polymer-polymer interactions

- in a good solvent, favourable solvent-polymer interactions

=> α > 1 = > polymer expands from unperturbed dimensios

-bad solvent

=> α≤ 1 => polymer collapes often precipitating

Theta conditions?

When polymer-solvent interactions are suffcient to cancel polymer segment - polymer segment interactions

α = 1

solvent is called a theta solvent

solvents can be good, bad or theta depending on temp


-polymer behaves as a viscous liquid

-individual chains posses enough thermal energy to flow past each other

-polymer has a high degree of free volume


-Individual chains no longer able to flow

-polymer has much reduced free volume => no space to move

-polymer becomes stiff and glassy

what physical properties change when a polymer passes through Tg

Mechanical properties (solid to liquid)

refractive index

heat capacity

thermal expansion

First order and second order transitions?

First order transition - change in a fundamental thermodynamic property (like H or V)

second order transition - change in a first derivative e.g. Cp =(dH/dT), α = 1/V (dV/dT)

α = volume thermal expansion coefficient

Specific Volume and free volume around Tg
fractional free volume?

Dependence of Tg upon chemical structure?

1) flexible backbones give low Tg (unhindered rotation)

2) polymers with bulk side groups inclease Tg by restricting bond rotation => stiff chain

3) polymers with flexible side groups decrease Tg by increasing free volume

4) polymers with polar side groups increase Tg due to increased interactions

5) block and graft copolymers have multiple distinct values of Tg, while random / altenating have one Tg

Dependence of Tg upon molar mass?

methods of measuring Tg?

Refractive index vs T,

Specific Volume vs T,

Heat capacity ( DSC),

mechanical properties DMA

Differential scanning calorimetry?

Two heaters heat two pans at the same heating rate, sample pan has to work harder, DSC measures how much more heat is required plot difference v Temp,

Dynamic mechanical analysis?

mearuser variation in mechanical properties as a function of force, strain, frequency, time and temperature

(applying a constant fonce and varying T allows Tg to be measured

(more sensitive than DSC)

Discuss Thermoplastic elastomers?

at room temp: -elastomeric rubbery networks

- can be stretched,


-posses crosslinks

at elevated temp:- thermoplastics

-tehy can be heated and processed

-cooled and then reheated

explain thermoplastic elastomers?

crosslinks are not permanent covalent bonds but reversible physical crosslinks
Phase separation of polymers?

polymer blends -macrophase separation upon cooling from melt

block copolymers - microphase separation on cooling

methods of multiblock synthesis?


sequential addition of monomers

sequential additino of monomers difunctional initiator